Democrats race to finalize $1.75 trillion spending bill and hold House vote by next w


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In a positive sign for the president, lawmakers from both Democratic factions largely have praised the plan, which would expand Medicare, invest anew to combat global warming, offer universal prekindergarten and impose new taxes on the ultrawealthy. Biden has heralded the investments as transformational even though they are in many cases smaller than what Democrats initially envisioned.
How many times have I heard 'How close they are'. (wake me up if anything ever gets passed)
In a positive sign for the president, lawmakers from both Democratic factions largely have praised the plan, which would expand Medicare, invest anew to combat global warming, offer universal prekindergarten and impose new taxes on the ultrawealthy. Biden has heralded the investments as transformational even though they are in many cases smaller than what Democrats initially envisioned.

Absolutely at President Biden and true democrats who are effortlessly working to maintain the security and best interests of society, while fake democrats, idiots who vote against their own interests, and obviously seditious repukes and other gutter conspiring elements plot to obstruct these efforts that would benefit the national and global economies.
The Big Bucks Blunder revision #googleplex going down to failure because Leftists won't compromise on fucking the planet.