did Obama lie about lobbyist connections?

Obama’s spokesman Bill Burton said the senator knows that it is impossible to completely escape the influence of Washington’s establishment, but that rejecting lobbyists’ money is an important gesture.

“Senator Obama said when he set out this policy that it doesn’t solve the problem of money in politics but it is a sign and symbolic step in the right direction,” said Burton. “It’s not going to stop the sway that money has over policies or that special interests have over legislation, but it indicates the type of administration Obama would have if elected.”

Other K Street players working to build momentum for Obama are former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), a consultant for Alston & Bird; Broderick Johnson, president of Bryan Cave Strategies LLC; Mark Keam, the lead Democratic lobbyist at Verizon; Jimmy Williams, vice president of government affairs for the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America; Thomas Walls, vice president of federal public affairs at McGuireWoods Consulting; and Francis Grab, senior manager at Washington Council Ernst & Young.

Lobbyists tend to be cautious creatures. Evidence that they are flocking to Obama’s camp shows that his campaign has gained substantial momentum among the politically sophisticated.

Some of Obama’s K Street boosters keep their support a secret to uphold Obama’s image as a Washington outsider untainted by D.C.’s influence business."


Corporate lobbyists working to elect him..... OMG!!!!

Lobbyists hiding their connection to him.... OMG!!!

"In his speeches, Obama has lambasted lobbyists and moneyed interests who “have turned our government into a game only they can afford to play.”

"But last year, at the request of a hired representative for an Australian-owned chemical corporation Nufarm, Obama introduced nine separate bills exempting the company from import fees on a range of chemical ingredients it uses in the manufacture of pesticides and herbicides. Nufarm’s U.S. subsidiary is based in Illinois.

Nufarm wasn’t the only beneficiary of Obama’s efforts to reduce customs fees and duties. In early May of 2006, two Washington lobbyists registered to work on behalf of Astellas Pharma, a Japanese-owned drug company which also has offices in Illinois.

The lobbyists’ task? “Introduce legislation to temporarily suspend customs duties for the importation of a pharmaceutical ingredient,” they wrote on their lobbying forms. Less than three weeks later, the men had earned their $20,000 fee, thanks to Obama. "

superfreak forgot to give me credit. I'm the one who suggested two hours ago, that Obama has plenty of lobbyist ties too. And Joila! Superfreak goes on a mission to do research, and posts it a couple hours later.

As DH says, you'll have to show where obama lied, and which lobbyist obama had such a close realtionship with that it literally alarmed and freaked out some of his staff.

I personallly think both guys are too close to lobbyists. IMO, Obama is going to be cleaner than McCain. And I base that on a number of empircal observations, many of which others have mentioned.
i just don't trust this dude.

hope i'm wrong, as it appears he'll be the nominee.

as a registered republican, i'm leaning against my party in hopes of completely purging it of the 'old guard' of 'same old same old'.

mccain is just another politician who bends the truth to his favor.
i just don't trust this dude.

hope i'm wrong, as it appears he'll be the nominee.

as a registered republican, i'm leaning against my party in hopes of completely purging it of the 'old guard' of 'same old same old'.

mccain is just another politician who bends the truth to his favor.

He is not a southerner and he is not a populist. That is the guard that needs to be purged from the party, because populism has always been incompatible with GOP principles, which is why populists voted Dem until 1980.
He is not a southerner and he is not a populist. That is the guard that needs to be purged from the party, because populism has always been incompatible with GOP principles, which is why populists voted Dem until 1980.
He is also not uber-religious. This is a plus from my perspective. First lets get to the real principles of the party, then deal with all that mess after...