Denouncing Russia Is A Sneaky Way Of Saying Democracy Is Good


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President Biden will use his virtual address to the annual Munich Security Conference to denounce Russian efforts to undermine democracy in the United States, according to a senior administration official.

Friday brings two major moments for Biden as he makes his presidential debut on the world stage, with first a virtual Group of Seven meeting of world leaders followed by his keynote speech in which he will signal a stark change from the Trump years.

In both, he will underline how democracies are better placed than strongmen in tackling the world’s major problems. In particular, Biden will call out Moscow for its “malign” activities in trying to weaken democracies and disrupt transatlantic and European partnerships.

“He will specifically talk to what he believes is a concerted effort by the Kremlin to carry out a strategy to discredit, undermine and destabilize democracies,” said the official. “And he will call upon our democratic allies to stand with the United States in both creating resilience within our own societies and also in pushing back aggressively against these malign actions by Russia.”

Biden will also discuss the Iran nuclear program, the challenge posed by China, and the future of Afghanistan.

Tackling the coronavirus pandemic is expected to dominate discussion during the G-7 meeting, where officials say Biden will also unveil $4 billion of funding for a global vaccine initiative.

But the overarching theme of both sessions will be that vigorous democracies are better placed than autocracies to tackle major world threats, whether great power competitions, such as the rise of China or Russia, or transnational challenges that include global health security, climate change, and cyberthreats.

“He will certainly acknowledge that democracy is under stress, democratic institutions are under stress, under challenge in the United States as they are in parts of Europe, and in other parts of the world as well,” the senior administration official said.

“But that acknowledgment will be the jumping-off point to a confident, assertive claim that he will make in his speech that we have the wherewithal to renew and strengthen our democratic institutions," the official added.

Biden to denounce Russian attacks on democracy in virtual speech to Munich Security Conference
by Rob Crilly
February 19, 2021 05:00 AM

I would sleep easier if somebody in the swamp denounced Russia —— and Biden —— for undermining limited government at every chance.

p.s. Here is why Democrats love democracy:

Max Headroom President Biden.

Going on and about Democracy when he's president as a result of a cheated election and is ruling by decree. (EO)
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Going on and about Democracy when he's president as a result of a cheated election and is ruling by decree. (EO)

To Matt Dillon: I think you agree with Mr. Smith and the Founders?

The ongoing push for 'democracy' will not end well
By Brent Smith
Published February 19, 2021 at 7:19pm

Now that the election is over, Trump is out of office and Biden is in, thoughts have turned to governing. Well, maybe not governing. More like executive order fiat. It seems the only measure Congress has voted on thus far is the impeachment.

Still, if you believe the Dems, they were the ones we had to elect to restore our "democracy." And every time they mention that word, "democracy," many of us right-wing radicals feel compelled to remind America that we are not in fact a democracy, but are a constitutional, representative republic. Maybe we just say, "We are a republic."

And we are a republic for a reason. The founders knew the difference, which is why they painstakingly developed the form of government we still have and has, at least for now, stood the test of time.

Yet for years, Democrats and, frankly, some Republicans have purposely or mistakenly described America as a "democracy."

Back on Nov. 5, 2011, a Michigan representative, the late John Conyers, gave a speech to the Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America. ?Gee, I wonder where they stand on this issue?

Anywho, among the inane ramblings of John "Read the Bill" Conyers, were gems like "This system, this capitalist system, is broken and may be nearly unrepairable." But he also said, "We're helping make America the democracy that it has yet to become."

Now some might conclude that Conyers and hundreds of other Democratic politicians are just stupid – that they don't know the difference. But they're not stupid, particularly the older Democrats. They know full well what they advocate for, and it's not the utopian "democracy" they preach. It's tyranny.

More recently, and on a much larger stage, our president, "Lunchbox" Joe Biden, exclaimed virtually the same thing, although he has better speechwriters than did Conyers.

During his inaugural address, Biden proclaimed, "Through a crucible for the ages, America has been tested anew, and America has risen to the challenge. … The will of the people has been heard, and the will of the people has been heeded. … We've learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed."

Has it now.

Conyers, Biden, Pelosi, et al., may or may not have known, but son-of-a-gun if it wasn't old Karl Marx himself who was also a huge fan of democracy, because he knew, like did our founders, what it would eventually lead to. Marx said, "Democracy is the road to socialism." And socialism is a mere stone's throw to tyranny.

As I mentioned earlier, the founders knew this and were quite clear of their feelings toward democracy. It's mob rule. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Some have attributed this illustration to Ben Franklin, but I can't confirm.

A few of our other founders' thoughts on the subject:

Alexander Hamilton: "It had been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience had proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity."

James Madison: "Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death."

John Adams: "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."

And James Madison once again: "Democracy is the right of the people to choose their own tyrant."
To Matt Dillon: I think you agree with Mr. Smith and the Founders?

The ongoing push for 'democracy' will not end well
By Brent Smith
Published February 19, 2021 at 7:19pm

Now that the election is over, Trump is out of office and Biden is in, thoughts have turned to governing. Well, maybe not governing. More like executive order fiat. It seems the only measure Congress has voted on thus far is the impeachment.

Still, if you believe the Dems, they were the ones we had to elect to restore our "democracy." And every time they mention that word, "democracy," many of us right-wing radicals feel compelled to remind America that we are not in fact a democracy, but are a constitutional, representative republic. Maybe we just say, "We are a republic."

And we are a republic for a reason. The founders knew the difference, which is why they painstakingly developed the form of government we still have and has, at least for now, stood the test of time.

Yet for years, Democrats and, frankly, some Republicans have purposely or mistakenly described America as a "democracy."

Back on Nov. 5, 2011, a Michigan representative, the late John Conyers, gave a speech to the Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America. ?Gee, I wonder where they stand on this issue?

Anywho, among the inane ramblings of John "Read the Bill" Conyers, were gems like "This system, this capitalist system, is broken and may be nearly unrepairable." But he also said, "We're helping make America the democracy that it has yet to become."

Now some might conclude that Conyers and hundreds of other Democratic politicians are just stupid – that they don't know the difference. But they're not stupid, particularly the older Democrats. They know full well what they advocate for, and it's not the utopian "democracy" they preach. It's tyranny.

More recently, and on a much larger stage, our president, "Lunchbox" Joe Biden, exclaimed virtually the same thing, although he has better speechwriters than did Conyers.

During his inaugural address, Biden proclaimed, "Through a crucible for the ages, America has been tested anew, and America has risen to the challenge. … The will of the people has been heard, and the will of the people has been heeded. … We've learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed."

Has it now.

Conyers, Biden, Pelosi, et al., may or may not have known, but son-of-a-gun if it wasn't old Karl Marx himself who was also a huge fan of democracy, because he knew, like did our founders, what it would eventually lead to. Marx said, "Democracy is the road to socialism." And socialism is a mere stone's throw to tyranny.

As I mentioned earlier, the founders knew this and were quite clear of their feelings toward democracy. It's mob rule. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Some have attributed this illustration to Ben Franklin, but I can't confirm.

A few of our other founders' thoughts on the subject:

Alexander Hamilton: "It had been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience had proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity."

James Madison: "Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death."

John Adams: "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."

And James Madison once again: "Democracy is the right of the people to choose their own tyrant."

Well, they cheated to put Biden in The White House. That's not Democracy prevailing, that's corruption prevailing, and for sure no one is voting on those Executive Orders he's signing that are going to hurt Americans badly.

EOs are like a King decreeing law. That's not the way the US was set up or intended to be.

A few..ok..but he's gone crazy with it! More EOs than any other president.

I doubt anyone can post a single one that benefits all Americans. Bad bad bad!