Dems represent at Palin event


New member
how bout them silly lefties..protesting a private citizens book signing.:palm:

Posted: Saturday, Dec 12, 2009 - 10:06:04 am PST
News editor

SANDPOINT — Local Democrats turned out Thursday to demonstrate that not everybody in Bonner County buys what Sarah Palin is selling.

“We just wanted to show that there were some people who don’t think Sarah Palin is the greatest thing since sliced bread,” said Laura Bry, chair of the Bonner County Democrat Central Committee.

Bry was among a dozen like-minded folks who gathered at the Sandpoint Business & Events Center to express their viewpoint. Some carried signs, the tone of which covered a broad spectrum of sentiment.

One sign read, “Thank God You Lost” and was adorned with a smiley face and a cross, while another read, “Stop Making Things Up.”

Bry, who carried the latter sign, said she went to the former vice presidential candidate’s book-signing event to peacefully protest, not to pick a fight.

“We worked on being polite and not getting into verbal arguments,” said Bry.

Not that there weren’t some harsh words, though.

Some Palin supporters, fresh from meeting a woman they deeply admire after standing in line all day, reacted strongly to the presence of Palin opponents.

There was some nasty jeering and some verbal confrontations.

“We didn’t really want to be anti-Palin,” Bry said of her segment of the protest group. “My best friend thinks Sarah Palin is just an awesome woman. I don’t want to be disrespectful to my neighbors and I don’t want to be disrespectful to Sarah Palin either. I just don’t agree with her on almost anything.”

Jenni Roberts-Martin said some of the Palin supporters’ vitriol was directed squarely at her and her children, but has no regrets about exercising her civil rights.

“I sincerely hope that’s the lesson my children take away from last night — that if you stand quietly and refuse to be baited, free speech is a valuable, inalienable right,” Roberts-Martin said in an e-mail to The Daily Bee.

Both Bry and Roberts-Martin praised Sandpoint Fire Chief Robert Tyler and Police Chief Mark Lockwood for smoothing some of the ruffled feathers.

Lockwood said it only took a straightforward reminder to ease tensions.

“We made it very plan: The woman that’s in there signing books is a staunch advocate of having these people out here and letting them exercise their right to do this and that pretty much diffused it,” he said.

Lockwood added that he was pleased with how the event ultimately unfolded and said there isn’t much he would do differently. He said one of the bigger factors of the evening was Palin’s deep roots in Bonner County.

“The big factor was her family knew so many people,” he said.
how bout them silly lefties..protesting a private citizens book signing.:palm:

Posted: Saturday, Dec 12, 2009 - 10:06:04 am PST
News editor

SANDPOINT — Local Democrats turned out Thursday to demonstrate that not everybody in Bonner County buys what Sarah Palin is selling.

“We just wanted to show that there were some people who don’t think Sarah Palin is the greatest thing since sliced bread,” said Laura Bry, chair of the Bonner County Democrat Central Committee.

Bry was among a dozen like-minded folks who gathered at the Sandpoint Business & Events Center to express their viewpoint. Some carried signs, the tone of which covered a broad spectrum of sentiment.

One sign read, “Thank God You Lost” and was adorned with a smiley face and a cross, while another read, “Stop Making Things Up.”

Bry, who carried the latter sign, said she went to the former vice presidential candidate’s book-signing event to peacefully protest, not to pick a fight.

“We worked on being polite and not getting into verbal arguments,” said Bry.

Not that there weren’t some harsh words, though.

Some Palin supporters, fresh from meeting a woman they deeply admire after standing in line all day, reacted strongly to the presence of Palin opponents.

There was some nasty jeering and some verbal confrontations.

“We didn’t really want to be anti-Palin,” Bry said of her segment of the protest group. “My best friend thinks Sarah Palin is just an awesome woman. I don’t want to be disrespectful to my neighbors and I don’t want to be disrespectful to Sarah Palin either. I just don’t agree with her on almost anything.”

Jenni Roberts-Martin said some of the Palin supporters’ vitriol was directed squarely at her and her children, but has no regrets about exercising her civil rights.

“I sincerely hope that’s the lesson my children take away from last night — that if you stand quietly and refuse to be baited, free speech is a valuable, inalienable right,” Roberts-Martin said in an e-mail to The Daily Bee.

Both Bry and Roberts-Martin praised Sandpoint Fire Chief Robert Tyler and Police Chief Mark Lockwood for smoothing some of the ruffled feathers.

Lockwood said it only took a straightforward reminder to ease tensions.

“We made it very plan: The woman that’s in there signing books is a staunch advocate of having these people out here and letting them exercise their right to do this and that pretty much diffused it,” he said.

Lockwood added that he was pleased with how the event ultimately unfolded and said there isn’t much he would do differently. He said one of the bigger factors of the evening was Palin’s deep roots in Bonner County.

“The big factor was her family knew so many people,” he said.

Yeah, the same thing happened a few years ago at a rick santorum book signing, only he had a state trooper remove the protestors. Guess they should have stayed in the "free speech zone" far away from the hallowed one's eyes.

And then the trooper, Delaware State Police Sgt. Mark DiJiacomo, who was on detail as a private security guard, came over to the group of women.

Here is the conversation, as Galperin remembers it: “You guys have to leave.”

“Your business is not wanted here. They don’t want you here anymore. If you don’t leave, you’re going to be arrested. If you can’t post bail, you’ll go to prison. Those of you who are under 18 will go to Ferris [the juvenile detention center]. And those of you over 18 will go either to Gander Hill Prison or the woman’s correctional facility. Any questions?”
Yeah, the same thing happened a few years ago at a rick santorum book signing, only he had a state trooper remove the protestors. Guess they should have stayed in the "free speech zone" far away from the hallowed one's eyes.

And then the trooper, Delaware State Police Sgt. Mark DiJiacomo, who was on detail as a private security guard, came over to the group of women.

Here is the conversation, as Galperin remembers it: “You guys have to leave.”

“Your business is not wanted here. They don’t want you here anymore. If you don’t leave, you’re going to be arrested. If you can’t post bail, you’ll go to prison. Those of you who are under 18 will go to Ferris [the juvenile detention center]. And those of you over 18 will go either to Gander Hill Prison or the woman’s correctional facility. Any questions?”

you are the lady of the Messiah who constantly hijacks threads with "stuff" that has absolutely nothing to do with the thread posted..what is up with that??
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Jenni Roberts-Martin said some of the Palin supporters’ vitriol was directed squarely at her and her children, but has no regrets about exercising her civil rights.

“I sincerely hope that’s the lesson my children take away from last night — that if you stand quietly and refuse to be baited, free speech is a valuable, inalienable right,” Roberts-Martin said in an e-mail to The Daily Bee.

I think maybe Meme didnt really read this article
Jenni Roberts-Martin said some of the Palin supporters’ vitriol was directed squarely at her and her children, but has no regrets about exercising her civil rights.

“I sincerely hope that’s the lesson my children take away from last night — that if you stand quietly and refuse to be baited, free speech is a valuable, inalienable right,” Roberts-Martin said in an e-mail to The Daily Bee.

I think maybe Meme didnt really read this article

Oh I read it, and as usual the poor little lefties are the "victims"..waaa
maybe they shouldn't take their children with them to PROTEST a "book signing" of a PRIVIATE CITIZEN..
You posted this thinking the Righties were being mistreated.

It turns out the righties were yelling nasties at the lady adn her kids for holding a sign that wasnt Pro Palin
You posted this thinking the Righties were being mistreated.

It turns out the righties were yelling nasties at the lady adn her kids for holding a sign that wasnt Pro Palin

I posted this to show how STUPID the left is, and it continues here..:good4u:
Yeah, the same thing happened a few years ago at a rick santorum book signing, only he had a state trooper remove the protestors. Guess they should have stayed in the "free speech zone" far away from the hallowed one's eyes.

And then the trooper, Delaware State Police Sgt. Mark DiJiacomo, who was on detail as a private security guard, came over to the group of women.

Here is the conversation, as Galperin remembers it: “You guys have to leave.”

“Your business is not wanted here. They don’t want you here anymore. If you don’t leave, you’re going to be arrested. If you can’t post bail, you’ll go to prison. Those of you who are under 18 will go to Ferris [the juvenile detention center]. And those of you over 18 will go either to Gander Hill Prison or the woman’s correctional facility. Any questions?”

thats what happens when you don't leave private property upon request. I'm not surprised that you totally glossed over the part where the sheriff at palins signing reminded the protesters that palin stands up for their freedom of speech and did NOT have them removed.
The Palin people were verbally abusive of someone who was protesting without vitriol.

You think the protester was stupid for protesting.

How do you feel about the people who protested Gore and his book?
The Palin people were verbally abusive of someone who was protesting without vitriol.

You think the protester was stupid for protesting.

How do you feel about the people who protested Gore and his book?

And how do you feel that Gore called his goon security and forcefully removed a private citizen for just "asking a QUESTION"?

Gore should not only be protested, he should be IN JAIL..
there you are with all your hypocracy showing

Gore is directly involved with this commie white house lying through his fat assed yellow teeth spreading lies and fear mongering to institute his commie policies from the so called, "man made global warming" and scam the American yes, he should be protested at every stop he makes and ran out of town..

why aren't you upset with what Al Gore is doing?
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Gore is directly involved with this commie white house lying through his fat assed yellow teeth spreading lies and fear mongering to institute his commie policies from the so called, "man made global warming" and scam the American yes, he should be protested at every stop he makes and ran out of town..

why aren't you upset with what Al Gore is doing?

Because I'm not pumped full of lies and insanity like you.

Now tell me why Palin being protested is different?
Because I'm not pumped full of lies and insanity like you.

Now tell me why Palin being protested is different?

haha, you're not pumped full of lies and, you only help spread them for your communist party..

and I explained why Gore and Palins protesting was different...

and of course you never commented on how the GORE called his goons on a person who was only asking a question..but I didn't expect you would..
thats what happens when you don't leave private property upon request. I'm not surprised that you totally glossed over the part where the sheriff at palins signing reminded the protesters that palin stands up for their freedom of speech and did NOT have them removed.

Of course I read the entire article. It didn't say the protesters were inside the book store, i.e. the private property. They were standing outside quietly holding signs : “ — that if you stand quietly and refuse to be baited, free speech is a valuable, inalienable right,” Roberts-Martin said in an e-mail to The Daily Bee.

It's clear the pro-Palin group started the altercation because they didn't like the protest. Tough luck, nobody was breaking the law here, and from the sheriff's comments, he agreed. So what's your point?
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