Dems will keep the House and Senate

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Right now the talking heads are certain that Republicans will sweep the House and possibly even the Senate. I don't think that's going to happen and here's why.

For the Senate it's easy to predict why it won't happen. There are 16 senate seats up for election this cycle. 13 of those are held by Democrats, mostly in traditionally democratic States. 3 of those are is states which tend Republican. Ohio, for example, tends slightly Republican but they tend to be establishment Republicans and not Tea Party wackos or Southern wingnuts. In Ohio you have Rob Portman of Cincinnati, vs Lee Fisher of Cleveland. Portman, at present has a lead in the polls but the campaign season is just starting and he has some serious disadvantages, That is, he was President Bush's lead Trade Negotiator that negotiated the Chinese Trade agreement. Prior to that he was President Bush's Budget Director, the former doesn't play well in Ohio and the later....well that doesn't play well anywhere. So Portman is wide open to serious political attacks, his big advantage though is he has more money then Fisher. Kentucky is another example, it leans Republican and the Republican candidate has a lead in the polls but he's also an idiot who's going to get beat to death with some of the stupid things he's said. You have a similiar situation in Nevada where Angle imploded with idiotic comments. In short, of the 16 Senate seats up for grabs Repubs will have to pick up 13 of them to take control of the Senate. Not likely to happen.

The house has greater potential for Republicans as Democrats have taken some big hits in popularity in the last two years but they have some significant problems that will impede their obtaining the 39 additional seats they need.

#1. Gerrymandered districts make those kinds of pick ups difficult in one election cycle. It took two election cycles for Dems to do it.
#2. Dems has a substantial advantage in money to spend in key battles.
#3. Repubs have some serious organizational problems. They are having a serious internal dissent with RNC Chair Michael Steele and this has prevented Repubs from getting out a consistent message.
#4. Repubs are still widely blamed by the public for getting us into the economic mess that Dems have made themselves unpopular for in their attempts to get us out of. The voting public hasn't forgotten this.
#5. Nothing new is coming out of the Republican party. They keep regurgitating the same tired old "Lets cut taxes for the rich" mantra and unpopular Bush era policies.
#6. This lack of new ideas gives Dems to opportunity to label Repubs as "The Party of No" and so far this has been quite affective for Dems as they are defining the Repubs message for them a critical strategic blunder for Repubs. The most feared question Repubs have right now is "What will you do if you get in office?"
#7. This inability by Repubs to prove that they are prepared and have the ability to govern is a serious short coming and considering their abysmal recent history, will give many voters pause to think before voting Republican.
#8. The Tea Party is a lead anchor around the Republican parties neck. The Republican party has been working hard to regain their image as "establishment Republicans" only to have it sabotaged by Tea Party elements. Dems will have a hay day painting the Tea Party element as extremist and the stupid shit some of these tea baggers, like Paul and Angle, have been saying won't help.

Dems are fighting a wave of resentment for their failure to quickly dig us out of the hole that Repubs put us into and fighting such an ideological wave can sweep over some individual candidates who will literally get lost in the tide when it comes to individual campaigns but Republican party problems are to substantial to overcome in one election cycle. The will make significant gains in both houses but they will not win either.
Some of your numbers are, shall we say, rather made up. Where do you get only 16 Senate seats up for election? 1/3 of the Senate is reelected every election cycle for a minimum of 33 seats. Add in retirements and temporary appointments and we have 36, not 16, Senate seats up for election this November. Of those 36, 19 are held by democrats.

Also, the current Senate has 57 dems, 41 pugs, and 2 dems-in-indy-clothing. to lose their majority democrats would have to lose 9, not 13 seats. To give republicans a majority, they would have to lose 10 seats. SO, to take the Senate, republicans would have to hold all their seats, and take half of the democrats. Highly unlikely, IMO, but not quite the impossible task you describe.

I'll agree, though, that it is doubtful republicans will gain a majority in either house of congress. But democrats are in trouble, and this will undoubtedly be one of the larger turn-over midterms in history. Republicans will come close, though, which could have a lot of lingering effect for the 112th Congress.
BTW: The most senate seats ever picked up in one election by the minority party was 12 by the republicans. That was in the 1980 elections when Carter's economic policies gave the democratic party a severe black eye.

Coming in 2nd was the 2008 election, when GWB gave republicans a severe black eye, resulting in a 9-seat gain for democrats.

Both of those elections indicate that the idea of republicans taking back the senate is not quite as impossible as it would otherwise sound. Not that I anticipate it, but it could well be very close.
Some of your numbers are, shall we say, rather made up. Where do you get only 16 Senate seats up for election? 1/3 of the Senate is reelected every election cycle for a minimum of 33 seats. Add in retirements and temporary appointments and we have 36, not 16, Senate seats up for election this November. Of those 36, 19 are held by democrats.

Also, the current Senate has 57 dems, 41 pugs, and 2 dems-in-indy-clothing. to lose their majority democrats would have to lose 9, not 13 seats. To give republicans a majority, they would have to lose 10 seats. SO, to take the Senate, republicans would have to hold all their seats, and take half of the democrats. Highly unlikely, IMO, but not quite the impossible task you describe.

I'll agree, though, that it is doubtful republicans will gain a majority in either house of congress. But democrats are in trouble, and this will undoubtedly be one of the larger turn-over midterms in history. Republicans will come close, though, which could have a lot of lingering effect for the 112th Congress.

Oh yea they are certainly in trouble and unless then can do something to create about 3 to 5 million jobs the odds of their losing control of both houses by two election cycles are excellent.
Oh yea they are certainly in trouble and unless then can do something to create about 3 to 5 million jobs the odds of their losing control of both houses by two election cycles are excellent.

You started off guaranteeing us, the R's won't take either house of Congress in 2010, and ended up predicting they take it all in 2012? That's kind of odd, isn't it?

I think you are overstating the media 'certainty' regarding the impending republican tsunami in November. Most of the ones I have been listening to, admit that it would be 'extraordinary' if the republicans managed to pull that off. They are certainly expected to make some gains, and at least break the 'filibuster-proof' status the democrats have enjoyed. The tricky thing is, this is really a "weed-clearing" cycle too... Incumbent career republicans are not having such an easy ride in their primaries, some have gone down in flames, rather unexpectedly. Whether all the final numbers work out in favor of Republicans, they will most certainly work out to the advantage of conservative voices in both houses. In a sense, it's almost better to have the Dems retain full control, so they can also retain full blame. This is all going to get much worse before it gets better, and these rosy words from Joe Biden aren't going to mean a whole lot in another year or two. So, worse case scenario, we get to watch the rats jumping from their sinking ship for another 2 years, while non-retarded conservative republicans articulate their common-sense message to the people from the floor of Congress. I'll be happy with that!
You started off guaranteeing us, the R's won't take either house of Congress in 2010, and ended up predicting they take it all in 2012? That's kind of odd, isn't it?

I think you are overstating the media 'certainty' regarding the impending republican tsunami in November. Most of the ones I have been listening to, admit that it would be 'extraordinary' if the republicans managed to pull that off. They are certainly expected to make some gains, and at least break the 'filibuster-proof' status the democrats have enjoyed. The tricky thing is, this is really a "weed-clearing" cycle too... Incumbent career republicans are not having such an easy ride in their primaries, some have gone down in flames, rather unexpectedly. Whether all the final numbers work out in favor of Republicans, they will most certainly work out to the advantage of conservative voices in both houses. In a sense, it's almost better to have the Dems retain full control, so they can also retain full blame. This is all going to get much worse before it gets better, and these rosy words from Joe Biden aren't going to mean a whole lot in another year or two. So, worse case scenario, we get to watch the rats jumping from their sinking ship for another 2 years, while non-retarded conservative republicans articulate their common-sense message to the people from the floor of Congress. I'll be happy with that!
Of course if the economy does improve then Dems would get credit for that too in which case you would see the Dems make gains in 2012 not unlike what happened in 96.
Nice try Dixie. Didn't say any of what you just stated.

Really? It sure sounds like that is what you said...

Post #1: Republican party problems are to substantial to overcome in one election cycle. The will make significant gains in both houses but they will not win either. (R's won't win either house in 2010)

Post #4: Oh yea they are certainly in trouble and unless then can do something to create about 3 to 5 million jobs the odds of their losing control of both houses by two election cycles are excellent. (R's will win both in 2012)

First sentence of your OP: Right now the talking heads are certain that Republicans will sweep the House and possibly even the Senate.

Only other claim I made: I think you are overstating the media 'certainty' regarding the impending republican tsunami in November. Most of the ones I have been listening to, admit that it would be 'extraordinary' if the republicans managed to pull that off.

So now explain to me, if you didn't say this stuff, who did? Because they sure posted it under your name!
Since the Republicon party is purging the moderates out of their party and replacing them with radical teabagger nut jobs, this next election is an easy choice. The more teabaggers you run the more Democrats will win.
Since the Republicon party is purging the moderates out of their party and replacing them with radical teabagger nut jobs, this next election is an easy choice. The more teabaggers you run the more Democrats will win.

you really haven't been paying attention to the outside world, have you?

being moderate is what got the republican party in the minority. it's total ignorance of the reality of fiscal conservatism that keeps you thinking that the TEA party is radical.
Personally, I think Mott is smoking crack if he thinks the Dems keep the House. They would need a MAJOR improvement in the economy (especially jobs) by November to keep the House. Right now RCP has them down 12 seats to the Reps with 35 toss ups (according to polling data).

The economy would need a big downturn for the Reps to pull off the Senate. Right now they will likely get to 47, with an outside shot at 49.... but not enough to get to 51 (which they have to have for a majority given Biden's vote potential on ties)
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Its not because of anything you say. Its the dancing guy, it makes my browser stop for a few seconds every time I scroll to your posts. I end up tapping my fingers waiting, it's never happened to me before with any other person here. I have to run lots of stuff in the background when I'm here and can't shut it down because of your posts, so the only thing to do is to put you on ignore.
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Its not because of anything you say. Its the dancing guy, it makes my browser stop for a few seconds every time I scroll to your posts. I end up tapping my fingers waiting, it's never happened to me before with any other person here. I have to run lots of stuff in the background when I'm here and can't shut it down because of your posts, so the only thing to do is to put you on ignore.

it was getting old anyway. its gone now.
you really haven't been paying attention to the outside world, have you?

being moderate is what got the republican party in the minority. it's total ignorance of the reality of fiscal conservatism that keeps you thinking that the TEA party is radical.
Fiscal conservatism? I've seen no freaken evidence of that what so ever from Tea baggers. They keep mouthing a bunch of platitudes about "Smaller Government and less taxes and wasteful spending" while not making one single fucking concession to how they are going to do that responsibly and conservatively.

The day I hear a Tea Bagger say "Well in order to cut taxes we'll need to cut military spending in half and lower social security benefits" then I'll believe that shit. Until I do, then Tea Baggers are a freaken bunch of proles being manipulated for their vote who don't know a god damned thing about fiscal conservatism, good governance or even enough about politics to even realize they are being manipulated by their political masters.
you really haven't been paying attention to the outside world, have you?

being moderate is what got the republican party in the minority. it's total ignorance of the reality of fiscal conservatism that keeps you thinking that the TEA party is radical.

America is standing fast against the radical Socialist agenda of the Demo-Commies. That is why the Democrats are failing, and will be out of power for a generation - they were the pied piper promising Americans tax cuts, and instead their victory got to their head and they tried to institute the socialism they had always dreamed of. The American people were too smart for these COMMIES.
Fiscal conservatism? I've seen no freaken evidence of that what so ever from Tea baggers. They keep mouthing a bunch of platitudes about "Smaller Government and less taxes and wasteful spending" while not making one single fucking concession to how they are going to do that responsibly and conservatively.

The day I hear a Tea Bagger say "Well in order to cut taxes we'll need to cut military spending in half and lower social security benefits" then I'll believe that shit. Until I do, then Tea Baggers are a freaken bunch of proles being manipulated for their vote who don't know a god damned thing about fiscal conservatism, good governance or even enough about politics to even realize they are being manipulated by their political masters.

You'd have to make rather dramatic cuts to social security benefits to even thinking about cutting the payroll tax. At least 20% or more.
You started off guaranteeing us, the R's won't take either house of Congress in 2010, and ended up predicting they take it all in 2012? That's kind of odd, isn't it?

I think you are overstating the media 'certainty' regarding the impending republican tsunami in November. Most of the ones I have been listening to, admit that it would be 'extraordinary' if the republicans managed to pull that off. They are certainly expected to make some gains, and at least break the 'filibuster-proof' status the democrats have enjoyed. The tricky thing is, this is really a "weed-clearing" cycle too... Incumbent career republicans are not having such an easy ride in their primaries, some have gone down in flames, rather unexpectedly. Whether all the final numbers work out in favor of Republicans, they will most certainly work out to the advantage of conservative voices in both houses. In a sense, it's almost better to have the Dems retain full control, so they can also retain full blame. This is all going to get much worse before it gets better, and these rosy words from Joe Biden aren't going to mean a whole lot in another year or two. So, worse case scenario, we get to watch the rats jumping from their sinking ship for another 2 years, while non-retarded conservative republicans articulate their common-sense message to the people from the floor of Congress. I'll be happy with that!

We need to kick the goddamn RINO's out. We need people who are willing to put God back in schools and to abolish the welfare state, get rid of the Democrats commie healthcare take over, and restore the American republic. This going to be the most dramatic turning point in American history - from communism to a free republic in one election cycle.