Dem's racism is alive and well

Hardly a surprise. The Democrats are the party that has opposed civil rights for blacks, since before the civil war. Even in the 1960s, greater percentages of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than did Democrats. And for decades now, it's the Democrats who have insisted that blacks as a race, cannot make it without government assistance, programs like Affirmative Action, etc. - while making no such claims about whites as a race.

Now some Democrats won't vote for a black man, preferring to abandon their party instead? Pretty much a non-news item, merely continuing an already well-established trend.
This is one of the "hack tests," and both indisputable & Little A failed. There are racists in both parties.

Oh, Little A - did I just tell a lie about Bush?
Hardly a surprise. The Democrats are the party that has opposed civil rights for blacks, since before the civil war. Even in the 1960s, greater percentages of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than did Democrats. And for decades now, it's the Democrats who have insisted that blacks as a race, cannot make it without government assistance, programs like Affirmative Action, etc. - while making no such claims about whites as a race.

Now some Democrats won't vote for a black man, preferring to abandon their party instead? Pretty much a non-news item, merely continuing an already well-established trend.

If you actually go to the article you'll see that 19% of Obama supporters say they won't vote for Hillary. So you could as easily make the claim that 19% of democrats are sexists. could use your head and realize that the democrats are in the middle of a very bitterly contested primary, and feelings are running high on both sides. That it is in the emotional flush of the first bitterness of losing, that a person might say they won't vote for the party's nominee unless the nominee is THEIR pick. Those numbers won't hold.

And of course, some democrats might really feel that McCain is better than Clinton, but not better than Obama, or, that McCain is better than Obama, but not better than Clinton.

Unless...are you claiming that if a person votes for McCain over Obama, they're racists, period?

Because that gives you guys a 100% racist score.
You are right, the Dems did oppose civil rights because they repesented a group of people that ALSO did not believe in civil rights. Most of those dems represented a southern constituency which now votes republican. Affirmative action was created NOT because Dems didn't think that Blacks could make it on their own but because Dems KNEW that left unchecked employers and universities would continue their long tradition of discriminating against blacks on a large scale. They knew that the good ole boy system would continue to employ and accept people that looked like them. When I went to Law School in Topeka, the Topeka Indenpendant School district had STILL not complied with Brown. There is still evidence in hiring that if given a choice an employer will hire an less qualified white man over a more qualified black man. Affirmative action is in it's twilight, but there is still a necessity for it. Civil Rights law has only protected Blacks for the last 40 years. Even after the 13th, 14th and 15th were ratified, states still discriminated against their black citizens by having tests for voting, and even intimidation that was not rebuked by the state courts. It always amazes me the white whine that still permiates this country. And the whiners have now attempted to turn the tables by calling the people that have worked hard to insure that black americans benefit from the American dream just like everyone else, by calling them racists. The funny part is there are so many people that I would otherwise think intelligent that buy that bullshit.
You know how Dems lie

The racist, hate-filled history of the Democrats is a matter of public record.

Liberals erase their party's entire history with a blanket statement that claims, over the last forty years, that there has been a mass migration of racists out of the Democratic Party and into the GOP.

Only one of them became a Republican, and that was Strom Thurmond. The rest of them stayed Democrats until the day that they died - they didn't change parties....Fulbright and Albert Gore, Sr. (father of former vice president Al Gore), et cetera.
It seems to me that blacks in this country are more racist in their actions,and words, then are whites