Democrats ripped for admitting 'quiet part out loud' after panic about key strategy h


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Democrats ripped for admitting 'quiet part out loud' after panic about key strategy helping Trump

An internal memo showing panic within the Democratic Party over its "nonpartisan" voter registration efforts potentially helping former President Trump is drawing criticism from those who say the registration efforts were a "partisan scam" from the start.

Democrats across the country have become increasingly concerned over the amount of support Trump is pulling from usually reliable demographics and donors have been bickering ver an internal memo casting doubt on whether the party should continue using nonprofits to register unregistered voters over fears it could help Trump, the Washington Post reported this week.

"Indeed, if we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the rolls, we would be distinctly aiding Trump’s quest for a personal dictatorship:palm:," the memo explained, casting doubt on the longstanding Democrat voter registration push that typically has resulted in favorable results in previous elections.

The memo argues that Democrats should focus their registration efforts only in "specific, heavily pro-Biden populations" and the Washington Post explained that "the rise in Trump support among nonregistered voters has run up against a long-held Democratic policy priority of growing the voter rolls."

Some political analysts claimed the Washington Post article shows that some Democrat registration efforts that are labeled non-partisan are in fact working solely to register Democrats.

"Left-wing strategists accidentally said the quiet part out loud: their ‘non-partisan’ left-wing voter registration efforts have always been highly partisan operations designed to help Democrats," Jason Snead, executive director of Honest Elections Project, told Fox News Digital.

"This admission raises grave questions about other programs the left also claims are 'non-partisan,' including President Biden’s executive order using taxpayers’ money to mobilize liberal voters. The press should take note of and remember this rare moment of honesty from the left the next time they cry ‘voter suppression.'"

"Democrats donors are now getting memos telling them to stop funding voter registration nonprofits because unregistered voters lean towards Trump," investigative researcher Parker Thayer posted on X in response to the report....

Democrats have used US taxpqyer money to fund NGOs to register voters that they think will vote Democrat for a long time now. Now they are saying it out loud.