Desh Wonders WHY Afr. Amer. vote 90% Dem!! Answer:


New member
"Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Obama's Theology Mentor James Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

You know, Desh, I used to wonder the SAME thing myself. A lot of it just leftover stupidity, from when Blacks had no power, unlike today. But even back then, before they had Sharpton and Jackson to Threaten Corporations(who finally got smart and told Jackson and Sharpton to GET A JOB, haha), Blacks incorrectly thought that Dems were their "savior". The poor people listened to Liberal Propaganda, they didn't KNOW that DEMOCRATS, LIKE ROBERT BYRD, A KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER WHO WITNESSED LYNCHINGS IN THE SOUTH, or Al Gore's father, voted AGAINST THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of 1964. It was with REPUBLICANS HELP that Lyndon Johnson passed it.

But I guess NOW, it's a moot point. If Democrats will STILL support a WHITE-HATING RACIST, then I guess they will always have Black Support. But at what COST? How to you people LOOK at yourselves in the mirror? After your YEARS or crying and whining about "racism". You are all very sad excuses for Americans.
Conservatives, those of us who think it's DEMEANING to keep a man or woman on a LEASH of a barely livable existence, with a poverty-scraping Welfare Check, instead of teaching them, giving them incentive, to GET OFF Welfare, and have the PRIDE and SELF-SUFFICIECNCY of a job, an education. Not just "Do what Ma and Grandma did, and keep votin' Democrat, so we can get a Gummint check."
But I guess NOW, it's a moot point. If Democrats will STILL support a WHITE-HATING RACIST, then I guess they will always have Black Support. But at what COST? How to you people LOOK at yourselves in the mirror? After your YEARS or crying and whining about "racism". You are all very sad excuses for Americans.