Determined: Life Without Free Will by Robert Sapolsky review


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Determined is well worth reading for the pleasure of Sapolsky’s deeply informed company. What’s less clear is whether this inventory of the causes of human behaviour should change anyone’s position on free will. After all, most free-will deniers make their case on a priori grounds, meaning that their arguments aren’t dependent on specific scientific findings. If the entire present state of the world was caused by the entire state of the world just before that, and the world back then was caused by the state of the world before that, and so on, then the details of exactly what’s causing what don’t seem to matter.
"His strategy is an ambitious one: to track every link of the causal chain that culminates in human behaviour, starting with what’s happening in the brain in the final few milliseconds before we act, all the way back to how our brains are shaped by early experiences, and even before that, all mostly at the fine-grained level of neurotransmitters and genes.