Dems Kill Chances for Energy Independence?


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Dems Kill Chances for Energy Independence?
Posted By:Tom Brennan
Topics:Politics & Government * Natural Gas * Stock Picks * Stock Market
Sectors:Oil and Gas
Companies:Devon Energy Corp * Chesapeake Energy Corp * FMC Technologies, Inc. * Dow Chemical Co * Schlumberger Ltd * Transocean Inc * Anadarko Petroleum Corp * Apache Corp * National Oilwell Varco Inc
A congressional subcommittee struck down an important bill, which could have opened up reserves worth billions of barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, on Wednesday, Cramer said.

The measure would allow drilling between 50 miles and 200 miles off the U.S. coastline. Estimates for the reserves there were as high as 8.5 billion barrels of oil and 29 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, in addition to potential undiscovered resources of 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of gas.

Needless to say, Cramer’s a bit perplexed. Especially since increased supply is the only way to bring oil prices down from almost $137 a barrel. American consumers need that. So do American businesses. And not just the users of oil, but those service companies involved with bringing it to market. The measure would have been a boon to Transocean Transocean IncRIG
145.51 UNCH 0% NYSE

Rep. John Peterson, a Republican from Pennsylvania, had high hopes for the bill. He was “surprised” it didn’t pass, he told Cramer today. “There’s a lot of members of the committee that were learning toward voting for it,” Peterson said. “There were some who had voted for it in the past.” But in the end “Pelosi power” prevailed, the congressman continued, referring to Democratic majority leader Nancy Pelosi of California.

“She has great control of her caucus,” Peterson said. “And when they decide not to vote for something, they all vote no. I was disappointed in that.”

The bill has two more chances to pass. While it did not make it past the Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment, the full Appropriations committee still has a chance to push the bill through next Wednesday. Then there’s the floor of the House.

“It’ll be interesting to see if all the Democrats will follow her lead there,” Peterson said.

What’s at stake here? America’s dependence on foreign oil.

“We’re really lagging. We’re not producing,” Peterson said. “We are now 67% dependent on foreign [oil]. And every time we vote not to produce energy, we are now more dependent on foreign. And those same people say, ‘We must wean ourselves away from foreign dependence.’ Well, we’re going to be 80% foreign dependent if their policies prevail.”

The outer continental shelf was blocked off from drilling 27 years ago. With oil and gas prices so low then, it might have made sense. But with the price per barrel for oil near $137 now, it’s “foolish policy,” Peterson said. U.S. companies could be forced to send business overseas where prices are as low as a tenth of what they pay here. Case in point: Dow Chemical Dow Chemical CoDOW
38.34 UNCH 0% NYSE

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[DOW 38.34 --- UNCH (0%) ]. Back in 2002, that company paid $8 billion a year for natural gas. Now Dow is paying $8 billion a quarter.

Another factor worth mentioning: The U.S. used to hold 8 million to 10 million barrels of oil for emergencies. “That’s not there today,” Peterson said. So if a major hurricane strikes, a oil-producing country topples or terrorists attack the supply system, “we’re talking $200 tomorrow for prices for oil.”

Cramer’s call: “We cannot see lower prices until we do far more drilling. But the big places to drill are off limits. Rep. John Peterson makes sense. I think you should write your congressman and say that.”
The outer continental shelf was blocked off from drilling 27 years ago. With oil and gas prices so low then, it might have made sense. But with the price per barrel for oil near $137 now, it’s “foolish policy,” Peterson said. U.S. companies could be forced to send business overseas where prices are as low as a tenth of what they pay here
its prob payback for the pubs blocking a freaking tax cutting alt energy bill. wtf i hope all these idiots in congress go on the titanic together.

We need some new blood.
... and it would lower the price per barrel by about $1.50/100+

All this talk about opening up reserves is just an excuse by Republicans to take advantage of people's present unhappiness with gas prices to exploit national preserves for oil companies' gain. It will make almost no difference to you at the pump.
its prob payback for the pubs blocking a freaking tax cutting alt energy bill. wtf i hope all these idiots in congress go on the titanic together.

We need some new blood.

Payback ? You dont play payback with the American Economy at stake. Its ridiculous and its going to be red meat for the Pubs this coming will... mark my words.
heres the deal guys.

The people who live in those areas that would be effected by the drilling dotn want it there.

One party is protecting the peoples interests and another is protecting the corporations interests.

I know which is which do you?
environmentalist have taken (thankfully) control of the issue in the democratic party.
It's comically funny to say dems are looking out for the average guys interest. What other country doesn't allow drilling of billions of barrells. It's also comically funny for people who don't even work to say billions of barrells wouldn't affect the price. LOFL
heres the deal guys.

The people who live in those areas that would be effected by the drilling dotn want it there.

One party is protecting the peoples interests and another is protecting the corporations interests.

I know which is which do you?
The people near ANWR do want the drilling. They are being "protected" right out of a job.
We are about to have a real majority and a Democratic president.

The short two years that took place in the past we got the best fiscal managment in decades.

Nothing is ever perfect but the assholes we are throwing out are the worst ever.
... and it would lower the price per barrel by about $1.50/100+

All this talk about opening up reserves is just an excuse by Republicans to take advantage of people's present unhappiness with gas prices to exploit national preserves for oil companies' gain. It will make almost no difference to you at the pump.

Increasing the the availability of Oil will make no difference? You are a class A idiot. By the way.. I bet you were first in line to call Bill Clinton Brilliant when he opened up the reserves... and by the way caused an immediate impact on the price of gasoline.
We are about to have a real majority and a Democratic president.

The short two years that took place in the past we got the best fiscal managment in decades.

Nothing is ever perfect but the assholes we are throwing out are the worst ever.

These past two years have been a disaster..... what are you talking about?
The people near ANWR do want the drilling. They are being "protected" right out of a job.

ANWR has very little retrievable oil though, and ten years from now when anything we drilled could finally hit the market, it won’t affect our energy crisis. As you know, but I’ll be happy to restate this inconvenient fact as often as you’d like – Floridians do not want drilling off their coast, and that is why Jeb BUSH, told GEORGE BUSH, NO, and George BUSH, said, no problemo and that was the end of that.

Remind me again what party the BUSHS are in?
ANWR has very little retrievable oil though, and ten years from now when anything we drilled could finally hit the market, it won’t affect our energy crisis. As you know, but I’ll be happy to restate this inconvenient fact as often as you’d like – Floridians do not want drilling off their coast, and that is why Jeb BUSH, told GEORGE BUSH, NO, and George BUSH, said, no problemo and that was the end of that.

Remind me again what party the BUSHS are in?

Thats BS. It depends on who you want to listen to. The Northern Slope is said to have one of the Worlds largest fields. The Natural Gas that it holds is awesome and could potentially feed us for the next 200 years.