Democrats Have BIG Leads In Both Duopoly Party Primaries.


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The modern liberal leftist BIG government progressive Donald Trump leads the Republican's half of the duopoly rigged taxpayer funded primary process and the other modern liberal leftist BIG government progressive Hillary Clinton leads the Democrat's half of the duopoly's taxpayer funded primary process.

And the idiots think this is gonna be an anti-establishment election? Good luck with that!

You don't believe The Donald is a modern liberal leftist BIG government progressive? Watch this.

I do not call Trump a liberal, but he is no Conservative either.

Conservatives have become a minority in the American political system.
I do not call Trump a liberal, but he is no Conservative either.

Conservatives have become a minority in the American political system.

The Donald is, like Hillary a "modern" liberal which is code for "leftist." Real liberals are the classical liberals in tune with the writers of the Bill Of Rights.

BTW, those folks are also the "real conservatives." They support the "conservation" of the Bill Of Rights.