Democrats enjoying their freedom....


U. S. NAVY Veteran
Happy to see that Darla, Midcan, desh, etc. were able to enjoy their festivities without exposure to police brutality...

Nude men engaged in multiple instances of public sex on a municipal street while police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregated nearby making no attempt to enforce public indecency regulations, according to a report on the latest homosexual-fest in San Francisco.

LaBarbera, who had to edit photos to conceal full nudity in images from the public street festival before he could post them as part of his report, said there were exhibitionists who "walked around baring their genitals, with no fear of being arrested." Other websites, to which WND is unable to link because of their graphic content, published fully explicit photographs of various public acts of sex and nudity. They featured explicit photographs of oral and anal sex between men and men urinating on each other, among other activities.

Officials with the San Francisco police department's media relations office declined to return a message left by telephone. Also declining to return a message requesting a comment was the office of Newsom. Officials in the media office for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who represents the district, also declined to comment at all on the XXX-rated festival.

"One San Francisco policeman told our volunteers that the police were instructed not to make arrests for indecency on the city streets at "Up Your Alley" – but merely to 'contain' the activity to the street fair, which encompassed several city blocks," Americans for Truth reported.
What....Republicans don't urinate on each other?

I mean, I knew you were prudes, but c'mon.

Good thing McCain wasn't there; who knows what he would have offered his wife up for...
Happy to see that Darla, Midcan, desh, etc. were able to enjoy their festivities without exposure to police brutality...

Nude men engaged in multiple instances of public sex on a municipal street while police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregated nearby making no attempt to enforce public indecency regulations, according to a report on the latest homosexual-fest in San Francisco.

LaBarbera, who had to edit photos to conceal full nudity in images from the public street festival before he could post them as part of his report, said there were exhibitionists who "walked around baring their genitals, with no fear of being arrested." Other websites, to which WND is unable to link because of their graphic content, published fully explicit photographs of various public acts of sex and nudity. They featured explicit photographs of oral and anal sex between men and men urinating on each other, among other activities.

Officials with the San Francisco police department's media relations office declined to return a message left by telephone. Also declining to return a message requesting a comment was the office of Newsom. Officials in the media office for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who represents the district, also declined to comment at all on the XXX-rated festival.

"One San Francisco policeman told our volunteers that the police were instructed not to make arrests for indecency on the city streets at "Up Your Alley" – but merely to 'contain' the activity to the street fair, which encompassed several city blocks," Americans for Truth reported.

Yeah i was there BRavo. I'll tell ya, your mother looks a little worse for the wear this year.
Happy to see that Darla, Midcan, desh, etc. were able to enjoy their festivities without exposure to police brutality...

Nude men engaged in multiple instances of public sex on a municipal street while police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregated nearby making no attempt to enforce public indecency regulations, according to a report on the latest homosexual-fest in San Francisco.

LaBarbera, who had to edit photos to conceal full nudity in images from the public street festival before he could post them as part of his report, said there were exhibitionists who "walked around baring their genitals, with no fear of being arrested." Other websites, to which WND is unable to link because of their graphic content, published fully explicit photographs of various public acts of sex and nudity. They featured explicit photographs of oral and anal sex between men and men urinating on each other, among other activities.

Officials with the San Francisco police department's media relations office declined to return a message left by telephone. Also declining to return a message requesting a comment was the office of Newsom. Officials in the media office for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who represents the district, also declined to comment at all on the XXX-rated festival.

"One San Francisco policeman told our volunteers that the police were instructed not to make arrests for indecency on the city streets at "Up Your Alley" – but merely to 'contain' the activity to the street fair, which encompassed several city blocks," Americans for Truth reported.

Sounds like they were havin a good time!
Ok, so all this fuss is about a festival in San Francisco?

From what I have read, there was controlled access to the festival, so no kids were there.

Please tell me who was hurt by letting ADULTS do what they want? There wasn't any violence. There were no shootings. It was a festival celebrating a lifestyle that, while I don't share a taste for it, doesn't harm anyone else.

I am willing to bet there were more than a few republicans attending. They just didn't dress in business suits.

Why is this festival a problem for anyone?
no offense towards gay people and not all are guilty of my following charge.. Many (prob the majority) of gay men I know are overly obsessed about there social life and hooking up for one night stands FAR MORE then the heterosexuals I know. Its prob like 60% of the homosexuals I know versus like 20% of the heterosexuals I know.

Is this a invalid statement? Not meant to be gay bashing here. just and observation.

Feel free to flame.
no offense towards gay people and not all are guilty of my following charge.. Many (prob the majority) of gay men I know are overly obsessed about there social life and hooking up for one night stands FAR MORE then the heterosexuals I know. Its prob like 60% of the homosexuals I know versus like 20% of the heterosexuals I know.

Is this a invalid statement? Not meant to be gay bashing here. just and observation.

Feel free to flame.

How many gay people do you really know? How many unmarried hererosexuals do you know?

I don't hang with too many unmarried people at this point, and I only know a few gay people. The homosexuals I know are all in committed relationships & have been for ages. My only recollection of knowing large # of young, single heterosexuals is that the entire lifestyle was built around going out & hooking up.
How many gay people do you really know? How many unmarried hererosexuals do you know?

I don't hang with too many unmarried people at this point, and I only know a few gay people. The homosexuals I know are all in committed relationships & have been for ages. My only recollection of knowing large # of young, single heterosexuals is that the entire lifestyle was built around going out & hooking up.

If you don't hang with many single people because you fear they will try to pressure you to go along with their evildoing, Damo has a "None For Me" Superhero custume he would probably lend to you. It has a picture of breasts with a big red X through them, a wagging finger, and comes with tights!
If you don't hang with many single people because you fear they will try to pressure you to go along with their evildoing, Damo has a "None For Me" Superhero custume he would probably lend to you. It has a picture of breasts with a big red X through them, a wagging finger, and comes with tights!
Yeah, it is cleverly disguised as a gold band with three diamonds and I wear it on my left hand. Generally I don't have to get all gussied up in tights. But gosh is it fun!
If you don't hang with many single people because you fear they will try to pressure you to go along with their evildoing, Damo has a "None For Me" Superhero custume he would probably lend to you. It has a picture of breasts with a big red X through them, a wagging finger, and comes with tights!

Sounds like a real metro superhero; right up my alley...