Democrat's vision for America #5


Pocket lint

Presidents have relatively little effect on car prices.

Thank Trump's master, Vlad The Invader for rising prices on everything, including steel and every other material that goes into making cars.

And toss in a thanks to good old fashioned corporate greed for milking the situation for all it's worth.
Presidents have relatively little effect on car prices.

Thank Trump's master, Vlad The Invader for rising prices on everything, including steel and every other material that goes into making cars.

And toss in a thanks to good old fashioned corporate greed for milking the situation for all it's worth.

You seem tyo be a greed guy. Buy a house lately?
You seem tyo be a greed guy. Buy a house lately?

Until you learn how to communicate in English, responding to your posts might not be possible.

1) What does "tyo" mean?
2) What is a "greed guy"?
3) I bought a house over twenty years ago. Though I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
Until you learn how to communicate in English, responding to your posts might not be possible.

1) What does "tyo" mean?
2) What is a "greed guy"?
3) I bought a house over twenty years ago. Though I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

1. If you can't figure out tyo was an overly sensitive keyboard misspelled for the word to, You need help.

2. You tend to blame a lot on the greed of corporations. Retail, oil, etc. That is a "greed" guy. They are people who do not understand corporations have a responsibility to their shareholders. They also do not understand that corporations do not pay taxes, their customers do.

3. I am happy you bought a house, now, refinance it so you can feel the pain of a 7.5% mortgage rate like new first time buyers are experiencing.
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1. If you can't figure out tyo was an overly sensitive keyboard misspelled for the word to, You need help.

2. You tend to blame a lot on the greed of corporations. Retail, oil, etc. That is a "greed" guy. They are people who do not understand corporations have a responsibility to their shareholders. They also do not understand that corporations do not pay taxes, their customers do.

3. I am happy you bought a house, now, refinance it so you can feel the pain of a 7.5% mortgage rate like new first time buyers are experiencing.

1.) You should proof read your posts before you hit "Submit Reply".

2.) Corporations have a responsibility to refrain from price gouging. That old "responsibility to their shareholders" excuse is getting tired and stale. American corporations have a bigger responsibility to the public that purchases their products than to people who buy stocks. Let their greedy CEO's take home a slightly less obscene fortune too.

3.) I never financed it the first time. I spent over a decade saving and investing every dollar I didn't absolutely need to live on rather than buying expensive electronic doodads, eating out at restaurants every week, buying a new car, going on vacations, buying new clothes on a whim, etc, etc, etc., so I was able to pay cash for my house. I've never made a mortgage payment in my life.

The point being that I earned the right to not be concerned with current interest rates, which BTW, were 7.4% at the time I purchased my house.

If these modern day Gen X'ers and Millennials would wise up and stop allowing themselves to become the willing slaves of the aforementioned greedy corporations who slick talk and convince them they can't live without every shiny piece of junk that gets advertised, maybe they could lessen their own pain by saving up to make a large enough down payment on a house and significantly lower their monthly payments.

Well, the rich are getting richer so why not a nice selection of cars over $100,000 for them. The peasants can drive a Trabant or a Yugo. The Left has a great history of providing a one-size-fits-all shitty little car to "the people" while making sure there is a selection of luxurious cars for themselves.