Dems To Voters, Tell Them He Is Half-White


Biden gets mixed welcome in Northeast
Local Dem leaders say race is issue for many voters

Philadelphia Daily News 215-854-2595
DEMOCRATIC vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden went stumping for votes yesterday in Northeast Philadelphia, where Democrats need to earn the love of Democrats who voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in the April primary.

He worked a diner, gave a rousing speech on bread-and-butter issues at a union hall, and reeled off a memorable line tying the Republican candidate to the unpopular team in the White House.

"My friend John McCain and George Bush are joined at the hip," Biden said. "And we need a hip replacement very, very badly."

So how is the ticket doing with the Northeast's white working and middle-class voters?

Mike McAleer, the veteran Democratic ward leader of the 66th ward in the far Northeast, said Obama and Biden haven't closed the deal yet.

"The Dunkin' Donut crowd tells me that we've got everything going for us but Obama," McAleer said. "They can't give me a direct answer. Do I have them right now in the 66th ward? No. But I got 60 days to get them."

Asked what the problem is with Obama, McAleer paused and said: "It's his color . . . I tell them he's half white and half black. He's got a better perspective for everything in this country."

Joe Dougherty, business manager for Ironworkers Local 401, which hosted Biden's morning event, also said race is an issue for many Democrats.

"I hear it in the neighborhood, and I hear it in the union," Dougherty said. "But I remind them (Obama's) mother was white. He sees all sides, and he could be just what we need to bring this country together."


The Dunkin' Donut crowd

Obama: These stupid middle Americans bitterly cling to their crullers and their coffee.

Someone should tell these idiots, Obama walked away from “white” years ago. He is all black.
Biden gets mixed welcome in Northeast
Local Dem leaders say race is issue for many voters

Philadelphia Daily News 215-854-2595
DEMOCRATIC vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden went stumping for votes yesterday in Northeast Philadelphia, where Democrats need to earn the love of Democrats who voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in the April primary.

He worked a diner, gave a rousing speech on bread-and-butter issues at a union hall, and reeled off a memorable line tying the Republican candidate to the unpopular team in the White House.

"My friend John McCain and George Bush are joined at the hip," Biden said. "And we need a hip replacement very, very badly."

So how is the ticket doing with the Northeast's white working and middle-class voters?

Mike McAleer, the veteran Democratic ward leader of the 66th ward in the far Northeast, said Obama and Biden haven't closed the deal yet.

"The Dunkin' Donut crowd tells me that we've got everything going for us but Obama," McAleer said. "They can't give me a direct answer. Do I have them right now in the 66th ward? No. But I got 60 days to get them."

Asked what the problem is with Obama, McAleer paused and said: "It's his color . . . I tell them he's half white and half black. He's got a better perspective for everything in this country."

Joe Dougherty, business manager for Ironworkers Local 401, which hosted Biden's morning event, also said race is an issue for many Democrats.

"I hear it in the neighborhood, and I hear it in the union," Dougherty said. "But I remind them (Obama's) mother was white. He sees all sides, and he could be just what we need to bring this country together."


The Dunkin' Donut crowd

Obama: These stupid middle Americans bitterly cling to their crullers and their coffee.

Someone should tell these idiots, Obama walked away from “white” years ago. He is all black.

Yes, "the Democrats" = one democratic ward leader who mentioned it's probably a good thing to remind voters he's half white.
The fact that the Dem leaders constantly call it a race issue if people don't agree with them, is just fuel to the racial fire--and 85% of it is not racism at all. With most people today-because of the race card being thrown at any oppertunity, espically by the Dems, we now think that simnply acknowledging the fact that there are differeent races on this planent qualifies you to be a racist. I am getting pretty sick of knocking eachother down using falsehoods.

I got accused of being a male chouvinist by some bimbo chick here in my area, because I did not support Hillery. But I support Palin totally right now. Now, she accuses me of just voting with Palin because she is pretty. That is the real depth of Dem voters for a sizeable amount of their population--the rest are socialists/marksists, or poor and want more welfare. I keep telling you liberials---the people don't like Biden or Obama in these areas, because we are used to being a bit more free IMO. The more Palin gets known--the more Biden and Obamas numbers will drop--I think anyway.

The sleeping giant of the American people is waking up, and nobody knows how many will show up. This is long awaited by me and everybody I know that is not a stupid city welfare give me person, and I actually feel excited about it. I may get my life back--and I may be able to retire without being a dependant. Now--that is dying with honor girls.

Obama is mixed. I don't care. He is a Marksisrt.--that I care about. That is what America is starting to care about. That is where Palin can show us the differences. McCain can not show us the differences. He is wearing one of Karls militant boots.
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The fact that the Dem leaders constantly call it a race issue if people don't agree with them, is just fuel to the racial fire--and 85% of it is not racism at all. With most people today-because of the race card being thrown at any oppertunity, espically by the Dems, we now think that simnply acknowledging the fact that there are differeent races on this planent qualifies you to be a racist. I am getting pretty sick of knocking eachother down using falsehoods.

I got accused of being a male chouvinist by some bimbo chick here in my area, because I did not support Hillery. But I support Palin totally right now. Now, she accuses me of just voting with Palin because she is pretty. That is the real depth of Dem voters for a sizeable amount of their population--the rest are socialists/marksists, or poor and want more welfare. I keep telling you liberials---the people don't like Biden or Obama in these areas, because we are used to being a bit more free IMO. The more Palin gets known--the more Biden and Obamas numbers will drop--I think anyway.

The sleeping giant of the American people is waking up, and nobody knows how many will show up. This is long awaited by me and everybody I know that is not a stupid city welfare give me person, and I actually feel excited about it. I may get my life back--and I may be able to retire without being a dependant. Now--that is dying with honor girls.

Obama is mixed. I don't care. He is a Marksisrt.--that I care about. That is what America is starting to care about. That is where Palin can show us the differences. McCain can not show us the differences. He is wearing one of Karls militant boots.

Hey Darla. Who's is the repubican state senate leader in your sig--and why is that person pushing the republican party into socialism? You use labels--I look at people and their interests. Your nothing but a lable maker---lol. Hey--tha's better than what I usually call you--I am in a good mood. :)

Go Palin.