Democrats Refused to Attend Abe Lincoln's Inauguration


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Yeah, Dems refused to attend the Inauguration of Abe Lincoln--America's first Republican president because Abe had this radical idea of ending slavery.

And to know that the dems of today continue to enslave many of America's poor with endless socialist style government cradle to grave benefits is really disgusting.
Tell us all about those Southern Democrats and how they turned the South blue. :laugh: #TheyJumpedShipYouDunce
Yeah, Dems refused to attend the Inauguration of Abe Lincoln--America's first Republican president because Abe had this radical idea of ending slavery.

And to know that the dems of today continue to enslave many of America's poor with endless socialist style government cradle to grave benefits is really disgusting.
Contemporary Democrats, the party of slavery, have built on past successes and have not only re-enslaved blacks in this country, they enslaved the willing American Jews who depend heavily on their permanent victim status. Let's not forget the indentured servitude of the LGBTQIAMWPSPPGNCWLOPSAM+ which is still on schedule to make the transition to full slavery by the 3rd quarter of 2028. Hispanics are diverging, however, with large percentages resisting the lure at the end of the Marxist hook, still preferring personal freedom, future potential and Goya products.
Tell us all about those Southern Democrats and how they turned the South blue. :laugh: #TheyJumpedShipYouDunce
Democrats, to include southern Democrats, have always been about slavery! slavery! SLAVERY! Yay! ... Go SLAVERY! Those who eventually became opposed to slavery jumped ship and became Republican.
Yeah, Dems refused to attend the Inauguration of Abe Lincoln--America's first Republican president because Abe had this radical idea of ending slavery.

And to know that the dems of today continue to enslave many of America's poor with endless socialist style government cradle to grave benefits is really disgusting.

They want a return to slavery.
Yeah, Dems refused to attend the Inauguration of Abe Lincoln

Not true. There were many Democrats who attended the inauguration of Lincoln, including most importantly Buchanan, the previous President. It is considered a patriotic obligation for previous Presidents to attend an inauguration, and Buchanan honored his obligation.

With the exception of health problems, the only president to dishonor America and refuse to attend is trump. trump is a complete disgrace, and we all know it.

Abe had this radical idea of ending slavery.

Again, Lincoln said he did not want to abolish slavery. He wanted to contain its growth. There were many Democrats who agreed with him, and many Democrats who disagreed with him. There were Republicans who thought he was not going far enough.

And to know that the dems of today continue to enslave many of America's poor with endless socialist style government cradle to grave benefits is really disgusting.

We all know BlackHater are a racist piece of shit who is lying.

Democrats have now elected the first Black President, and the first Black Vice President. Meanwhile, trump cannot even hire Blacks to take a picture with, having to use AI to make fake photos of him with Blacks.
American Jews who depend heavily on their permanent victim status.

No, American Jews depend heavily on their educations. Jews in general do better because they are more educated. While there has been some victimization of Jews in America, it has not been much compared to other countries. American Jews rarely complain about it, and never depend on it. American Jews do not get preferential treatment based on the Holocaust, or other past injustices, at least not in America.

The reason Jews are doing better than you is that we are working harder.

Let's not forget the indentured servitude of the LGBTQIAMWPSPPGNCWLOPSAM+ which is still on schedule to make the transition to full slavery by the 3rd quarter of 2028.

So you think that allowing a man to marry another man is slavery to you?
Yeah, Dems refused to attend the Inauguration of Abe Lincoln--America's first Republican president because Abe had this radical idea of ending slavery.

And to know that the dems of today continue to enslave many of America's poor with endless socialist style government cradle to grave benefits is really disgusting.
At least the bad guys are disgusted as well. We'd hate to imagine them happy, right?
No, American Jews depend heavily on their educations.
Nope. American Jews depend heavily on political favors and kickbacks, i.e. the rewards for OBEDIENCE.

Jews in general do better because they are more educated.
American Jews do better, in general, because they are more well connected, having agreed to OBEY.

While there has been some victimization of Jews in America,
Nope. There has only been the continuous screams of "Look at us! Look at us! We're the poor victims who are being victimized by victimizers!" I stopped buying it decades ago when I noticed that there was never any victimization occurring, only efforts to maintain a lucrative permanent victim status.

American Jews rarely complain about it,
American Jews persistently bitch and whine and moan and gripe and complain and snivel and weep incessantly, crying about how they are being victimized when they are receiving unfair favorable treatment. It's sickening.

American Jews do not get preferential treatment based on the Holocaust
Sure they do. The garnered eternal victim status out of WWII, but that's not their biggest weapon. Jews understand well that they are the heroes of the Old Testament, and that Christians are obligated through their religion to view Jews as always the victim, always outnumbered, but always victorious because Yahweh is on their side. Jews know that American Christians must side with them on every issue lest God become angry at the insolence and the defiance. God is on the side of the Jews, so the Jews must always be on the side of RIGHT! Jews understand this and use it to manipulate American Christians. All that American Jews need to do is to remind Christians of how God rains his wrath down upon those who oppose His chosen people.

The reason Jews are doing better than you is that we are working harder.
What makes you think I'm not Jewish? What makes you think I'm not doing very well? What makes you think I'm focused on the few Jews who are "doing better than me" and not on the many who are not? Why is it that Jews suddenly do better from working harder and not because they are more educated, which is supposed to be your point (see above)?

So you think that allowing a man to marry another man is slavery to you?
I do not. Why do you claim that I do? Are you claiming to be a mind reader? (Hint: you aren't)
Nope. American Jews depend heavily on political favors and kickbacks, i.e. the rewards for OBEDIENCE.

Wow, you have gone full on Nazi.

Jews understand well that they are the heroes of the Old Testament, and that Christians are obligated through their religion to view Jews as always the victim, always outnumbered, but always victorious because Yahweh is on their side. Jews know that American Christians must side with them on every issue lest God become angry at the insolence and the defiance.

And yet there is a long history of Christians persecuting Jews.

What makes you think I'm not Jewish?

Call it a hunch. LOL!!!

What makes you think I'm not doing very well?

Again, very clear.

Why is it that Jews suddenly do better from working harder and not because they are more educated, which is supposed to be your point (see above)?

It is hard work to get well educated. A Jewish person would understand that. I am serious, you really do not get it.
Contemporary Democrats, the party of slavery, have built on past successes and have not only re-enslaved blacks in this country, they enslaved the willing American Jews who depend heavily on their permanent victim status. Let's not forget the indentured servitude of the LGBTQIAMWPSPPGNCWLOPSAM+ which is still on schedule to make the transition to full slavery by the 3rd quarter of 2028. Hispanics are diverging, however, with large percentages resisting the lure at the end of the Marxist hook, still preferring personal freedom, future potential and Goya products.

Writing a book?
Wow, you have gone full on Nazi.
That's all you've got? All you can do is hurl ad hominem at me for making inconventient observations? I'm afraid you lose. Your king is tipped.


I realize that petty name-calling is all you have, but your lame attempts to bully me into submission just aren't going to work.

And yet there is a long history of Christians persecuting Jews.
... and there is a long history of Jews persecuting everybody else out of pure intolerance, and there is a long history of Arabs persecuting others out of pure intolerance, and there is a long history of Japanese persecuting non-Japanese, and there is long history of wars between peoples who couldn't get along, ... and you have said nothing. You haven't even stated a point. You are simply flailing as a distraction for not being able to support your original thesis.

You appear to be new at this.

Again, very clear.
A reflection of the delusion in which you live. Others might assume that it is merely a reflection of your poor judgement, but I know a solid delusion when I see it.

It is hard work to get well educated.
I see that you don't like hard work.

A Jewish person would understand that.
Too funny. Your gross generalizations are indicative of someone who doesn't get out much.
Yeah, Dems refused to attend the Inauguration of Abe Lincoln--America's first Republican president because Abe had this radical idea of ending slavery.

And to know that the dems of today continue to enslave many of America's poor with endless socialist style government cradle to grave benefits is really disgusting.

Anyone who doesn't see that the parties of over 100 years ago are not the same as today has a very low IQ and ignorant American history
Wow, you have gone full on Nazi.

And yet there is a long history of Christians persecuting Jews.

Call it a hunch. LOL!!!

Again, very clear.

It is hard work to get well educated. A Jewish person would understand that. I am serious, you really do not get it.

He is 100% christer goy, he has a goyishe kop
Guno צְבִי;5924581 said:
Anyone who doesn't see that the parties of over 100 years ago are not the same as today has a very low IQ and ignorant American history

Yep, that's the trumptard's constant gaslight - to pick a point in history not comparable today and claim nothing has changed.