Democrat Congress --9% Approval!

The Democrat-controlled Congress has hit an all-time low for approval, according to Rasmussen....

Rasmussen Report

The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category.
I don't know what you're smoking, but that isn't any sort of progressive congress. Democrats who are Republicans in everything but name hold the power. It's a Pelosi led Republican congress.
LOL, yeah about 45% of that congress are republicans. If not for the dems congress would probably rate in the negative numbers.
I don't know what you're smoking, but that isn't any sort of progressive congress. Democrats who are Republicans in everything but name hold the power. It's a Pelosi led Republican congress.

ROFLMAO... the stupidity of that is quite funny. Pelosi is a Republican?

the low numbers are because the Democrats aren't moving fast enough to do away with Republicon neocon ideology and move us back to sanity and democracy. dont worry these numbers will change.
:lmao: This is PRICELESS!!

Wuuh---wuh.... it's b'cause Pelosi is really A NEOCON!

Errr... wuhh...wuh... it's because Congress isn't destroying Conservatism fast enough!

Ompf...weeerrrr.... uhm... it's because no one is really paying much attention right now to the polls...

Errmm, uhhh.... Did you know Congress is 45% Republican? If it was 100% Democrat, we would have that number up to 18% easy!

ROFLMGDFAO! You guys are TOO much!
Aren't you pricks embarrassed about these numbers?

Have you no shame at all?

You still think America loves you? Bullshit. America hates the Democrats as much as they hate Republicans. They just don't think they have any other choice.

And if your party had its way, there wouldn't be any other choice. You won't find Republicans trying to keep Libertarians off the ballot. But in 2004, Democrats unethically attempted to get rid of Nader in many key states. That's because the DNC is controlled by assholes.

There is nothing "democratic" about your sham of a party.
Aren't you pricks embarrassed about these numbers?

Have you no shame at all?

You still think America loves you? Bullshit. America hates the Democrats as much as they hate Republicans. They just don't think they have any other choice.

And if your party had its way, there wouldn't be any other choice. You won't find Republicans trying to keep Libertarians off the ballot. But in 2004, Democrats unethically attempted to get rid of Nader in many key states. That's because the DNC is controlled by assholes.

There is nothing "democratic" about your sham of a party.

If anyone loved the Libertarians the Libertarians would certainly be able to get the signatures of 5% of the population or whatever the hell you're whining about.
I don't know what you're smoking, but that isn't any sort of progressive congress. Democrats who are Republicans in everything but name hold the power. It's a Pelosi led Republican congress.

Waterhead, I just posted a cut-n-paste from Rasmussen. I have no idea what he is smoking, I assume cigars maybe, just a guess... Did you think you heard me say something about "progressives?" I never use the word... it reminds me of the magazine my dad used to get when I was young... Progressive Farmer... It was published by the people who do Southern Living now, but I always associate the "progressive" word with the Farmer's magazine, just can't get it out of my head. So I usually say "Liberal" or "Pinhead" ...mostly I just call them the Democrat Party, because that seems to piss 'em off more.

Democrats control the majority, set the agenda, bring things to a vote, they run the show up there, didn't you see all the MSNBC specials on them moving into their offices, after they kicked the republicans out in 2006? Republicans don't control anything, they are allowed to sit on a few committees and such, but they are pretty much relegated to the corner until Ms. Nancy says they can go. No, it's all-Democrats-all-the-time up on the Hill these days. And the American opinion of their job, has reached an all-time low. 9% is single-digits, you know?

Honestly, you are going to make me have to bring back Dixie's Pinhead Quote of the Moment again...
"It's a Pelosi led Republican Congress!"
- Waterhead

LOL, yeah about 45% of that congress are republicans. If not for the dems congress would probably rate in the negative numbers.
And let's be clear, Republicans have the Veto and the filibuster and have used it more to obstruct legislation than at any time in our history.

The problem with polls and any form of statistic is to read into them what you want to see.

Well Dixie, look a little closer and you'll see that most Americans blame the Republican party and it's obstructionism for congresses frustrating inability to get anything done and that will be reflected in the polls. I expect Democrats will have both the white house and a super majority in congress in 09.
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they are arrogant, so sure they will pick up seats. They never thought that little midget from Delaware would lose either.
The Democrat-controlled Congress has hit an all-time low for approval, according to Rasmussen....

Rasmussen Report

The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category.

That must be encouraging for you. It means Republicans will gain seats in November.

Golly gee whillikers, I had no idea Congress was all democrats, Dixie is simply a fountain of intellectual and political insight!