Democrats also cheat massively with the CENSUS to keep control of America

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Year old article but this is the first i heard of this issue and it's a big one. The govt deliberately overcounts the population in blue states and undercounts in red ones to give dems more seats in congress and more votes in the electoral college! Naturally the american press censors this huge scandal. Should be called census-gate.

sep 5 2022 The 2022 midterms will likely shape the future of the country for years to come, and just as the FBI appears to have influenced the 2020 election, liberal bureaucrats have “made mistakes” that just happen to benefit Democrats. As Nancy Pelosi worked diligently to try and take over elections to tilt them in her favor and liberals pretended gerrymandering doesn’t benefit them, the Census Bureau was busy “accidentally” giving Democrats more seats in the House of Representatives and more votes in the Electoral College.

In a stunning report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently revealed mistakes that will shape federal elections and funding over the next decade. Liberals in the federal bureaucracy don’t even seem to be trying to hide this one. Of the eight states that were overcounted, all but one were blue states. Among the states that were undercounted, all but one were red states.

The Census Bureau did not explain how it made such a costly mistake.

The Heritage Foundation explains the ramifications of the screw up. “After each census, the bureau interviews a large number of households across the country and then compares the interview answers with the original census responses. The 2020 survey showed that the bureau overcounted the population in Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Utah. The largest mistake was in President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, which was overcounted by 5.45%.

The states whose populations were undercounted were Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. The largest error in the undercount was in Arkansas, where the population count was off by 5.04%.
Why do nearly retarded people keep making threads? Trump actually controlled the last census and forced it to help the Repubs. He even cut the interviews short when Dems wanted more due to COVID-19.
Why do nearly retarded people keep making threads? Trump actually controlled the last census and forced it to help the Repubs. He even cut the interviews short when Dems wanted more due to COVID-19.

HAHAHA. Hear that everybody? This moron tranny says trump controlled the last census!! You are dumb even for a tranny.
[h=1]Democrats also cheat massively with the CENSUS to keep control of America[/h]
You worry about your party, TDAK, and we'll worry about ours.

Democrats don't have control of America...not Democrats that are anything like me, for sure.

You're still walking round, right?

That wouldn't happen if Democrats had enough control of America.

So Biden isn't a Democrat. Gotit.
So the Senate doesn't have any Democrats. Gotit.
So city councils and mayors in Democrat run cities aren't Democrats. Gotit.

Careful, dude. If you bury your head much deeper, it's going to pop out in the Indian Ocean somewhere. You'll drown.
Why do nearly retarded people keep making threads? Trump actually controlled the last census and forced it to help the Repubs. He even cut the interviews short when Dems wanted more due to COVID-19.

Shhhhh, “tex” doesn’t like facts ruining his bullshit