Dem vs Dem

"Eighty percent of New Hampshire's votes are counted by computers, while the other 20 percent, mostly votes in smaller or more rural areas, are counted manually. Activists looking into the possibility of theft thus took a straightforward investigative approach: Did the results in hand-count areas match up with the results in machine-count areas? If the results do match, you can pretty much definitively say that the election was not stolen.

But the counts don't match. A number of amateur analysts have pored over the results, each using slightly varying methods, and they've all found some difference in the results from hand-count areas versus those from places where votes were counted by machine.

To some activists, this suggests fraud; the thinking is that Hillary Clinton's margin in machine-count areas is the product of hacking, while Obama's hand-count win represents the true result."

"there were anomalies in the numbers that have some people suggesting something else: vote fraud.

What has had eyebrows raised is a significant discrepancy between the vote counts done by voting machine, and the ones done by hand.

The machine tally was Clinton 39.6 per cent, Obama 36.3 per cent - fairly close to the final outcome. But the hand-counted ballot count broke significantly differently: Clinton 34.9 per cent, Obama 38.6 per cent.

Could something have happened in those machines to shift some votes away from Obama or some of the other candidates in the race, and over to the Clinton total?

If all the votes cast had split the way the hand counts split, Obama would have won New Hampshire by over 10,000 votes, instead of losing to Clinton by about 5500 votes."

On March 1,2008, the Dallas Morning News published an article with excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s Texas caucus training material.

“The control of the sign-in sheets and the announcement of the delegates allotted to each candidate are the critical functions of the Chair and Secretary. This is why it is so important that Hillary supporters hold these positions.”

"the Daily Texan published an article showing three cases of possible voter fraud at the Jester Center caucus."

“At least three students who signed the list verified that the candidates attached to their names were not the candidates they voted for. It was also reported that Hillary herself instructed around 200 of her caucus leaders."


"Hillary supporters were handing out the fake ballots in front of polling places all over Philadelphia."

"At the polling place I was at, the guy handing them out was standing right in front of the door as people walked in to go vote. You couldn't get past him without taking one."

"He gave me a hard time when I tried to take his picture, but he immediately disappeared after I turned my back on him to call."

"The "ballot" itself says "official", and is obviously meant to confuse or hoodwink people into voting for hillary clinton."

"I called the board of elections, but all they did was take my name and ask me to mail them pictures and the fake ballot. They weren't interested in sending a cop out to stop voter fraud. I tried to talk to someone higher up, but they said that "Bob Lee", the voter registration Administrator was already gone for the day. GONE - for the day !?!?!?!? It was 7PM, the polls were still open for another hour."

"Hillary and Bill Clinton are not above committing anything. Yes, in my opinion she is trying to commit voter fraud by stealing the election from Obama, who is the clear winner.
Her logic appears to be one sided, but then look who she is married to, like husband, like wife.
According to the numbers, Obama is the clear winner. However, when dealing with The Clinton Machine, anything can happen. It is not over until it is over. If there is anything that Hillary can do, she will do it, regardless of the consequences. Bill has never understood "NO." Even when he was impeached, he did not leave his office like another president would have.
This is just "typical" of Hillary."

"Democrats ignore that it was only last week they argued before the Supreme Court that an Indiana law requiring voters show ID at the polls would reduce voter turnout and disenfranchise minorities. Nevada allies of Hillary Clinton have just sued to shut down several caucus sites inside casinos along the Las Vegas Strip, potentially disenfranchising thousands of Hispanic or black shift workers who couldn't otherwise attend the 11:30 a.m. caucus this coming Saturday."

"Opponents of the Indiana photo ID law used Faye Buis-Ewing, a 72-year-old retiree who had trouble getting a state-issued ID, as a poster child for how the law would block voters. Then it was learned Ms. Buis-Ewing lives most of the year in Florida, has claimed residency there, and was illegally registered to vote in both states. Confronted with these facts, Ms. Buis-Ewing was unrepentant. "I feel like I'm a victim here," she told the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette. "I never intended to do anything wrong. I know a lot of people in Florida in this same situation."

She's right. But "snowbird" registrations in multiple states can swing skintight elections, and are a good reason to tighten both identification and absentee ballot laws. In Florida, where the Bush-Gore presidential election was decided by 537 votes, the New York Daily News found in 2004 that between 400 and 1,000 voters registered in Florida and New York City had voted twice in at least one recent election.

Selective outrage, anyone? In 1995, Barack Obama sued Illinois over its voter registration rolls on behalf of the radical group ACORN, and he now rails against Clintonista attempts to shut down Nevada caucus sites and photo ID laws. But just last September, Oprah Winfrey held a lavish fundraiser for Mr. Obama at her California estate. None of the 1,500 guests could enter until they presented a government-issued photo ID that could be compared to a guest list. When asked about this, the Obama campaign had no comment."

"The mainstream Italian media are reporting both the rigging of the New Hampshire primary for Senator Hillary Clinton and the official demands for a swift, accurate and impartial recount. In an article written by Marcello Foa, one of Europe’s most respected journalists"

"Its not who votes that counts. Its who counts the votes.” Josef Stalin
Something doesn't ring true about Hillary's “upset” victory in the New Hampshire primary. It just doesn't pass the smell test. All the exit polls showed Clinton trailing Obama by significant margins. In fact, in the Gallup Poll taken just days before the election, "Crocodile tears" Hillary was down by a whopping 13 points. Her “turnaround” was not only unexpected, but downright shocking. The results for the rest of the candidates, excluding Clinton and Obama, were all within the margin of error. Clinton was the only anomaly. Surprise, surprise."

[ame=""] - The Winning Ticket: Hillary and Diebold in 2008[/ame]

"Obama had a 13 to 15 point lead over Hillary Clinton heading into the primary. Nothing occured that boosted Hillary's numbers immediately before the election, in fact immediately after the staged crying incident, many pundits argued it could only have harmed her chances. And yet Hillary somehow managed to instigate a near 20 point swing to defeat Obama by three per cent. If not for her 7% swing as a result of Diebold voting machines, Hillary would have lost to Obama."
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The article points out that the hand-counted areas are mostly smaller or rural areas, while the computer-counted ones are apparently larger cities.

What makes you think that rural areas vote the same as city areas? From what I've heard, city areas (which often contain higher percentages of welfare queens, unemployed, broken familes etc.) often vote quite differently from rural areas where more people with actual jobs and self-supporting lives hang out.

If rural voting MATCHED city voting, that would be more unusual.

But then, I'm not a whiny liberal loser trying to find sinister conspiracies to explain why I lost.
The New York Post is reporting that vote fraud occurred in the New York primary.

"Truth is, in some districts getting a recount, the senator from Illinois is even close to defeating Hillary Clinton.

Initial results in the 94th District, for example, showed a 141-0 sweep for the New York senator, but Board of Elections spokeswoman Valerie Vazquez said today that the ongoing recount had changed the tally to 261-136.

Could it have been possible for Obama to win New York? If the Clinton campaign had lost the state, they would probably be getting her out of the race about now. It’s odd they would have been able to orchestrate a huge conspiracy to commit vote fraud."