Did government programs cause the present mortgage "crisis"?


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Or at least contribute greatly to the crunch?

Sowell nails it again.



Bankrupt "Exploiters"

by Thomas Sowell
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In one of those front-page editorials disguised as "news" stories, the New York Times blames "the lucrative lending practices" of banks and other financial institutions for helping create the current financial crisis of millions of borrowers and of the financial system in general.

It must take either a willful determination to believe whatever they want to believe, or a cynical desire to propagandize their readers, for the New York Times to call "lucrative" the lending practices that have caused many lenders to lose millions of dollars, some to lose billions and some to go bankrupt themselves.

Blaming the lenders is the party line of Congressional Democrats as well. What we need is more government regulation of lenders, they say, to protect the innocent borrowers from "predatory" lending practices.

Before going further down that road, it may be useful to look back at what got us into this mess in the first place.

It was not that many years ago when there was moral outrage ringing throughout the media because lenders were reluctant to lend in certain neighborhoods and because banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites.

All this was an opening salvo in a campaign to get Congress to pass laws forcing lenders to lend to people they would not otherwise lend to and in places where they would not otherwise put their money.

The practice of not lending in some neighborhoods was demonized as "redlining" and the fact that minority applicants were approved for mortgages only 72 percent of the time, while whites were approved 89 percent, was called "overwhelming" evidence of discrimination by the Washington Post.

Some people are more easily overwhelmed than others, especially when they find statistics that seem to fit their preconceptions. But if we do what politicians and the media seldom bother to do-- stop and think-- an entirely different picture emerges.

In our own personal lives, common sense leads us to avoid some neighborhoods. If you want to call that "redlining," so be it. But places where it is dangerous to go are often also places where it is dangerous to send your money.

As for racial differences in mortgage loan application approval rates, that does not tell you much if you are comparing apples and oranges. Income, credit history and net worth are just some of the things that are very different from one group to another.

More important, in the same ways that blacks differ from whites, whites differ from Asian Americans. The fact that whites are turned down for conventional mortgage loans, and resort to subprime loans, more often than Asian Americans do is seldom reported in "news" stories about lending practices, even though such data are readily available.

Shocking as it may be to some, lenders are in the business of making money, and they don't much care whose money it is, so long as they get paid.

Politicians, on the other hand, are in the business of getting votes, and they don't much care whose votes it is-- or what they have to say or do in order to get those votes.

It was government intervention in the financial markets, which is now supposed to save the situation, that created the problem in the first place.

Laws and regulations pressured lending institutions to lend to people that they were not lending to, given the economic realities. The Community Reinvestment Act forced them to lend in places where they did not want to send their money, and where neither they nor the politicians wanted to walk.

Now that this whole situation has blown up in everybody's face, the government intervention that brought on this disaster in is supposed to save the day.

Politics is largely the process of taking credit and putting the blame on others-- regardless of what the facts may be. Politicians get away with this to the extent that we gullibly accept their words and look to them as political messiahs.
there was moral outrage ringing throughout the media because lenders were reluctant to lend in certain neighborhoods and because banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites.

from the Democrats and other idiot liberals...

a campaign to get Congress to pass laws forcing lenders to lend to people they would not otherwise lend to and in places where they would not otherwise put their money

from the Democrats and other idiot liberals...

The practice of not lending in some neighborhoods was demonized as "redlining"
called "overwhelming" evidence of discrimination by the Washington Post.

from the Democrats and other idiot liberals...


It was government intervention in the financial markets, which is now supposed to save the situation, that created the problem in the first place.

Laws and regulations pressured lending institutions to lend to people that they were not lending to, given the economic realities. The Community Reinvestment Act forced them to lend in places where they did not want to send their money, and where neither they nor the politicians wanted to walk.

lol...So what directly caused the housing market and banking (mortgage) crash...???

DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS screaming for lenders to lend to people that didn't have the ability to pay for the homes they bought and mortgages they took on...
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Do the words, "sub-prime" appear anywhere in my post.....?

Its you that shows himself to be truly stupid....
Do the words, "sub-prime" appear anywhere in my post.....?

Its you that shows himself to be truly stupid....

The fact that you don't understand the fact that the sub-prime loan industry is exactly what you were talking about means you should just slink away now before further embarrassment. What do you think a sub-prime loan is? It's lending to higher risk individuals at a higher rate because of the greater assumed risk by the lending institution.

Fucking retarded.
The "mortgage crisis" in the headline of this post is called the "Subprime Mortgage Crisis."


Read, learn, and go away.
Just to re-state the facts.....

Laws and regulations pressured lending institutions to lend to people that they were not lending to, given the economic realities. The Community Reinvestment Act forced them to lend in places where they did not want to send their money, and where neither they nor the politicians wanted to walk.

lol...So what directly caused the housing market and banking (mortgage) crash...???

DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS screaming for lenders to lend to people that didn't have the ability to pay for the homes they bought and mortgages they took on...

there was moral outrage ringing throughout the media because lenders were reluctant to lend in certain neighborhoods and because banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites.

Now who you think might be upset that "banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites."

Are you really gonna blame Republicans and Conservatives? Really ??? lol
Just to re-state the facts.....

Laws and regulations pressured lending institutions to lend to people that they were not lending to, given the economic realities. The Community Reinvestment Act forced them to lend in places where they did not want to send their money, and where neither they nor the politicians wanted to walk.

lol...So what directly caused the housing market and banking (mortgage) crash...???

DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS screaming for lenders to lend to people that didn't have the ability to pay for the homes they bought and mortgages they took on...

there was moral outrage ringing throughout the media because lenders were reluctant to lend in certain neighborhoods and because banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites.

Now who you think might be upset that "banks did not approve mortgage loan applications from blacks as often as they approved mortgage loan applications from whites."

Are you really gonna blame Republicans and Conservatives? Really ??? lol


"DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS screaming for lenders to lend to people that didn't have the ability to pay for the homes they bought and mortgages they took on..."

That's called a sub-prime loan and it was no act of congress that created that industry.
Little A-hole, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
The "mortgage crisis" in the headline of this post is called the "Subprime Mortgage Crisis."


Read, learn, and go away.
From your article:
The crisis began with the bursting of the US housing bubble[3][4] and high default rates on "subprime" and other adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) made to higher-risk borrowers with lower income or lesser credit history than "prime" borrowers
And, tell us, WHO was it that led the charge in pushing financial institutions to loan to high risk groups?

Can anyone say "The federal government"?
From your article:

And, tell us, WHO was it that led the charge in pushing financial institutions to loan to high risk groups?

Can anyone say "The federal government"?

Again, you're saying the federal government created the sub prime loan industry. That's absurd.
Today I read Richard Bitner's "Confessions of a Subprime lender." It was very interesting. I recommend it to all here.
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Ya gotta love this feature.....
Again, you're saying the federal government created the sub prime loan industry. That's absurd.

Your reading comprehension really sucks....

What hes saying is the Government created the problem.....not a loan industry.....Just a climate in which unqualified people were allowed loans because the liberals(Dems) imagined a bias to blacks.....
facts are not debatable... and this is a fact....
Your reading comprehension really sucks....

What hes saying is the Government created the problem.....not a loan industry.....Just a climate in which unqualified people were allowed loans because the liberals(Dems) imagined a bias to blacks.....
facts are not debatable... and this is a fact....

The sub prime industry is responsible for its own lending habits. Democrats are not responsible for any "climate" that facilitated anything. Why don't you give me a date for this supposed "congressional pressure" movement that happened so I can show you that the sub prime industry has been around longer?
The seeds were planted long ago....liberalism is like a slow creeping cancer...can't tell exactly where or when the shit will hit the fan...but the creeping socialism of the left will bit us in the ass sooner or later....

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974)

Fair Housing Act (1968)

Community Reinvestment Act in 1977

The CRA regulations were substantially revised again in 1995, in response to a directive to the agencies from President Clinton to review and revise the CRA regulations to make them more performance-based


You're embarrassing yourself.

You said liberals, through specific laws and congressional pressure on lending institutions, created the current subprime housing crisis. You were absurdly wrong. This flailing about is unflattering.
Again, you're saying the federal government created the sub prime loan industry. That's absurd.
By creating regulations requiring "more balanced" lending practices, and subsequently relaxing other regulations to make high risk lending more attractive to lending business, yes, they essentially pushed the lending industry into the sub prime market. Now some lenders took unfair advantage of that market, but most did not. If it were limited to the unscrupulous lenders, there would be no crisis.

The crisis is a result of loans being made to people who could not handle the debt. And the loans were made to those people in response to federal housing finance regulations written and modified under the Community Reinvestment Act.
You're embarrassing yourself.

You said liberals, through specific laws and congressional pressure on lending institutions, created the current subprime housing crisis. You were absurdly wrong. This flailing about is unflattering.
The push was essentially bi partisan, with each party using their own methods to prove to JQP that they were best at helping people buy their own houses.

The democrats pushed the regulations about "balanced" lending practices. The republicans relaxed other regulations making the sub prime market more attractive to lenders. Between the two of them, they pushed sub prime lending in housing, and essentially caused the resulting crisis. That is why I said "federal government", not 'liberals", not "conservatives", not "democrats", not "republicans" but THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.