Democrats should replace Pelosi


New member
She's been a bad leader. They missed an opportunity when Harold Ford was running against her; he would have been much better, imo, and would have the Dems in a much better position right now.

Her speech on the bailout vote was ridiculous for a leader. It's even more ridiculous that some Republicans called that the reason for the bill's failure, but a crucial moment in one of the biggest financial crises the country has faced is not a time for partisan grandstanding, particularly on a bill that absolutely requires bipartisanship. That was a major failure of leadership, in a very big, public way.

She has fallen short on her pledges of reform for Congress, even utilizing some of the practices that she condemned previously. I just read a report this morning that one of her PAC's sent $100K to her husband's firm. She has also shut Republicans out of many of the debates and has denied them a vote on their proposals, making for a more divided, partisan Congress.

This has not been a good Congress; the GOP Congress sucked, as well, but I had much higher hopes at the start of '07. They need to turn the ship or risk becoming a minority again.
She's been a bad leader. They missed an opportunity when Harold Ford was running against her; he would have been much better, imo, and would have the Dems in a much better position right now.

Her speech on the bailout vote was ridiculous for a leader. It's even more ridiculous that some Republicans called that the reason for the bill's failure, but a crucial moment in one of the biggest financial crises the country has faced is not a time for partisan grandstanding, particularly on a bill that absolutely requires bipartisanship. That was a major failure of leadership, in a very big, public way.

She has fallen short on her pledges of reform for Congress, even utilizing some of the practices that she condemned previously. I just read a report this morning that one of her PAC's sent $100K to her husband's firm. She has also shut Republicans out of many of the debates and has denied them a vote on their proposals, making for a more divided, partisan Congress.

This has not been a good Congress; the GOP Congress sucked, as well, but I had much higher hopes at the start of '07. They need to turn the ship or risk becoming a minority again.

You're out of your mind.
She's been a bad leader. They missed an opportunity when Harold Ford was running against her; he would have been much better, imo, and would have the Dems in a much better position right now.

Her speech on the bailout vote was ridiculous for a leader. It's even more ridiculous that some Republicans called that the reason for the bill's failure, but a crucial moment in one of the biggest financial crises the country has faced is not a time for partisan grandstanding, particularly on a bill that absolutely requires bipartisanship. That was a major failure of leadership, in a very big, public way.

She has fallen short on her pledges of reform for Congress, even utilizing some of the practices that she condemned previously. I just read a report this morning that one of her PAC's sent $100K to her husband's firm. She has also shut Republicans out of many of the debates and has denied them a vote on their proposals, making for a more divided, partisan Congress.

This has not been a good Congress; the GOP Congress sucked, as well, but I had much higher hopes at the start of '07. They need to turn the ship or risk becoming a minority again.

Hey Crybaby.... Just because she couldnt get the Bailout bill passed you jump all over her.....

Why do you want compromise for compromises sake?

You would rather have a bad bill than no bill at all.... What a douchebag...

I know my opinion doesn't matter because I'm on the right but while I disagree with Harold Ford a lot politically I think he's real good people and a strong leader. I know he's not all that popular with the left for being a member (leader?) of the DLC. In seeing him interviewed he comes across (imo) as strong and someone you respect even if you disagree.
I heard the other night, that Palosi is a hippy--straight from haight ashberry street. It makes sense to me--because she is insane and a control freak with a light switch--but can anybody confirm that she came off the hippy avenues?

I declair we need a hippy hunting season. If we can get a license--I am gonna borrow one of Palins moose guns, and thin out the sick in the herd. It will be a big boom in the taxidermy industry. hippy manicans in all the high end gun stores wearing flannel, jeans, boots, carrying a gun in one hand, and a apple pie in the other. Ahhhhhhh---in a perfect world--one can only dream.
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What I'm trying to figure out is what Onceler meant. I didn't even know Ford was being considered. I remembered it as primarily a Murtha v. Pelosi contest. By the time the Democrats elected their speaker, Ford had lost his House seat anyway in his bid for the Senate.
I think I'm going back to when she was 1st elected minority leader, not Speaker; Ford ran against her.

Anyone who thinks I've lost my mind, or other similar commentary: are you happy with this past Congress, and with her leadership of it?
I think I'm going back to when she was 1st elected minority leader, not Speaker; Ford ran against her.

Anyone who thinks I've lost my mind, or other similar commentary: are you happy with this past Congress, and with her leadership of it?

Yes, I am content with Pelosi's leadership. The House passed a lot of good bills.

As for Ford, I prefer the leader of the more liberal party in Congress to be a liberal. Ford is not a liberal. At all. He's a DLC "centrist" Democrat. That may be good enough for a Democrat from Tennessee, but it isn't good enough to be a leader of the party.
I think I'm going back to when she was 1st elected minority leader, not Speaker; Ford ran against her.

Anyone who thinks I've lost my mind, or other similar commentary: are you happy with this past Congress, and with her leadership of it?

Oh okay gotcha. I wasn't really paying attention to the Minority Leader election.

And no I don't think you've lost your mind. Even considering their slim majority in the Senate, Democrats have been relatively ineffective.

Wiretapping, renewal of the Patriot Act, continued funding of the war. The only thing even a progressive could possibly see as an accomplishment was increasing the minimum wage.
Yes, I am content with Pelosi's leadership. The House passed a lot of good bills.

As for Ford, I prefer the leader of the more liberal party in Congress to be a liberal. Ford is not a liberal. At all. He's a DLC "centrist" Democrat. That may be good enough for a Democrat from Tennessee, but it isn't good enough to be a leader of the party.

Ford would have been a level-headed, moderate choice. Which of course means that people like you would feel obligated to oppose him.
Enough said!

Now that is the communist way--block out opposition. A consertative will listen to you--but not agree to insanity. liberal insanity can't stand opposition---for a ego reason.

youir ego is so big--you can't be wrong--you won't hear of it.

listen up

socialism is wrong--and inhumane to free will all humans share. A bird singing in a cage like it is free---is not free. With the greed in this country--corrupt socialism will run rampid--like F&F did. I am not a huge gambler--because nobody here will ever make a bet with me--lol. But, I woud not bet much on socialism after seing this result.

Hey depression---is that you? Come on over here--some people need to learn from you so that young generation will NOT BE SO STUPID!!!!!
I heard the other night, that Palosi is a hippy--straight from haight ashberry street. It makes sense to me--because she is insane and a control freak with a light switch--but can anybody confirm that she came off the hippy avenues?

I declair we need a hippy hunting season. If we can get a license--I am gonna borrow one of Palins moose guns, and thin out the sick in the herd. It will be a big boom in the taxidermy industry. hippy manicans in all the high end gun stores wearing flannel, jeans, boots, carrying a gun in one hand, and a apple pie in the other. Ahhhhhhh---in a perfect world--one can only dream.


Maj, pretending is a wonderful thing for you, isn't it?

Be careful. You'd be surprised how tough some of us hippies can be. And lots of us shoot back.
I have no problem w/ a moderate as Speaker of the House. I can't remember the last time that was the case. I'm sick of one party positioning for political victories, whether the legislation wins or loses, rather than forging real coalitions & getting more accomplished....
I think I'm going back to when she was 1st elected minority leader, not Speaker; Ford ran against her.

Anyone who thinks I've lost my mind, or other similar commentary: are you happy with this past Congress, and with her leadership of it?

I don’t think you lost your mind and made no similar commentary, just to be clear. I have some problems with Pelosi but they are very different than yours, and as far as the speech she gave on the bailout, that was nothing, politics as usual, the R’s were doing the same thing, they used it as an excuse to bail on t he bill.

Unless we were going to get someone who was going to move forward with impeachment, (that train left the station) I would not replace her.
The most shocking part of this thread is that theMajority actually understands the cultural significance of Haight-Ashbury.