Dems flip-flop on CU?

Big Money

New member

Politics is so often a game of unforeseen consequences. Back when the U. S. Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that rich people and special interests should have the freedom to pump unlimited bucks into political campaigns, everyone assumed it would be a godsend for the Republicans.

Obama was so upset that he rebuked the berobed brethren during his 2010 State of the Union address.

Yet, with respect to the 2016 presidential race, the prime beneficiary of Citizens United is Hillary Clinton.

The ruling gave birth to super PACs - groups that can now raise and spend as much money as they want on behalf of a favorite candidate, bankrolled in many cases by wealthy donors - and various Obama operatives are already revving up super PACs for Hillary.

One of those groups, Priorities USA, is currently soliciting seven-figure checks from liberal fat cats.

These super PACs have already enabled Hillary's allies to far outdistance any would-be Democratic rivals, as well as all potential Republican foes down the road.

Funny how Democrats who once vociferously complained about Citizens United now seem perfectly fine with it.