Did any of you catch the radio talk show host on HardBall yesterday?


I dare you to stop us GL
The guy got his ass handed to him. He looked even dumber than Bill Keller when he makes arguments!!!
good grief...first orgasm's over Overblown..Now over Chrissy..
Prissy Chrissy didn't even know who was President when the Cole was hit by terrorist..so who was it who got his ass shown to them??..

doesn't take much to get libs off, does it..:rolleyes:
meme do you ever deal in regular conversation or is this all you have?

What the hell is.......REGULAR conversation :cof1:
the hero worshipping of t.v. host, Presidential candidates, etc, etc, I find a little weird..
What the hell is.......REGULAR conversation :cof1:
the hero worshipping of t.v. host, Presidential candidates, etc, etc, I find a little weird..

I dont recall anyone saying they worshipped anyone.

I do recall people saying that they thought Olberman was a best current journalist and some even think hes sexy. That is not worship.

BTW I think Mathews is an asshole and have said it many times.

He did nail this dweeb good though.
I dont recall anyone saying they worshipped anyone.

I do recall people saying that they thought Olberman was a best current journalist and some even think hes sexy. That is not worship.

BTW I think Mathews is an asshole and have said it many times.

He did nail this dweeb good though.

So it doesn't matter to you that Chrissy didn't know what the hell he was talking about, just so long as he showed the other guy his ass.. There's that hero worshipping I was talking about..

and for your information, Overblown is not a journalist..he a old used up dumb sportscaster thinking he is now a genius political analyst..:clink:
"So it doesn't matter to you that Chrissy didn't know what the hell he was talking about, just so long as he showed the other guy his ass.. There's that hero worshipping I was talking about.."

Please. No one is "hero worshipping" Matthews. He has been roundly slammed on this board, many times, by those on the left.

But he truly embarassed the idiot on the right yesterday, and that is what we cheer. I don't care who tore someone a new one for that stupid "appeasement" crap we've been hearing for years; I'm just finally glad that someone exposed it for what it is. And it was done in grand fashion; I haven't seen someone so embarassingly humiliated for their lack of knowledge in some time.

It was friggin' great.
Funny....what I saw was a freekin' weasel (Matthews) bully a guest by treating him like he was talking to a student in a classroom...demanding he answer an question irrelevant to the topic.....
If I was being bullied by Matthews, for his own amusement, I wouldn't have given him the answer he was demanding just for spite....

Maybe there is a "who is the bigger asshole" contest between him and Obermann...
And to think..people are getting off on watching other people being bullied and "having their asses handed to them"..kinda sick if ask me.
meme do you ever deal in regular conversation or is this all you have?

I think she's just her to troll.

I'll tell you something Desh. This is why (and probably most enlightened liberal men) find Con women to be astonishingly unattractive. As people, and as women. They love war, they voted for Bush twice, they believe a woman doesn't have a right to choose, they believe in capital punishment and retribution, and they generally don't have pleasant or humorous personalities.
I think she's just her to troll.

I'll tell you something Desh. This is why (and probably most enlightened liberal men) find Con women to be astonishingly unattractive. As people, and as women. They love war, they voted for Bush twice, they believe a woman doesn't have a right to choose, they believe in capital punishment and retribution, and they generally don't have pleasant or humorous personalities.

you need to look in a mirror my dear..

just reading what your write on this board has UNATTRACTIVE all over it...and hateful and intolerant..

But..I won't hold it against you..:clink:
Hatefull and intolerant, hmm I seem to remember bring called unamerican, traitor, etc for speaking out against the invasion of Iraq before it happened....

No I get called intolerant and hateful for ragging on the ones that caused this mess....

Meme and Bravo aren't even good trolls. I've been a conservative bully for about 2 years now and you guys can't even covince me you sound serious. To be a good troll, you need to actually make strong points. You need to try harder because you sound like an 8 year old who just got yelled at by his parents and is taking it out on the internet.
Meme and Bravo aren't even good trolls. I've been a conservative bully for about 2 years now and you guys can't even covince me you sound serious. To be a good troll, you need to actually make strong points. You need to try harder because you sound like an 8 year old who just got yelled at by his parents and is taking it out on the internet.

okey dokey..:rolleyes:
I think she's just her to troll.

I'll tell you something Desh. This is why (and probably most enlightened liberal men) find Con women to be astonishingly unattractive. As people, and as women. They love war, they voted for Bush twice, they believe a woman doesn't have a right to choose, they believe in capital punishment and retribution, and they generally don't have pleasant or humorous personalities.

Listening to con women, "Stepford Wives" comes to mind. They remind me of those vapid looking brain-dead women from the FLDS sect.

Imagine having to live with something like meme.

Disgusting comes to mind.
Listening to con women, "Stepford Wives" comes to mind. They remind me of those vapid looking brain-dead women from the FLDS sect.

Imagine having to live with something like meme.

Disgusting comes to mind.

feeling are very mutual of what we say about liberal wussie men..we just don't be as hateful as you all and go around posting it on message boards.:clink:
Listening to con women, "Stepford Wives" comes to mind. They remind me of those vapid looking brain-dead women from the FLDS sect.

Imagine having to live with something like meme.

Disgusting comes to mind.
Oh geez.

Talk about putting women in a box. If they don't spout the opinions you agree with you immediately find them unattractive. They must think and act how you expect or you can't even stand to be in a room with them? I find that weak.

Seriously, weak and sad.

Women in my world are strong and effective. They have minds and opinions of their own and do not fear rejection for expressing them. They often differ with mine, but those that do are not dismissed as "unattractive" or "disgusting". Labeling them by how sexually attractive they are to you is also sad and objectifying.

As if their only goal should be to attract you by mirroring what you expect from them. I couldn't imagine living with a little mirror of myself especially one that feared rejection if they weren't spouting exactly what I expect from them.