Deputizing A Posse


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A Virginia sheriff is vowing to take matters into his own hands and deputize residents if the state's Democratic lawmakers pass strict gun control legislation.

“They will be properly vetted through a normal process. Everything from normal background checks that we do for other deputy sheriffs as well as psych [evaluations]. It’s not just a blanket policy of swearing-in anyone who is interested,” Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday.

Jenkins made the vow during a Board of Supervisors meeting last week in which the panel unanimously agreed to declare the county a "Second Amendment Constitutional County."

“Every Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney in Virginia will see the consequences if our General Assembly passes further unnecessary gun restrictions,” Jenkins wrote on Facebook before the meeting.

A number of counties in the state have passed similar resolutions in response to expected gun control legislation. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam has said his party will push for gun control measures since it regained control of the Virginia General Assembly.

In July, he called a special legislative session in the then-Republican-led legislature to address gun violence following a mass shooting in Virginia Beach that ended with 12 people dead. However, the meeting was adjourned after two hours without any action taken.

Jenkins said that the current deputies and auxiliaries have to volunteer eight hours or more a month.

"They do have to attend certain training and so forth. There’s a lot of different duties we have them perform at no charge to the community that they are a big asset to us. The current auxiliary force we have is over a dozen," Jenkins said, calling the proposals from state lawmakers "overreaching."

"We are looking, if need be to grow that by a thousand."

Fox News’ Louis Casiano contributed to this report.

Virginia sheriff: We'll deputize law-abiding citizens to counter state Dems' gun control 'overreach'
By Joshua Nelson
Published December 11, 2019
Last Update 15 hrs ago

Gun-grabbers will object, but Sheriff Scott Jenkins is invoking Posse Comitatus.

The title of the act comes from the legal concept of posse comitatus, the authority under which a county sheriff, or other law officer, conscripts any able-bodied man to assist her or him in keeping the peace.

Let me begin with the military keeping the peace.

Should President Trump use the military on American soil to stop an invasion of illegal aliens Democrats and their media mouths are sure to cite Posse Comitatus Act the to keep the borders open:

Basically, President Trump has to deal with television mouths shouting Posse Comitatus if he uses the military to beat back illegal aliens claiming political asylum, as well as tell the United Nations to shove non-existent International law where the sun never shines.

Frankly, there is no limit on what a president can do to stop foreign invaders from disturbing the peace:

Trump says he will deploy U.S. military to southern border
By Jordan Fabian - 04/03/18 01:05 PM EDT

The problem is easily solved.

First, have a sheriff form a posse made up of able-bodied military personnel arrest and immediately deport foreigners disturbing the peace. The very presence of illegal aliens disturbs the peace. Old-time sheriffs used to run troublemakers out of town. There is nothing prohibiting today’s sheriffs from running them out of the country.

Secondly, President Trump’s constitutional authority as commander in chief in addition to his oath of office —— the only oath in the Constitution —— gives every president double-edged authorization to send the U.S. military to stop invasions originating in foreign lands. In short: Sending the U.S. military into Mexico to prevent a United Nations invading army from reaching our borders is exactly the same as sending troops to foreign lands in order to prevent sworn enemies from coming here.

NOTE: Media mouths started using the template they invented for Vietnam:

Mainstream media joins the Honduran 'caravan'
By Jennifer Harper
Friday, October 19, 2018

Democrats will always invoke the Posse Comitatus Act in order to keep the borders open. Conversely, not one Democrat (and some Republicans) will defend the ethics and morality built into the Monroe Doctrine.

The Monroe Doctrine is of paramount importance when United Nations scum send enemy combats to this country from the Middle East and Africa for the sole purpose of colonizing.

Basically, enforcing the Monroe Doctrine should be the message sent to invading armies —— not the Posse Comitatus Act, nor a steel and cement barrier that is easily breached.

There is nothing hard to understand about the COMMANDER IN CHIEF’S enumerated authority in the Constitution.

Article II Section 2

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; . . .

Regardless of how Section 2 is interpreted, no piece of legislation can override the president’s constitutional authority. Not the Posse Comitatus Act, not political asylum, nor any other law, and certainly not United Nations law.

Posse Comitatus was enacted in 1878. Not one Court ever said that that law overrides a president’s constitutional authority, yet every time the U.S. military is prohibiting from supporting ICE the Constitution becomes less relevant.

Put the illegal alien invasion issue in perspective. Ask yourself if the Supreme Court can issue a ruling that says politically correct laws override the Constitution? The answer is clearly NO, yet five activist lawyers on the Supreme Court do it all of the time when they refuse to rein-in lower court judges usurping the president’s authority.

Parenthetically, the record shows that activist judges make law in an effort to overturn the Constitution whenever Democrats cannot get what they want by passing an Amendment to the Constitution.

Asking this question is the only reason the Supreme Court exists: Is a piece of legislation constitutional? Answer: President Trump’s commander in chief authority is clearly constitutional irrespective of how he uses it.

I want to cover this aspect of confiscating guns that is never examined in all of the talk about gun controls.

Americans never cowered in fear; so how did that image become prevalent? The answer is obvious. Hollywood movies. Most notably the final scene in High Noon where the sheriff throws his badge in the dust and rides out of town because the townspeople were all cowards.

Americans in the old West were not cowards then, nor are they cowards today. Yet Hollywood portrays Americans as cowards even though they have always been armed. In fact, real-live sheriffs had no trouble rounding up posses to help them go after the criminals.

More often than not, Hollywood movies turned the townspeople into lynch mobs —— after the sheriff caught the outlaw. Indeed, average Americans were depicted as brutal mobs hanging innocent men. The Ox-Bow Incident is the most famous piece of Hollywood crap in the lynch genre. Notice that 78 years after the Civil War ended, and 72 years before Confederate Flag was deemed politically incorrect, Hollywood put a Confederate uniform on the villain in the 1943 movie:

There is not one Hollywood movie that I know of where the plot dealt with the reason for the Second Amendment; a screenplay where guns were instrumental in defending against the federal government. Turning the constitutional reason for guns into a defense against criminals was the message Hollywood Communists put out —— with great success I might add.

On the other hand, there were hundreds of propaganda movies depicting average folks as helpless victims relying on the police to defend them. The truth today, as it was in the old West, is that sheriffs very often need assistance from armed Americans as Hohmann’s piece shows:


A study by Pew Research showed that the only gun crimes on the rise over the last two decades have been mass shootings in gun-free zones or so-called "soft targets."

Now is not the time for Americans to cower in fear, be intimidated by liberal ideology, or apologize for one of America's longest standing constitutional rights – the right to bear arms – say a growing chorus of religious, law enforcement and political leaders.

Sheriffs send message to America: Get armed now
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 12/06/2015 @ 5:37 pm

One fact about guns stands out more than any other —— Democrats will never allow armed Americans to assist the military against enemy invaders, while using a gun to defend yourself against a criminal could land you in jail.

Worse still, the federal government will not use the military to defend this country’s sovereignty irrespective of where the threat originates. An invasion coming through our southern border, and United Nations refugees are two examples of how, and why, the federal government will not defend this country.

Finally, the federal government had no qualms about killing innocent children in the Branch Davidian Massacre, but they will never lift a finger against Islam’s method of warfare in this country.