Democracy is terrible


on indefiniate mod break
Democracy is an awful form of government. Why is democracy held to such a high standard? You can legitimately enslave 49% of the population legally under democratic rule. There is nothing moral or inherently good about it. People only like democracy when it suits them.

They need to treat government like the matrix. Most people are plugged in and content to be so, sucking on the government tit and being fed and taken care of, and are kept in a blissful prole state. However, democracy should have in place something to deal with those that reject the matrix of government. We need our own zion.

The united states should set up an area free from all government. I recommend either new hampshire or puerto rico. The established zion would have zero interference from the united states of proles. DEATH TO ALL PROLES, FREEDOM FOR THE INNER PARTY.
The best form of government would be a dictatorship run by me. I would get everything I want, and I would for once be happy.
non taxpayers should not have the right to vote. People that vote need to have an actual stake in the issues they are voting on. If you don't like men voting on whether or not women should have abortions, the same logic applies to proles trying to vote themselves money.
HSN has Sporto snow boots for today's special value and it's a really great price. I ordered the dark grey, though I was really torn between those and the winter white. But then I thought the winter white, while adorable, would get really gross looking you know? I am thinking of ordering them as gifts too, I bet my BFF would love a pair. Anyway, if anyone needs snow boots, check it out seriously.

Grind did you get snow there? It is still snowing here! And I am stuck with my crappy kinda scruffy old snow boots until these arrive.
we should use super computers to determine the main issues in any given election. So say the top 3 issues are the economy, womens rights, and war.

We then weight votes according to those main issues.

If you are a taxpayer, +1
If you are a women +1
If you are active duty military, +1

If you are a tax paying women in the military, you get the most weight. If you are a non-taxpaying man, fuck off and die.

Why the fuck should people that have no stake be given equal voice? We technically already use a form of what I have been talking about... citizenship. If you aren't a permanent citizen of this country, you have less of a stake than someone that HAS to live here in some capacity (usually)... thus... non-citizens can't vote. Too bad, so sad. We can take this logic and apply it to other areas.
If you have an IQ below the average, you should not be able to vote. Stupid people should go no where fucking near public policy. (this would include lots of rednecks too, so it's fair on both sides)
HSN has Sporto snow boots for today's special value and it's a really great price. I ordered the dark grey, though I was really torn between those and the winter white. But then I thought the winter white, while adorable, would get really gross looking you know? I am thinking of ordering them as gifts too, I bet my BFF would love a pair. Anyway, if anyone needs snow boots, check it out seriously.

Grind did you get snow there? It is still snowing here! And I am stuck with my crappy kinda scruffy old snow boots until these arrive.

we got like 1-3 inches.. then I drove to connecticut and while driving I almost died like ten times. These assholes were going SOOOOOO slow and honestly I think driving slow is more dangerous. Less momentum going forward equals more slipping to the side. It's like running up a ramp or something. Go fast, you can get up it no problem. Go slow, and you have probs.
Oh are you serious about this? I hope you don't get mad that I talked about my snow boots then. I thought this was a nonsense thread and I really wanted to share the HSN Sporto special, but didn't want to create my own thread. One time SF flipped his shit when I did that.

The founders thought only landowners should vote so maybe you should start a movement to go back to basics. I bet STY would join, just for starters.
we should use super computers to determine the main issues in any given election. So say the top 3 issues are the economy, womens rights, and war.

We then weight votes according to those main issues.

If you are a taxpayer, +1
If you are a women +1
If you are active duty military, +1

If you are a tax paying women in the military, you get the most weight. If you are a non-taxpaying man, fuck off and die.

Why the fuck should people that have no stake be given equal voice? We technically already use a form of what I have been talking about... citizenship. If you aren't a permanent citizen of this country, you have less of a stake than someone that HAS to live here in some capacity (usually)... thus... non-citizens can't vote. Too bad, so sad. We can take this logic and apply it to other areas.

note, this only applies for non-takers. No positive rights allowed. Only preventing people from doing shit to you.
Oh are you serious about this? I hope you don't get mad that I talked about my snow boots then. I thought this was a nonsense thread and I really wanted to share the HSN Sporto special, but didn't want to create my own thread. One time SF flipped his shit when I did that.

The founders thought only landowners should vote so maybe you should start a movement to go back to basics. I bet STY would join, just for starters.

i'm half serious. like usual. we can talk about boots all you want.
we got like 1-3 inches.. then I drove to connecticut and while driving I almost died like ten times. These assholes were going SOOOOOO slow and honestly I think driving slow is more dangerous. Less momentum going forward equals more slipping to the side. It's like running up a ramp or something. Go fast, you can get up it no problem. Go slow, and you have probs.

Why would you drive to another state during a storm?

I dont know, it is only November and I am already tired of this weather.
Why would you drive to another state during a storm?

I dont know, it is only November and I am already tired of this weather.

I had two choices today, go during rush hour or take my chances with the storm. I took my chances.
billy I have not. If you have written similar things it's only because we are both genius's and it would be natural for us to arrive at the same conclusions.