Dems Obsession With Race

Has anyone else noticed, the ONLY people who have even brought up "race" in this election, are Democrats? I'm not just talking about here on the board with the regular posters, I mean the campaigns as well. Bill Clinton brought it up when Hillary was trying to win the nomination, and Obama has brought it up several times... "they will say I don't look like the other presidents on the dollar bill..."

While Republicans have embraced Condi Rice and Colin Powell, as well as several other Latino appointments by Bush, the Democrats seem to be the ones focused on race, playing the "race card" left and right. Some of them will now admit, Obama might lose because of "racist" Hillary supporters not voting for him. My goodness, I didn't realize they had such a problem with skin color until now. I always heard they were the party of tolerance and acceptance, but this doesn't sound like they are that way at all to me. It sounds like, they have a bit of a 'prejudiced problem' among their ranks. Like maybe, they "talk" a lot about their "diversity" but don't really want to practice it. Yeah, they nominated Obama, barely, and there wasn't that much difference between Clinton and Obama policy-wise, so was it all about skin color?

Palin is a woman, and I haven't heard a single republican say they couldn't support her because of her gender, and I don't think any republican would have a problem with Palin if she were black. In fact, most of us Conservatives don't care what color you are, as long as you are Conservative. I think some Democrats have deep seeded resentment for black people, and probably women as well. They just hide it well, behind a false illusion of acceptance. Notice how many 'kisses' Obama has gotten during this campaign, even Bill Clinton planted one on him! Yeah, let's make sure to 'kiss the black guy' so we don't show how bigoted and prejudiced we really are! That's how it comes across to me. I just wondered if anyone else had noticed this.
Do we have a black republican presidential candidate ? If we did they would talk of it as well.
Short and to the poont dix. Excessive verbosity is not required.
Do we have a black republican presidential candidate ? If we did they would talk of it as well.
Short and to the poont dix. Excessive verbosity is not required.

No they wouldn't. I know quite a few hardcore conservatives who were lobbying for Condi to run! We care about ONE color... CONSERVATIVE!

Now, if Palin or McCain were black, the Democrats might say something about it, because they seem to be the ones obsessed with skin color. No Republican anywhere at any time during this campaign, has said one word about Obama's race. Not one! The ONLY people who have mentioned it or brought it up, are DEMOCRATS! ....Why do you suppose that is?
No they wouldn't. I know quite a few hardcore conservatives who were lobbying for Condi to run! We care about ONE color... CONSERVATIVE!

Now, if Palin or McCain were black, the Democrats might say something about it, because they seem to be the ones obsessed with skin color. No Republican anywhere at any time during this campaign, has said one word about Obama's race. Not one! The ONLY people who have mentioned it or brought it up, are DEMOCRATS! ....Why do you suppose that is?

Well why don't you run a conservative then ? Have not had one for many years on the republican ticket.
You mean republicans don't you ?
Actual racists seldom bring up race; at least publicly...

No, there are a lot of racists who are very vocal about it, hold rallies and parades and shit too! But there are a lot of hypocrites who hide behind a facade of pretentious gestures and patronization, thinking it will go undetected. Democrats are famous for it!
Has anyone else noticed, the ONLY people who have even brought up "race" in this election, are Democrats?


Washington - Activists at a major conservative political forum snapped up boxes of waffle mix depicting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as a racial stereotype on its front and wearing Arab-like headdress on its top flap.

The "vaues voter" summit is one of the biggest conservative gatherings of the year.

"Aunt Jemimah"-type Waffle Box sold at Values Voter Convention

yahoo news
Washington - Activists at a major conservative political forum snapped up boxes of waffle mix depicting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as a racial stereotype on its front and wearing Arab-like headdress on its top flap.

The "vaues voter" summit is one of the biggest conservative gatherings of the year.

"Aunt Jemimah"-type Waffle Box sold at Values Voter Convention

yahoo news

LMAO... That has to do with Obama claiming to not be a Muslim, but a Christian, and then denouncing his Christian pastor of 20 years! Dear Lord!
Dixie, do you see anything wrong with the Obama Waffles illustration?

No more so than Waterhead's posting of McCain and Bristol Palin in a tasteless and tacky movie ad spoof, mocking her pregnancy, or the website "game" guiding Palin through human embryo's. I think you guys have the market covered on 'tasteless' and 'tackiness' at this point. Do you mean, did I find it 'racist' in some way? Not particularly. However, my point in this thread, had to do with the campaigns, not weirdo's out there, who find dark humor funny.

Obama is currently running ads targeting Hispanics who don't speak English (it's in Spanish) in which he links McCain and Rush Limbaugh along with Bush, on the issue of illegal immigration, with some very racially inflammatory remarks. Rush has always opposed McCain's policy, as well as Bush's policy on illegal immigration. Obama is literally using the same tactic as 1960's-era segregationists in the ad, and I find it very offensive and racist.
No more so than Waterhead's posting of McCain and Bristol Palin in a tasteless and tacky movie ad spoof, mocking her pregnancy, or the website "game" guiding Palin through human embryo's. I think you guys have the market covered on 'tasteless' and 'tackiness' at this point. Do you mean, did I find it 'racist' in some way? Not particularly. However, my point in this thread, had to do with the campaigns, not weirdo's out there, who find dark humor funny.

Obama is currently running ads targeting Hispanics who don't speak English (it's in Spanish) in which he links McCain and Rush Limbaugh along with Bush, on the issue of illegal immigration, with some very racially inflammatory remarks. Rush has always opposed McCain's policy, as well as Bush's policy on illegal immigration. Obama is literally using the same tactic as 1960's-era segregationists in the ad, and I find it very offensive and racist.

Dixie you also don’t think there’s anything particular racist about miscenegation laws, white business owners refusing to hire black employees, or the confederate flag being on government buildings.

Do you know why Dix? Cause you’re a racist. A good old fashioned, down home southern racist. Just like your pa.
Dixie you also don’t think there’s anything particular racist about miscenegation laws, white business owners refusing to hire black employees, or the confederate flag being on government buildings.

Do you know why Dix? Cause you’re a racist. A good old fashioned, down home southern racist. Just like your pa.

Darla, had I been old enough to vote, I would have not voted to keep miscegenation laws, or against EEO laws. I have no problem with the Confederate flag, it is a part of our National history, and should be recognized as such. I deplore the way the left has stigmatized the flag over the years, just as I deplore those who use it as a symbol of racism and racist viewpoints. I have relatives who died fighting under that flag, and it holds a place of honor in my family, and always will, because of that. But even if you disagree with the symbolism, it shouldn't be something you banish or censor from public view, because it is important for all Americans to remember that tumultuous time in American history. For better or worse, it is a symbol of American history that shouldn't be locked away and ignored.

Now, you can call me a racist all you like, you can't demonstrate that I have any racist viewpoints, because I don't. Actually, it is inherently impossible for me to be a true racist. My family lineage includes, Native American, Japanese as well as African-American ancestry. We're pretty much "mutts" when it comes to race, in my family, we have a little bit of everything. So how can I maintain a viewpoint of 'superiority' or 'inferiority' due to race or ethnicity? Unless I hate my own family lineage, it is impossible, and I am very proud of my family's diversity in culture. So, believe what you will, I know what I am, and I'm not racist.

It amazes me how people like you continue to have prejudice against people like me. Here we are, some 44 years down the road from Civil Rights, and you act like it is still being debated. When will people like you realize, we have generations of people who have grown up in a different society? Is it just easier for you to maintain your own bigoted prejudice by believing there is still this great division and hideous racist viewpoint prevalent in society? Or is it that you realize how impossible it is for you to overcome your own racist views, so you simply can't understand how someone else might?
No they wouldn't. I know quite a few hardcore conservatives who were lobbying for Condi to run! We care about ONE color... CONSERVATIVE!

Now, if Palin or McCain were black, the Democrats might say something about it, because they seem to be the ones obsessed with skin color. No Republican anywhere at any time during this campaign, has said one word about Obama's race. Not one! The ONLY people who have mentioned it or brought it up, are DEMOCRATS! ....Why do you suppose that is?

But you're not a conservative Dixie. You are by definition a reactionary.
Darla, had I been old enough to vote, I would have not voted to keep miscegenation laws, or against EEO laws. I have no problem with the Confederate flag, it is a part of our National history, and should be recognized as such.
We need a Bennedict Arnold National Holiday, because he's part of our nation's history. We also need to get states to fly the Soviet and Nazi flags because they were a part of our nation's history as well...
We need a Bennedict Arnold National Holiday, because he's part of our nation's history. We also need to get states to fly the Soviet and Nazi flags because they were a part of our nation's history as well...

Are the Japanese proud of their imperial history? Are the Germans proud of their Nazi history? No. It's not something they should be proud about, and they should only talk about it in negative ways, and never raise the flags that honored those states.

And the same thing goes with the confederacy. It's disturbing that so many people raise a flag that honored slavery because 'It's part of my history'. Yes, it's part of our fucking history. I wish it wasn't.
Darla, had I been old enough to vote, I would have not voted to keep miscegenation laws, or against EEO laws.

How do you know that Dixie? You seem to be the kind of guy that goes with the flow. I'm pretty sure most southerners don't think that they would have voted for them. I'm also pretty sure they would have would they have lived in that society. And you are a dead on typical old south southerner.
How do you know that Dixie? You seem to be the kind of guy that goes with the flow. I'm pretty sure most southerners don't think that they would have voted for them. I'm also pretty sure they would have would they have lived in that society. And you are a dead on typical old south southerner.

Wow, that's a tongue-twister, otherwise I agree. :)

Also, its funny that you had such an awful sig line that the return of the carebear is not as sad a sight as it normally is when you bring it back. :(