Desperate Obama calls pro-life groups "liars"


New member
Sounds like some of Obama's past Federal and State Senate votes are coming back to haunt him. He's trying desperately to pretend they didn't happen, or didn't mean what they seem to mean, etc. He's even calling the people who point them out, "liars", though he seems unwilling to identify where they lied and/or call for investigations into official documents that clearly say otherwise.

As always, liberals are pushing an agenda that goes against the will of the people, and they must constantly cover up what they do and what they intend, if they want to get votes. As the press (finally) starts looking more and more into the details of their voting records and history, the coverup is getting harder and harder to maintain.

The current liberal in question, is ratcheting up the rhetoric hugely: apparently he has decided that falsely accusing people of lying, will not hurt him as much as having the truth come out will. He is apparently hoping desperately that the people pointing out the difference between what he says and what actually happened, will back off... along with the media.

But he may find that the long hiatus liberals have enjoyed from media scrutiny, is ending. This bodes no good for the Democrat party... or for its current rock star.


Obama Calls Pro-Lifers Liars

by Amanda Carpenter
Monday, August 18, 2008

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is harshly accusing a pro-life group of "lying" about his record on abortion as a Illinois state senator, despite compelling evidence on the pro-lifers' side.

Obama made the aggressive attack when Christian Broadcasting Network Senior National Correspondent David Brody asked Obama about documentation the National Right to Life Committee recently obtained of a 2003 committee vote on “born alive” legislation that would have required medical officials to give life-saving care to babies who survived abortion.

Obama has said again and again he voted against versions of that bill as an Illinois state senator because it did not include language to protect Roe v. Wade, as the federal version did which sailed through the U.S. Senate 98-0. The committee report, however, shows a 10-0 vote in favor of an amendment to add the same language to protect abortion rights that was added to the federal bill. That same committee report subsequently shows Obama voting the kill the bill in a "final action" vote.

The committee report is also verified by an Associated Press story ( ).

“There was some literature put out by the National Right to Life Committee,” Brody told Obama in an interview that took place Saturday night. “And they’re basically saying they felt like you misrepresented your position on that bill.”

Obama said the NRLC “have not been telling the truth” and launched into some of the most vicious language he’s ever used against his opponents. “And I hate to say that people are lying, but here's a situation where folks are lying,” he lectured.

Douglas Johnson, NRLC’s legislative director wants Obama to apologize to his group or prove the documents they obtained are erroneous. Obama must “either declare the newly discovered documents to be forgeries and call for an investigation of the forgery, or admit that he had misrepresented his record on the live-born infants legislation (not just once, but for four years), and apologize to those he's called liars," Johnson told Townhall in an email.
And here we go folks. It's right wingnut breeding season. Time to put you're bible on the coffee table and your shotgun behind the door. Probably be a good idea to hide your daughters too.

They'll take her guts out and use them to grease the bearings in their wingnut swift boat slime machine.

Turn you're radios down low, there's gonna be a lot of chatter between now and November.

Ya know, stuff like about what it means to be a great Uhmerican and decent Christian kind of folk and who's goin ta church regular and who's one of them there Mohammadin infidels.

These here wingnuts gotsas proposition for all of us. There trying to convince us that we shouldn't vote for some nare do well half breed kid from a big city who's only gonna end up killing babies.

Well we can't be havin that, so, they thinks we should vote for this white haired feller who's main claim to fame was he couldn't fly an airplane real good and got shot down dropping bombs on civillians that were a bit hostile in that he was fixin to drop some bombs on em and probably kill some of their babies. So they shot his hot shot ass down. Then they tossed his ass in the local lock up and didn't zactly give him the 4 star treatmant.....or rather they did. They made a mess out of that fella.....turned his hair white, it did! So that there is why this here white haired fella is real qualified, they say, causin he stayed seven years in this prison and that makes him a real good thinker.

Makes sense, he probly did have a lot of time on his hands there for a spell.
And here we go folks. Time to put you're bible on the coffee table and your shotgun behind the door. Probably be a good idea to hide your daughters too.

They'll take her guts out and use them to grease the bearings in their wingnut swift boat slime machine.

Turn you're radios down low, there's gonna be a lot of chatter between now and November.

Ya know, stuff like about what it means to be a great Uhmerican and decent Christian kind of folk and who's goin ta church regular and who's one of them there Mohammadin infidels.

These here wingnuts gotsas proposition for all of us. There trying to convince us that we shouldn't vote for some nare do well half breed kid from a big city who's only gonna end up killing babies.

Well we can't be havin that, so, they thinks we should vote for this white haired feller who's main claim to fame was he couldn't fly an airplane real good and got shot down dropping bombs on civillians that were a bit hostile in that he was fixin to drop some bombs on em and probably kill some of their babies. So they shot his hot shot ass down. Then they tossed his ass in the local lock up and didn't zactly give him the 4 star treatmant.....or rather they did. They made a mess out of that fella.....turned his hair white, it did! So that there is why this here white haired fella is real qualified, they say, causin he stayed seven years in this prison and that makes him a real good thinker.

Makes sense, he probly did have a lot of time on his hands there for a spell.
The above hysterical ranting was brought to you by a leftist who, literally in the same breath, tried to tell us it was people on the right who were the "nuts".

Pretty typical screed for the leftist losers on this board. :rolleyes:
The above hysterical ranting was brought to you by a leftist who, literally in the same breath, tried to tell us it was people on the right who were the "nuts".

Pretty typical screed for the leftist losers on this board. :rolleyes:

Little-Acorn, or "he who juggles cocks", I must tell you now, what I think, and that is, I must say, that you are a loser.
watermark trolls like a third grader. It's pathetic. Not only unfunny, but unimaginative and completely lacking in any meaningful unsults. A true dork.
And here we go folks. It's right wingnut breeding season. Time to put you're bible on the coffee table and your shotgun behind the door. Probably be a good idea to hide your daughters too.

They'll take her guts out and use them to grease the bearings in their wingnut swift boat slime machine.

Turn you're radios down low, there's gonna be a lot of chatter between now and November.

Ya know, stuff like about what it means to be a great Uhmerican and decent Christian kind of folk and who's goin ta church regular and who's one of them there Mohammadin infidels.

These here wingnuts gotsas proposition for all of us. There trying to convince us that we shouldn't vote for some nare do well half breed kid from a big city who's only gonna end up killing babies.

Well we can't be havin that, so, they thinks we should vote for this white haired feller who's main claim to fame was he couldn't fly an airplane real good and got shot down dropping bombs on civillians that were a bit hostile in that he was fixin to drop some bombs on em and probably kill some of their babies. So they shot his hot shot ass down. Then they tossed his ass in the local lock up and didn't zactly give him the 4 star treatmant.....or rather they did. They made a mess out of that fella.....turned his hair white, it did! So that there is why this here white haired fella is real qualified, they say, causin he stayed seven years in this prison and that makes him a real good thinker.

Makes sense, he probly did have a lot of time on his hands there for a spell.
A brilliant and focussed rebuttal of the accusation that Obama is running from his political history. Makes the right wing nuts sound almost lucid in comparison.

Here is, again, the far left attack on McCain's military service. Any idea how many damned good people got shot down over Viet Nam? Is getting shot down somehow an indicator the pilot did something wrong? And of course, we all know how the innumerable stories of abuse and torture that took place against POWs are all false.

You despicable piece of amphibian shit. McCain may be a lousy candidate for president, and there are many reasons for claiming so. But maligning the man's service is fucking pathetic.
The above hysterical ranting was brought to you by a leftist who, literally in the same breath, tried to tell us it was people on the right who were the "nuts".

Pretty typical screed for the leftist losers on this board. :rolleyes:

Actually I was a moderate Republican (Isn't that an oxymoron now?) for over 20 years until the party was taken over by extremist reactionaries like you little nut. Though compared to an extremist wacko like you I probably do look like a leftist communist, but would Attalla the Hun!
A brilliant and focussed rebuttal of the accusation that Obama is running from his political history. Makes the right wing nuts sound almost lucid in comparison.

Here is, again, the far left attack on McCain's military service. Any idea how many damned good people got shot down over Viet Nam? Is getting shot down somehow an indicator the pilot did something wrong? And of course, we all know how the innumerable stories of abuse and torture that took place against POWs are all false.

You despicable piece of amphibian shit. McCain may be a lousy candidate for president, and there are many reasons for claiming so. But maligning the man's service is fucking pathetic.

No actually that was just a parody on the wingnut mentallity. I supported McCain in the 2000 primaries and I shudder to think how well off America would be today if he had won in 2000 instead of you know who.

McCain is a fine Presidential candidate and a great American hero. Though I'm probably going to vote Democrat as McCain's party has gone insane.
If Obama did vote as these people claim he did, and if he did call those people who pointed this out liars, there is an issue here.

I think the attacks on Little Acorn are a bit uncalled for. Either argue the point or don't. The personal attacks make it seem as though he has hit a sore spot.
No actually that was just a parody on the wingnut mentallity. I supported McCain in the 2000 primaries and I shudder to think how well off America would be today if he had won in 2000 instead of you know who.

McCain is a fine Presidential candidate and a great American hero. Though I'm probably going to vote Democrat as McCain's party has gone insane.
Problem is the only faction I have seen attacking McCain's service record have been from the far left, not the far right.

I agree McCain is a hero. But disagree he is a good candidate for president.

He was, admittedly, the better choice in 2000 against the ass in charge now - but even that, IMO, was a comparison of who was the least crappy. Not that it mattered to me then because I was a registered democrat at the time.
Made me laugh, but I have a rather juvenile sense of humor.'

I won't grow up!
Four years ago, both Watermark and I were viewed as being rational people. When I arrived on I was highly respected. Same goes for WM. Now I'm an asshole, and Waterboy is annoying as fuck. Funny how things change...
If Obama did vote as these people claim he did, and if he did call those people who pointed this out liars, there is an issue here.

I think the attacks on Little Acorn are a bit uncalled for. Either argue the point or don't. The personal attacks make it seem as though he has hit a sore spot.

What issue? That politicians lie? Give me a break. This is just another wingnut attack. They can't stand on the issues so they attack the person. That was the point of my little parody.
Problem is the only faction I have seen attacking McCain's service record have been from the far left, not the far right.

I agree McCain is a hero. But disagree he is a good candidate for president.

He was, admittedly, the better choice in 2000 against the ass in charge now - but even that, IMO, was a comparison of who was the least crappy. Not that it mattered to me then because I was a registered democrat at the time.

That wasn't an attack on McCain. That was an attack on right wingnuts using parody/satire. I was showing by example that when they can't stand on issues they attack the person. In swift boat manner they attack that persons strength, like his service to our country. I just added a certain Republican niave tae to add humor.

McCain will make a fine President if elected and his health stays good. So will Obama.

It appears were opposites. In 2000 I was a registered Republican but well on the way to being alienated. The disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the last straw for me. I switched party affiliation then and have opposed that war ever since.
That wasn't an attack on McCain. That was an attack on right wingnuts using parody/satire. I was showing by example that when they can't stand on issues they attack the person. In swift boat manner they attack that persons strength, like his service to our country. I just added a certain Republican niave tae to add humor.

McCain will make a fine President if elected and his health stays good. So will Obama.

It appears were opposites. In 2000 I was a registered Republican but well on the way to being alienated. The disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the last straw for me. I switched party affiliation then and have opposed that war ever since.
I understood your first explanation. But, like I said, the proplem with understandng the parody is the fact that it has been the far left who has the history of attacking McCain's service record - which is doubly despicable considering how they cried foul when Kerry's service record was attacked.

Fact is extremists of both camps use hypocrisy and personal attacks because when push comes to shove the policies they support are indefensible.

And yes, it seems we were both alienated by the parties we once supported. But I did not switch camps, as I am not affiliated with any party at present. Even while leaving the democratic party, I could not in good conscience join the party that pushed Bush Jr. on us. From my perspective both parties are moving toward their respective extremes, and I simply will not follow.