Dems poised to commit suicide over HC!

Looks like Nancy can't be reasoned with. She is insisting that HC Reform will be passed, whether the American people like it or not. Her president backs her 100%, saying that it will be passed, and if the people don't like it, "that's what elections are for!" They have threatened to use Reconciliation in order to ram it through, even though it is abundantly clear, many Congressmen are going to pay a heavy political cost in doing so.

First of all, I don't think they are going to have the votes to get it passed, even if they only need a simple majority. They barely got a bill through the House, had to revise it to get it through the Senate, and currently have NO bill, just a revised idea from The Obama. Since the original passage of the bills in the House and Senate, a LOT of political stuff has taken place, these Congresspeople have gone back to their districts and heard from the constituents, and the constituents aren't happy about this. A few of them have already gone on record to say they will not support what is currently on the table, even though they originally supported the bill, Murtha is dead, Teddy is dead, his seat filled by a Republican who opposes this crap... I think Nancy is going to have a tough row to hoe!

IF she manages to use her NUCLEAR OPTION and ram this through, there will be a backlash like Democrats haven't seen in years. It will be likely such an action will result in the Dems losing control of BOTH houses of Congress in the midterms, and with Republicans in charge, anything that gets passed will be rescinded almost immediately. At the very least, the individual measures in whatever monstrosity they pass, will be held up in litigation for years. You people are NOT going to get this! It's just NOT going to happen for ya! I know that is a blow to your pride and your egos, but really... let's be adults about it! No need to completely destroy the power you've obtained, it is really a foolish move to continue pressing for this.

A much smarter approach would be to scrap this thing, start over and try to come up with some kind of bipartisan initiative to address the problems we can all agree on, and re-focus on the economy and jobs for now. But.... that would require smartness from Democrats! Not likely to happen!

Oh fucking well! It was nice knowing you Dems! ...Buh-bye!
LOLZ The nuclear option is always so controversial, which is why the GOP never implemented it when trying to get justices confirmed. If the Dems go for it, I will laugh my (admittedly super hot) ass off!!
LOLZ The nuclear option is always so controversial, which is why the GOP never implemented it when trying to get justices confirmed. If the Dems go for it, I will laugh my (admittedly super hot) ass off!!

I am beginning to think, the Democrat leadership doesn't care about the midterms or continuing to be in power, if they can trade that for their health care bill. It would give them an enormous entitlement feather in their caps for years to come, and something they can show for their efforts, where they currently have zilch. Plus, once they lose control of the house and senate, they have a convenient excuse for not getting anything else done, and Obamalama has the perfect re-election campaign mantra... can't do nuttin cuz of them damn republicans! Look at how much more traction they were getting when they weren't in power... people bought their rhetoric, it worked, it doesn't work now, they just sound silly blaming their ineffectiveness on Bush.
It's fun to do a search on "backlash" an "Dixie," and recount all of the things he promised backlash over, that didn't actually result in backlash.

The Dems won't lose the Senate, no matter what happens, though they could lose the House, albeit by a fairly small margin. Certainly not enough to "rescind" everything that they pass.

That said, the spririt of the OP - if that spirit is that the nuke option is a dumb move - is essentially correct.

The Dems won't lose the Senate, no matter what happens, though they could lose the House, albeit by a fairly small margin. Certainly not enough to "rescind" everything that they pass.

Search term: "dumb prediction", so I can foist this on you in November. :)