Diarrhea Mouth & Diarrhea Brain Compare Notes


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The Mouth & The Brain were firming up dialogue for disgorging environmental vomit all over Roman Catholics worldwide:

Pelosi was in Rome to meet the Pope in a prelude to a U.N. meeting on “climate change” in Glasgow, Scotland next month.

On the bright side the Mouth was chased out of church:

After Meeting With Pope Francis, Pelosi Flees Rome Church Service in Security Incident…(Hecklers?)
By Kristinn Taylor
Published October 9, 2021 at 6:58pm


It is a pity that Catholics cannot drive Big Frank out of their church.
The Mouth & The Brain were firming up dialogue for disgorging environmental vomit all over Roman Catholics worldwide:

QUESTION: What was Big Frank’s justification for meeting the world’s most influential Catholic baby butcher?

ANSWER: Trillions of tax dollars going to fund environmental scams is more important than ending the slaughter of infants.

For his part, Pope Francis has insisted that abortion is “murder” and that abortionists are like “hit men” who are paid to assassinate those deemed inconvenient.

The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is a grave moral evil and attaches its severest penalty of automatic excommunication for those who participate in it.

“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion,” declares the Catechism of the Catholic Church. “This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”

“Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law,” it adds.

The Catechism also notes the evil committed by those who “formally cooperate” in abortion, such as those who promote its legality or seek to expand abortion rights.

“Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense,” the Catechism states. “The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life.”

In response to Pelosi’s jubilation over the Women’s Health Protection Act, her archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone, said that such a position is foreign to the Catholic faith.

In his statement, Cordileone said it is “especially shameful that any self-professed Catholic would be implicated in such an evil, let alone advocate for it,” adding that the House bill “is surely the type of legislation one would expect from a devout Satanist, not a devout Catholic.”

“To Catholic politicians in particular, I implore you to listen to the words of Pope Francis who just last weekend, during his flight back to Rome from Slovakia, said: ‘Abortion is more than a problem. Abortion is homicide,’” the archbishop said.

“Any reasonable person with a basic sense of morality and inkling of decency cannot but shudder in horror at such a heinous evil being codified in law,” he declared, adding that the legislation “is nothing short of child sacrifice.”

Pope Francis Welcomes Nancy Pelosi in the Vatican
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
9 Oct 2021


The Mouth & The Brain were firming up dialogue for disgorging environmental vomit all over Roman Catholics worldwide:

Pelosi was in Rome to meet the Pope in a prelude to a U.N. meeting on “climate change” in Glasgow, Scotland next month.

On the bright side the Mouth was chased out of church:

After Meeting With Pope Francis, Pelosi Flees Rome Church Service in Security Incident…(Hecklers?)
By Kristinn Taylor
Published October 9, 2021 at 6:58pm


It is a pity that Catholics cannot drive Big Frank out of their church.

Anyone who is feeble minded enough to believe what the Gateway Pundit publishes has got diarrhea between his/her ears.

. . . Trillions of tax dollars going to fund environmental scams . . .

QUESTION: Did the good little Catholic girl give Big Frank a piece of her action?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has served in Congress for nearly 34 years and presently presides in a top-tier position as one of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government. Amid a recent flurry of complicated decisions she's had to face as leader of her caucus, Fox News host Jesse Watters launched a "Watters' World" investigation into her financial dealings during her tenure in politics.

Last week, the Speaker was unable to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill as progressives in her own party signaled their disapproval. Watters condemned her policies, saying they're making it "harder and harder for average Americans to accumulate wealth," shackling them with taxes and "destroying the dollar with reckless spending."

The current salary of a Speaker of the House sits in the low six-figures, yet Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress.

So what is her secret, asked Watters: "It appears to be her husband, Paul."


"After they got married, Paul opened up a real estate and venture capital firm. And through his connections, he pushed Nancy into the political world, helping her get elected to Congress in 1987," Watters said.

"The couple has timed the market perfectly over the years," he continued, "while Nancy's been a Washington insider. Real estate, stocks, the Pelosis always know what the right investment is."

The Pelosis own several pieces of real estate including a mansion in Napa Valley valued up to $25 million, a DC waterfront condo worth over $2 million, and a red brick mansion in California's Pacific Heights.

Her husband owns commercial properties in San Francisco "combined, worth up to $50 million," Watters continued.

In this Sept. 8, 2021 photo, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., meets with reporters to discuss President Joe Biden's domestic agenda at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

"In 2018, the Pelosis' wealth has skyrocketed," he said. "That year, her financial disclosure report revealed a net worth of over $114 million. In 2019, Pelosi's assets total up to a whopping $271 million and in 2020, those numbers went up even more to as high as $315 million."

"In 2007, Visa worried the new Democrat Congress would target their swipe fees, costing them billions. So they hired a team of lobbyists who descended on Pelosi," Watters added. "Visa's CEO personally met with her. She got donations from them. One of his advisers left and became a visa lobbyist himself."

"Suddenly, Paul Pelosi got a phone call from his broker. He was in luck," Watters continued. "Paul was offered a prescreened invite to get in early on Visa's $18 billion IPO. Did Nancy and her husband hesitate? No, they bought between $1 million and $5 million worth of Visa stock. But it gets better. While Pelosi was speaker, bills that would have hurt Visa's stock price were blocked in the House. Visa shares going up over 200 percent during the time, making the Pelosis a fortune on paper."

"In January, the Pelosis got a million dollars worth of Tesla stock right before Joe Biden announced electric car incentives in June. The Pelosi family cashed in big time just before Congress was set to pounce on Big Tech. Mr. Pelosi exercised options on Google's parent company, Alphabet, making an easy $5.3 million."

Jesse Watters follows the money in Nancy Pelosi's financial dealings Video

Watters provided another instance where the Pelosis cashed in.

"In March, Paul Pelosi exercised $2 million worth of Microsoft options, just two weeks before the tech giant got a $22 billion contract to equip the US Army with high tech headsets," he said.

"The Pelosis have never been indicted for insider trading, but her marriage investments and access, combined with extremely fortunate timing, have created a lot of suspicions. All we're doing is following the money, and there sure is a lot of it," Watters concluded.

Published 20 hours ago
'Watters' World' investigates Nancy Pelosi's financial dealings up to $315 million in assets
By Joshua Comins


QUESTION: Did the good little Catholic girl give Big Frank a piece of her action?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has served in Congress for nearly 34 years and presently presides in a top-tier position as one of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government. Amid a recent flurry of complicated decisions she's had to face as leader of her caucus, Fox News host Jesse Watters launched a "Watters' World" investigation into her financial dealings during her tenure in politics.

Last week, the Speaker was unable to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill as progressives in her own party signaled their disapproval. Watters condemned her policies, saying they're making it "harder and harder for average Americans to accumulate wealth," shackling them with taxes and "destroying the dollar with reckless spending."

The current salary of a Speaker of the House sits in the low six-figures, yet Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress.

So what is her secret, asked Watters: "It appears to be her husband, Paul."


"After they got married, Paul opened up a real estate and venture capital firm. And through his connections, he pushed Nancy into the political world, helping her get elected to Congress in 1987," Watters said.

"The couple has timed the market perfectly over the years," he continued, "while Nancy's been a Washington insider. Real estate, stocks, the Pelosis always know what the right investment is."

The Pelosis own several pieces of real estate including a mansion in Napa Valley valued up to $25 million, a DC waterfront condo worth over $2 million, and a red brick mansion in California's Pacific Heights.

Her husband owns commercial properties in San Francisco "combined, worth up to $50 million," Watters continued.

In this Sept. 8, 2021 photo, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., meets with reporters to discuss President Joe Biden's domestic agenda at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

"In 2018, the Pelosis' wealth has skyrocketed," he said. "That year, her financial disclosure report revealed a net worth of over $114 million. In 2019, Pelosi's assets total up to a whopping $271 million and in 2020, those numbers went up even more to as high as $315 million."

"In 2007, Visa worried the new Democrat Congress would target their swipe fees, costing them billions. So they hired a team of lobbyists who descended on Pelosi," Watters added. "Visa's CEO personally met with her. She got donations from them. One of his advisers left and became a visa lobbyist himself."

"Suddenly, Paul Pelosi got a phone call from his broker. He was in luck," Watters continued. "Paul was offered a prescreened invite to get in early on Visa's $18 billion IPO. Did Nancy and her husband hesitate? No, they bought between $1 million and $5 million worth of Visa stock. But it gets better. While Pelosi was speaker, bills that would have hurt Visa's stock price were blocked in the House. Visa shares going up over 200 percent during the time, making the Pelosis a fortune on paper."

"In January, the Pelosis got a million dollars worth of Tesla stock right before Joe Biden announced electric car incentives in June. The Pelosi family cashed in big time just before Congress was set to pounce on Big Tech. Mr. Pelosi exercised options on Google's parent company, Alphabet, making an easy $5.3 million."

Jesse Watters follows the money in Nancy Pelosi's financial dealings Video

Watters provided another instance where the Pelosis cashed in.

"In March, Paul Pelosi exercised $2 million worth of Microsoft options, just two weeks before the tech giant got a $22 billion contract to equip the US Army with high tech headsets," he said.

"The Pelosis have never been indicted for insider trading, but her marriage investments and access, combined with extremely fortunate timing, have created a lot of suspicions. All we're doing is following the money, and there sure is a lot of it," Watters concluded.

Published 20 hours ago
'Watters' World' investigates Nancy Pelosi's financial dealings up to $315 million in assets
By Joshua Comins


and yet she votes to raise taxes on the rich and on corporations, so that makes you and Watters stupid fuck clowns. get it? there is nothing wrong with making money, bitch.
and yet she votes to raise taxes on the rich and on corporations,

To Hoosier Daddy: Asshole. She taxes the private sector. Government millionaire/billionaire parasites pay their taxes with tax dollars.

there is nothing wrong with making money,

To Hoosier Daddy: There is when government parasites further enrich themselves with more tax dollars.

Labor is converted to money. Taxes are paid with money. The wealthy pay their taxes with the labors of the many. Today’s wealthiest Americans supposedly pay most of the taxes. In truth they receive the most. When you hear a rich guy call for a tax increase he means increase the income tax on private sector working Americans. Proof: If the wealthiest Americans are hurt by taxes they would not call for tax increases.

President Trump is full of crap when he says he wants to tax the rich. If he really wanted to tax the rich he would be pushing hard to repeal the XVI Amendment.


To Hoosier Daddy: Do you also believe there is nothing wrong with pimps getting rich on tax dollars?

"After they got married, Paul opened up a real estate and venture capital firm. And through his connections, he pushed Nancy into the political world, helping her get elected to Congress in 1987," Watters said.​

Husbands of ethically challenged ladies in Congress did right well on tax dollars. That set me to thinking that smart procurers began forcing their hustling girls to ply their trade in Congress. If I am right about this —— the distaff crooks in Congress could be the victims rather than the perps? Democrat ladies in Congress might be guilty of nothing more than business girls turning tricks for their husband pimps. The only other explanation is that they are such bum lays they cannot earn a living working for it on their backs.

Finally, I would love to get my hands on a copy of the moral code the Pelosis teach their children and grandchildren.
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Federal government parasites implementing a Socialist/Communist economy well-know that supermarket retail prices must go higher with every federal tax increase. Exorbitant retail prices for food brings in billions of state and local sales taxes —— those taxes in turn feed the Parasite Class. The same is true of clothing, and housing.

In basic terms, corporations trading on Wall Street that sell peas are ordered to raise the price of peas. Every time prices go up on one of life’s necessities more Americans drop down to the lowest rung on the economic ladder. It is no wonder that more Americans prefer getting paid for not working.

p.s. Thank Scummy Joe Biden for this:

Food Prices Hit Highest Level in a Decade
By Tom Ozimek
October 9, 2021 Updated: October 10, 2021


p.p.s. Scummy Joe & Company learned from FDR’s parasites:

While people around the world were starving during the Great Depression FDR’s Administration plowed millions of acres of produce under the ground so the government could control food prices. In simple terms it was a war between two opposing philosophies. Overabundance versus reduced production.
