democrats and the party press destroying news stories


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I noticed on Debate Politics that a lot of the party drones were pretty brazenly lying that Kamala Harris was somehow not the border "czar" under Joe Biden.

I found that a bit odd but have now found this is part of a broader effort by the party press to rewrite history and reality in an attempt to distance Harris from one of the most major disasters of the Harris/Biden administration.

Here is party spokesman Chuck Todd breathlessly announcing Harris as Border Czar in 2022.

Of course today, MSNBC is outright lying and actually deleting videos and news stories in a Stalinist style effort to erase the past.

Even worse is party propaganda outlet Axios (Russian Collusion Hoax source)

On March 24, 2021, Axios published a story with the headline “Biden Puts Harris in Charge of Border Crisis.”

Politics reporter Stef W. Kight informed us that the vice president would be “addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border” and that Harris would “lead efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to manage the flow of unaccompanied children and migrant families arriving at the border in numbers not seen since a surge in 2019.”}

But today, well

Today—July 24, 2024—the same reporter at the same outlet has a story headlined “Harris Border Confusion Haunts Her New Campaign.”

Kight now reports: “In early 2021, President Biden enlisted Vice President Kamala Harris to help with a slice of the migration issue.” (Emphasis mine.)

We are told that there is “confusion around the VP’s exact role” and that “early media misfires and the rapidly changing regional migration crisis has made the issue a top target for the GOP trying to define their new opponent. And it has become even more critical for Harris to find a clear border message, fast.” The story also quotes former Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson: “She is not the border czar.” }

The party press is blatantly lying to the American public.

This is straight out of the old Soviet Union or a banana republic.

Will America stand for the complete end of a legitimate and free press? This is beyond disgusting.