Democrats need Illegal Aliens to vote in 2014


Verified User
Since Immigration Reform is now basically off the calendar, the Demos need to get those illegal alien votes some other way. We all know that the last time around, the Illegals voted for Obama using their Driver's License ID's to register to vote. Driver's Licenses that were obtained using fake birth certificates and applying for those licenses with Spanish Speaking DMV clerks who mostly will turn a blind eye to their compatriots(amigos) wish to drive legally and to not really scrutinize those fake birth certificates. A few years back, one could get a Fake Califa driver's license for about $100.00 in downtown Los Angeles, how do I know, I have seen them and they look pretty real. Now, you can go online and get all of them from websites. We need to make it a Federal Felony Offense to register to vote with any ID obtained fraudulently by any means, and therefore preclude that person from ever working here legally(Green Card) or even applying for legal citizenship....
I didn't know liberals needed a ROTFLMFAO chart. How backward do you progressives have to be?

Just thought I'd show you how to ROFL since your 'news' sources show you what to think. The sad thing is you don't understand that each of your 'sources' are corporate controlled propaganda machines. None of them, in the real world, have any credibility. You are so laughable