Development aid key to terrorism fight: Clinton


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by Christophe Schmidt Christophe Schmidt – Wed Jan 6, 6:31 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an impassioned appeal Wednesday for greater US international development aid, saying it was vital to US and global security at a time of growing extremist threats.

Development is a "strategic, economic and moral imperative," the top US diplomat said in a speech at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.

"We cannot stop terrorism or defeat the ideologies of violent extremism when hundreds of millions of young people see a future with no jobs, no hope, and no way ever to catch up to the developed world," she said.

Clinton's speech was prompted by a belief that social and economic conditions need to improve in countries beset by Islamist insurgencies, aides said, citing situations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen as prime examples.

"We cannot be assured" of promoting a safer, more democratic world "when one-third of humankind live in conditions that offer them little chance of building better lives for themselves or their children," Clinton said.

Aides said Clinton's speech was an elaboration on her goal of giving international development equal weight to diplomacy and defense in US foreign policy.

The federal budget for international aid grew nine percent for 2010 over last year, to some 54 billion dollars for 2010.

It is distributed mainly through the US Agency for International Aid and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a government assistance program emphasizing conditions for US-approved governance.

Funds also are targeted for programs such as for AIDS prevention -- 63 billion dollars over the next six years -- and efforts to promote food security, pegged at an initial 3.5 billion dollars.

Clinton said the new development pushed by President Barack Obama was based more on partnership, not patronage.

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The Dude does't favor welfare for other countries.
But if we are going to drop something on them, a little cash is preferable to a lot of bombs in the Dudes book.
by Christophe Schmidt Christophe Schmidt – Wed Jan 6, 6:31 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an impassioned appeal Wednesday for greater US international development aid, saying it was vital to US and global security at a time of growing extremist threats.

Development is a "strategic, economic and moral imperative," the top US diplomat said in a speech at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.

"We cannot stop terrorism or defeat the ideologies of violent extremism when hundreds of millions of young people see a future with no jobs, no hope, and no way ever to catch up to the developed world," she said.

Clinton's speech was prompted by a belief that social and economic conditions need to improve in countries beset by Islamist insurgencies, aides said, citing situations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen as prime examples.

"We cannot be assured" of promoting a safer, more democratic world "when one-third of humankind live in conditions that offer them little chance of building better lives for themselves or their children," Clinton said.

Aides said Clinton's speech was an elaboration on her goal of giving international development equal weight to diplomacy and defense in US foreign policy.

The federal budget for international aid grew nine percent for 2010 over last year, to some 54 billion dollars for 2010.

It is distributed mainly through the US Agency for International Aid and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a government assistance program emphasizing conditions for US-approved governance.

Funds also are targeted for programs such as for AIDS prevention -- 63 billion dollars over the next six years -- and efforts to promote food security, pegged at an initial 3.5 billion dollars.

Clinton said the new development pushed by President Barack Obama was based more on partnership, not patronage.

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