Democrat Party's Poster Children


Loyal to the end
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (NewsChannel 5) - It is one of Metro's most expensive child support cases and the father in question considers himself to be quite the ladies man.

"I was young and ambitious and I love women. You can't knock no man for loving women," said Orlando Shaw whose relationships have led to several children.

The 33-year-old Shaw admitted to fathering 22 kids by 14 different women. Those mothers -through Child Support Services - took Shaw to court for tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid child support over the years.

It is estimated the state pays more than $7,000 each month in assistance to help support all of Shaw's children.

"How do we apply our child support guidelines to this many children in this many households," said magistrate Scott Rosenberg.

Rosenburg said Shaw would have to take three or four full-time jobs to even come close to paying the child support he owes. Shaw said his prior criminal history makes it hard for him to find a job.
(Knoxville, TN) Desmond Hatchett is pleading with the state of Tennessee to help him pay for child support.

With 30 kids, who could afford to pay child support?

Yes, 30 children by 11 different “baby mamas.”

Desmond explained how it all happened, well you know what we mean, “I had four kids in the same year. Twice.”

The children range in age from toddlers to 14 years old.

He was last in court in 2009, at which time he had 21 children.

That means he’s had at least 9 more children in the last 3 years.

Hatchett only has a minimum wage job, which means some of the moms receive as little as… $1.49 a month.
One in five of all American moms have kids who have different birth fathers, a new study shows. And when researchers look only at moms with two or more kids, that figure is even higher: 28 percent have kids with at least two different men.

“To put it in perspective, this is similar to the number of American adults with a college degree,” says the study’s author, Cassandra Dorius, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. “It’s pervasive.”

Dorius’ study, which was presented Friday at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, examined data from nearly 4,000 U.S. women who had been interviewed more than 20 times over a 27-year period.

This phenomenon is important to study, Dorius says, because there are consequences to both the mom and her children. Women with children from multiple fathers tend to be disadvantaged compared to other moms. “They are more likely to be under-employed, to have lower incomes, and to be less educated,” Dorius says.
You bitch if they're aborted.

You bitch if they use birth control.

You bitch if they have too many kids.

But if they're whities, everything's fine!
When I heard the story on the radio, no I had no idea. What does their skin color have to do with it?

Everybody should know by now that Howey is a fucking race-baiter. His heroes are Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.

They’re all colorblind, they see everything in black and white.
Everybody should know by now that Howey is a fucking race-baiter. His heroes are Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.

They’re all colorblind, they see everything in black and white.

BS. I was under the assumption that Howey was white, so, given that (and Howey can correct me if I'm wrong)how would Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be his "heroes", and further, now is he a "race-baiter"??? That's usually the argument presented to me, being "black", and not giving white conservatives an "inch".
So, I ask who are you referring to when you say "they"?
BS. I was under the assumption that Howey was white, so, given that (and Howey can correct me if I'm wrong)how would Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be his "heroes", and further, now is he a "race-baiter"??? That's usually the argument presented to me, being "black", and not giving white conservatives an "inch".
So, I ask who are you referring to when you say "they"?

Yeah but I hear you are great at taking inches faggot