Dems Poised to Sing Different Tune...

In the wake of the Massachusetts Nightmare, Democrats will certainly be looking for some way to change the dynamic. It should be apparent to even the most brain-dead Nancy Pelosi types out there, the Democrat agenda is failing. All of the hope has evaporated before any real change happened, not that any proposed change would have been good.

I think we will now see the end to their arrogant attitudes and insistence in ramming this health care monstrosity down our throats. Starting tomorrow, I predict we hear a new tune being sung by the Democrats in Washington, as they come to understand the writing on the wall. If they are to salvage any possibility of hope for the remainder of Obama's term, it has to start with a complete attitude adjustment, and understanding of the electorate.

We are going to see a complete shift in tone from Democrats. At first, we won't notice much change, there will be the obligatory excuses for why it wasn't the Democrat agenda which lost the MA race, and that it wasn't a referendum on Obama, they have to do that, it's typical liberal damage control. Then, after a little cooling off period, we'll start to see them "reaching out" to the other side... and of course, our nitwit Republicrat Moderates, like Lindsey Graham, will fall all over themselves to be cordial and work with them... but the attitude is going to change. Obama is going to start sounding a whole lot like Bill Clinton.... the rhetoric is going to be lowered a few notches... and liberals will attempt to woo back some of that 'independent' support they've lost.
In the wake of the Massachusetts Nightmare, Democrats will certainly be looking for some way to change the dynamic. It should be apparent to even the most brain-dead Nancy Pelosi types out there, the Democrat agenda is failing. All of the hope has evaporated before any real change happened, not that any proposed change would have been good.

I think we will now see the end to their arrogant attitudes and insistence in ramming this health care monstrosity down our throats. Starting tomorrow, I predict we hear a new tune being sung by the Democrats in Washington, as they come to understand the writing on the wall. If they are to salvage any possibility of hope for the remainder of Obama's term, it has to start with a complete attitude adjustment, and understanding of the electorate.

We are going to see a complete shift in tone from Democrats. At first, we won't notice much change, there will be the obligatory excuses for why it wasn't the Democrat agenda which lost the MA race, and that it wasn't a referendum on Obama, they have to do that, it's typical liberal damage control. Then, after a little cooling off period, we'll start to see them "reaching out" to the other side... and of course, our nitwit Republicrat Moderates, like Lindsey Graham, will fall all over themselves to be cordial and work with them... but the attitude is going to change. Obama is going to start sounding a whole lot like Bill Clinton.... the rhetoric is going to be lowered a few notches... and liberals will attempt to woo back some of that 'independent' support they've lost.


I think we will now see the end to their arrogant attitudes and insistence in ramming this health care monstrosity down our throats. Starting tomorrow, I predict we hear a new tune being sung by the Democrats in Washington, as they come to understand the writing on the wall. If they are to salvage any possibility of hope for the remainder of Obama's term, it has to start with a complete attitude adjustment, and understanding of the electorate. ....

That's one scenario. An other is that they will become even more arrogant and accelerate their agenda, bust through any filibuster or bribe Olympia Snowe. They'll race off a cliff, hitting the valley floor below in te 2010 elections and damage the Democrat Party's chances to retain power for a generation. Frankly I hope this happens.

You'll see this attitude among rabid liberals on this board in the next few days. :)
it better change unless they want the shortest majority in History.
This from a turbo-lib. We don't want socialism. HC was a massive redistribution of wealth. Enough already Obama has dolled out more than ever to the poor. It's the ECONOMY stupid.
There's not much Obama can do for the economy. Financial regulation and a jobs bill would've been the two obvious options, but that was killed by Brown's election.
OUr economy would blossom if we just stopped putting americans out of work with overseas slave products.

Protectionism Now!
it better change unless they want the shortest majority in History.
This from a turbo-lib. We don't want socialism. HC was a massive redistribution of wealth. Enough already Obama has dolled out more than ever to the poor. It's the ECONOMY stupid.
OH that's just hyperbole. HC reform is going to happen. If not now, later. We can't continue to keep spending 15 to 20% of GDP on Health Care and get the pathetic results we do with to many people not being covered and to many people going bankrupt because they got sick or hurt. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. HC reform will happen and it will be modeled after programs used by other modern industrialized nations. This "Socialism" bit is a canard.

What bothers me is the Dems and their tendency to form a circular firing squad. They fucking did it again on HC reform on the basis of House vs. Senate plan and putting all their eggs in one basket with Choakley.

What was it Will Rogers said? "I belong to no organized political party. I'm a Democrat."

They had a done deal and now have managed to fuck it up. Is it me or do I smell a rat?
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OH that's just hyperbole. HC reform is going to happen. If not now, later. We can't continue to keep spending 15 to 20% of GDP on Health Care and get the pathetic results we do with to many people not being covered and to many people going bankrupt because they got sick or hurt. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. HC reform will happen and it will be modeled after programs used by other modern industrialized nations. This "Socialism" bit is a canard.

What bothers me is the Dems and their tendency to form a circular firing squad. They fucking did it again on HC reform on the basis of House vs. Senate plan and putting all their eggs in one basket with Choakley.

What was it Will Rogers said? "I belong to no organized political party. I'm a Democrat."

They had a done deal and now have managed to fuck it up. Is it me or do I smell a rat?

Keep living in your idiot fantasy. It suits you.
There's not much Obama can do for the economy. Financial regulation and a jobs bill would've been the two obvious options, but that was killed by Brown's election.
That's hyperbole too. If W could accomplish a legislative agenda with out a congressional super majority then Obama can to if he ever decides to lead. I'm just scathingly critical about Obama's lack of leadership on HC reform. All this political back lash is purely his fault for not using the bully pulpit of the Presidency to explain HC reform to the American people. He left it up to a Democratically controlled congress and we now have seen where that's gotten him.

At some point Obama has to quit managing situations and get off his ass and lead!
When the dogooders are done with their stupidism, we will all be forced into fascist healthcare, run by eugenicists who believe more in population control that helping people actually prosper.
Wasn't there an ad sometime (I think it was GWB's first election) that had the word RAT in Democrat appear after the Democ part and people thought it was purposeful "subliminal" messaging?
It's time to start protecting American workers. Tariffs would be a good start.

That and eliminating trade all together with nations who don't beleive in individualism and civil rights, free expression etcetera. We should be fighting totalitarianism, not enabling it.

Trade should take place inside a framework of other concerns. Long term thinking should be applied, instead of short term stupidity.
OH that's just hyperbole. HC reform is going to happen. If not now, later. We can't continue to keep spending 15 to 20% of GDP on Health Care and get the pathetic results we do with to many people not being covered and to many people going bankrupt because they got sick or hurt. ...
How ironic.