Dictator Republicans think they should decide what is best for America


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
I stand anti-party but every conversation I have with Republicans today ends the same. I ask "Who runs this Country, Government or the People? I was blown away when 100% of Republicans I knew personally, and online, answered "The Government".

Republicans openly state that "Americans are stupid and think that they should make Governmental decisions for them." Very openly.

A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic or authoritarian form of government in which a government is ruled by either an individual: a dictator, or an authoritarian party~http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship

Ask a Right Winger today who should hold the power. The Government, or the people?
those bastards......just because they've been elected to Congress they think they have some sort of right to some kind of power in government......somebody ought to pass a law to keep that kind of shit from happening......
they refuse to admit we are a democracy.

they say were not a democracy we are a republic.

do you know why the republican party does this?
and on top of that, just because there's more of them than there are of the other side they have the audacity to think that means their ideas should win........does anyone know why they do this?...... it just isn't democratic......oops, I mean it just isn't Democratic......
In a republic you are supposed to get a representative.

In a republic the KING can pick who represents you.

In a democracy the people get to pick who represents them.
This country is first and foremost a Democracy.

why is it the right in this country DENIES this cold hard fact?
In a republic you are supposed to get a representative.

In a republic the KING can pick who represents you.

In a democracy the people get to pick who represents them.

omigorsh, I didn't even know.......how many reps did the TeaParty King pick?......
This country is first and foremost a Democracy.

why is it the right in this country DENIES this cold hard fact?

I know....I mean who gives a fuck that there were more Republicans elected to the House than anyone else.....this is a country were the hard cold fact is that Democratics is in charge........

Wanton gerrymandering

Actually, not only did the American people vote for Barack Obama a year ago, they put Democrats back in control of the Senate as well. And in the races for the House of Representatives, Americans collectively cast 1.4 million more votes for Democrats than Republican candidates.

And yet, the Republicans still control the House, and a small minority of those Republicans, defying their own party's leadership, are now pushing their nation toward calamity.

That's not to say they don't have the right to do that. Political parties can often find themselves being driven by a unified, if tiny, minority. But, in this case, that group derives its power from what is probably the most undemocratic aspect of the democracy Americans are so proud of.

Budget showdown trio
The budget showdown trio. From top, Democratic President Barack Obama, Republican congressional Speaker John Boehner, Democratic Senate Speaker Harry Reid. (Reuters)

Here's the equation: Republicans control a lot more state legislatures than the Democrats do. State legislatures are in charge of all voting, federal and state. And basically, the Republicans have rigged the game.

For Congress, they've drawn electoral districts that meander and twist and jut, maximizing the influence of their own voters, and "wasting" opposition votes by packing as many of them as possible into districts their opponents will already probably win.

It's called gerrymandering, a word coined nearly 200 years ago in Boston, after then governor Elbridge Gerry signed into law a district so tortured it resembled a salamander.

The result of contemporary gerrymandering: 233 Republican House seats, to 200 Democrats, despite the big Democratic majority in the popular vote. (Two House seats are vacant).

Another result, according to a demographic analysis by the Wall Street Journal: The average Republican district is 73 per cent white (as opposed to 52 per cent in the average Democratic district), and rural, meaning much more thinly populated.

For that reason, Republicans tend to win by much larger margins and are just about impossible to unseat. They are only vulnerable to attacks from the right, and Tea Party candidates are about as far right as you can get.