Diagnosis: Stable


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The Diagnosis: "Stable"

By JAMES CARNEY/WASHINGTON Monday, Dec. 13, 1999

A POW lucky enough to make it out alive is always examined by psychiatrists and other doctors, and those examinations continue for several years. In John McCain's case they took place between 1973 and 1984, and are proving two decades later to be a godsend. For when his political enemies began whispering that his 5 1/2 years in prison had made the presidential candidate emotionally unstable, McCain had mounds of paperwork to prove otherwise. Last week his campaign staff allowed TIME to review those records--roughly 1,500 pages of them. The upshot: not only has McCain never displayed signs of a psychological disorder, but also in many cases his doctors' reports read more glowingly about his mind than McCain's best-selling autobiography. Wrote a doctor in 1974: "Patient is a very intelligent, ambitious, competitive, intellectually curious, caring person."

The most revealing reports are from the early years. In March 1973, two weeks after McCain's release, a psychiatrist deems his "emotional status" to be "stable" and says McCain has an "overdeveloped superego," or sense of conscience and morality, and an "unrealistically high" need for achievement. "He may tend to expect too much of himself and take it hard when/if things don't go as planned." Imprisonment seems to have cured one of McCain's problems as well: as one who had long sought to escape the shadow of his famous Navy father, McCain "feels his experience and performance as a POW have finally permitted this to happen," according to his 1974 evaluation. McCain also tells a psychiatrist that among the benefits of his POW experience "he learned to control his temper better, to not become angry over insignificant things." Included in the records is a 1984 IQ test. His score, 133, would rank him among the most intelligent Presidents in history.

There are a few unflattering disclosures. References are made to McCain's "histrionic pattern of personality adjustment" or "mildly hysterical traits," but the technical terms sound more dramatic than they really are. In essence, the doctors were saying McCain was prone to emotional excitability. But they said he could control it. The campaign blotted out most references to his feelings about his family during the years when his first marriage was unraveling.

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McCains a good man and so is Obama. It's great that the parties are giving us the choice of two such outstanding candidates after all these years of Schlock.

I think the my father said it best about Bush/Gore in 20000 "Fuck! This is the best we can do?"
McCains a good man and so is Obama. It's great that the parties are giving us the choice of two such outstanding candidates after all these years of Schlock.

I think the my father said it best about Bush/Gore in 20000 "Fuck! This is the best we can do?"

I agree, Mott.

I don't like everything about McCain or Obama but they are MILES ahead of the Bush/Kerry and Bush/Gore matchups we've seen in recent years.

The fact that liberals are freaking about John McCain and conservatives are acting like Obama is the devil just shows their partisanship.

Neither are that bad. The country will be immeasurably better off regardless of which of them takes office.
all i can say is I hope we have more campaign finance reform, higher taxes, and more money going to people to stupid to be responsible when buying a house.
I agree, Mott.

I don't like everything about McCain or Obama but they are MILES ahead of the Bush/Kerry and Bush/Gore matchups we've seen in recent years.

The fact that liberals are freaking about John McCain and conservatives are acting like Obama is the devil just shows their partisanship.

Neither are that bad. The country will be immeasurably better off regardless of which of them takes office.
I dunno....after last night I'm pretty worried about the state this nation will be in before Bush leaves office. He can still do a lot of damage in his last 100 or so days!!