Deported: One Very Old Nazi


Staff member

U.S. Deports 83-Year-Old Nazi Camp Head Guard to Austria

Kumpf, who admits serving as the head guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany, worked in a sausage plant in Chicago for most of his 52-year stay in the U.S., and had six kids with his wife, who died in 2002.

WASHINGTON -- A former Nazi concentration camp guard who was living in the U.S. has been deported to Austria, Justice Department officials said Thursday.

Prosecutors said 83-year-old Josias Kumpf served as a guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany and the Trawniki labor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland, and at slave labor sites in occupied France.

U.S. investigators found he participated in a 1943 mass shooting in Poland in which 8,000 Jewish men, women and children were murdered in pits at Trawniki in a single day.

"Josias Kumpf, by his own admission, stood guard with orders to shoot any surviving prisoners who attempted to escape an SS massacre that left thousands of Jews dead," Acting Assistant Attorney General Rita Glavin said in a statement.

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he should be tried in Israel and, if convicted, executed in Ramla just like Eichmann was.

and I am normally against capital punishment.
He shouldn't be executed. Israel itself would never execute him, even if it were in their jurisdiction, because they have higher moral standards than that.
And besides, he was conscripted against his will, and the US government has never presented real evidence that he actually took place in the killings.
And besides, he was conscripted against his will, and the US government has never presented real evidence that he actually took place in the killings.

Aside from that one remarkably intelligent response you received. it should be noted that in both countries there is a rule of law. If a trial in Israel, a fair trial with a jury, looks at the evidence and finds that Kumpf did participate in the killings than execution is an acceptable sentence.

However, if there is a reasonable doubt, than he is either not guilty or guilty of some lesser crime an appropriate sentence should be handed down.

Plese, no rush to judgement.

Winston Smith
I don't care how old he is. As for conscription, lots of Germans were conscripted and NEVER did the things this guy did. If you read the book, Hitler's Willing Executioners by Daniel Goldhagen you will find that the Nazi government was very good about letting people leave their posts at KZ camps whenever it became too much, AND their next duty assignment was NOT the eastern front. Goldhagen also includes letters from German soldiers were honored to work in the camps and felt they were doing a duty to the Vaterland. I spent almost three years in Germany, I sat with former SS soldiers at thier reserved tables at the Hofbrauhaus and what I discovered was that MANY Germans were not sorry for what their country did, they were sorry that their country lost. This guy deserves to die in prison if he was a willing participant in the final solution. I feel no sadness that he has been removed from his family, he participated in removing entire families from the face of the earth.

From Publishers Weekly
Goldhagen's gripping and shocking landmark study transforms our understanding of the Holocaust. Refuting the widespread notion that those who carried out the genocide of Jews were primarily SS men or Nazi party members, he demonstrates that the perpetrators?those who staffed and oversaw the concentration camps, slave labor camps, genocidal army units, police battalions, ghettos, death marches?were, for the most part, ordinary German men and women: merchants, civil servants, academics, farmers, students, managers, skilled and unskilled workers. Rejecting the conventional view that the killers were slavishly carrying out orders under coercion, Goldhagen, assistant professor of government at Harvard, uses hitherto untapped primary sources, including the testimonies of the perpetrators themselves, to show that they killed Jews willingly, approvingly, even zealously. Hitler's genocidal program of a "Final Solution" found ready accomplices in these ordinary Germans who, as Goldhagen persuasively argues, had absorbed a virulent, "eliminationist" anti-Semitism, prevalent as far back as the 18th century, which demonized the Jews and called for their expulsion or physical annihilation. Furthermore, his research reveals that a large proportion of the killers were told by their commanders that they could disobey orders to kill, without fear of retribution?yet they slaughtered Jews anyway. By his careful estimate, hundreds of thousands of Germans were directly involved in the mass murder, and millions more knew of the ongoing genocide. Among the 30 photographs are snapshots taken by the murderers of themselves and their victims.