Democrats again use Klan tactics against Republicans


Loyal to the end
Targeted for his work on combating illegal immigration, [Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R)] has certainly faced opposition in the past, but it has always been in public locations. Now, he says, “the left has crossed a line” by surrounding his home.

Kobach said he is asking prosecutors to look into how the mob may have violated civil rights laws, explaining: “They’re called the Klan Laws…a set of laws that say you cannot intimidate an official by trespassing on his property threatening violence, [and] you cannot intimidate an individual by threatening violence so that they don’t vote or don’t exercise their civil rights.”

After Beck noted that Martin Luther King, Jr. faced similar intimidation tactics, Kobach agreed: “This is exactly — they’re just not wearing white cloaks — but this is exactly KKK-type of intimidation.”

Right out of their old book...
The Right has been playing a key part in today's "slaves". They state "we should stop Mexican work" while never doing a credible thing about it. Because they want the cheap labor and that is what the Right thrives on. For proof look at President Bush's powers in congress when nothing was done. Yea, your hero didn't step up.

Yet when Obama made a bill that stated, "the children of these Mexican immigrants that were here before my presidency and over 18 of age will be able to earn citizenship if they prove worthy through college or military" The Right Wing voted "Filibuster/No" ..........much like everything else Obama presented.

I would like to ask all of you today..............what should we do about the children of immigrants that were born into our country before a drastic action was taken? Should we shoot them? Should we make them slaves? Should we expel them?

I will say, I believe in our immigration process and I want to expel anyone that came here illegally. But I don't believe in profiling, much like the IRS did recently. Yet I would never judge the children that are here because of their parent's decision.