

Makes the ganglia twitch.
Not a candidate....another insane winger!

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) says that he’s not sure people will ever know if the Earth was created by God in just seven days because “it’s one of the great mysteries.”

In an interview published in the December issue of GQ magazine, Michael Hainey asked the potential 2016 presidential candidate how old he thought the Earth was.

“I’m not a scientist, man,” Rubio replied. “I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians and I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States.”

“I’m not a scientist. I don’t think I’m qualified to answer a question like that. At the end of the day, I think there are multiple theories out there on how the universe was created and I think this is a country where people should have the opportunity to teach them all. I think parents should be able to teach their kids what their faith says, what science says.”

He added: “Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.”

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They have no candidates that aren't insane!!
using myths instead of facts to run a country will result in faliure.

bad info in

bad decisions out
How? You like to say shit but never back it up with anything other than your opinion. Do you really think the Teabaggers can continue this way and get ahead? Are you that deluded? Everyone can believe what they want but religion has been the bane of progress for hundreds of years...not much has changed on that front. How can someone in office or running for office believe nonsense and be expected to govern with deliberation and honesty regarding facts? They can't do it. They aren't sane and/or they're pandering. Which means they aren't fit to lead anything but church school.
Not a candidate....another insane winger!

They have no candidates that aren't insane!!

just out of curiosity, which of his statements do you consider insane?......

was it this one?....
I think it has nothing to do with the gross domestic product or economic growth of the United States.”

you certainly seem to be putting forward a contradictory opinion on that topic......
He thinks you have to be a scientist to determine how the earth was made when we have ample evidence and understanding of how planets are formed and how long it takes...he denies science and that's insane. How can he make policy if he doesn't understand basic science?
they cant win with these people or without them now.

how long they are in the hinterlands will be determined by how soon they heave these fact free fools.

I hope they dont take so long the power brokers buy the Democratic party in desperation.

Dems get voted out when that happens but sometimes they buy them AFTER you elect them.
How? You like to say shit but never back it up with anything other than your opinion. Do you really think the Teabaggers can continue this way and get ahead? Are you that deluded? Everyone can believe what they want but religion has been the bane of progress for hundreds of years...not much has changed on that front. How can someone in office or running for office believe nonsense and be expected to govern with deliberation and honesty regarding facts? They can't do it. They aren't sane and/or they're pandering. Which means they aren't fit to lead anything but church school.

are you off your meds again? or are you not capable of doing anything more than what taichilib has always done and group every non-liberal/non-progressive person in to one giant grouping of neocon/teabagger/rightwinger/tenther/birther/Libertarian/oather/threeper/and any other name not thought of yet?
That was the shit!
I've stepped in curb water deeper than Marco!
I'll give him this, he can pimp to the Christian pagans!
WOW the left wingers are going full throttle trying to discredit the hispanic already. They don't want to threaten their spic vote.

Must make Rubio sound scary. Next up will n
Be the obligatory abortion/rape question
He thinks you have to be a scientist to determine how the earth was made when we have ample evidence and understanding of how planets are formed and how long it takes...he denies science and that's insane. How can he make policy if he doesn't understand basic science?

seriously? believe science has shown that the earth could not have been created? should share that with the rest of the would be famous.......
PostmoderSandusky with the no history older than 6,000.
Fucking pagans are funny

fucking idiot has no idea what I believe.....but then what do you expect from someone who failed his GED's it hanging daytrader?......made enough to move out of mom's basement yet?.......