Did Palin say the word "Bush"?


New member
It was a fairly long speech - I think it clocked in at over 45 minutes.

It's interesting, since it's a Republican convention, and Bush, the Republican, has been in office the last 7+ years, most of which also had a GOP-controlled Congress. You would just think that she would bring up the name once, or talk about what the GOP has done for America during that time.

Instead - and here's the kicker - much of it was about how she & McCain are the real agents of change.

I've gotta wake up from this soon....
Yes the republicans should have been smart and invoked the name of a man that has very low approval ratings. I found it shocking too that they didn't bring him up repeatedly.
Bush, the
invisible President.

Surely after nearly 8 years surely somethin positive can be said about 'Bush.
I guess you don't get it. She does not like Bushes policies any more then we do--accept some of the social policies he stopped--like the S-chip expansion program.
There's something you should when you cut taxes (for the rich). What is that?

First word is "cut", the second word starts with "spend" and ends with "-ing". There are two syllables.

Ya have to admitt--it worked with Regan. People had good jobs, because the big companies expanded here. Your right partically though--it would not work today. Most would go over seas for the slave labor and little or no regulation. Business is sooo nice in China--and that ain't no BS.

We do need tax cuts for coporations--big ones. And also tax cuts on the rest of the people our future rests on.

You expect government to take care of you--and you are a fool. (if that is the case).

Palin---it is very unusual that a person coould make it to VP nom, from such a a (in a elitists point of view) little po dunct area. But I see something in this gal. I see a integrity to help the people in this country the best--by creating a environment to grow--and live their own lives as much as possible. To have a person with what I hope to be the values she presents right now, be in a VP position--a good looking, well spoken lady that seems to have the conviction people claim--not messaged for 20 years in Washington--is almost a dream come true for most people in the USA--and that is why Palin connects with real Americans.

I have seen her speak a couple of time before she was picked---I just trust her. I trust she works for me and you.

Watch Palin. I think she is here to stay, and it is people like her that will allow the citizens of the USA to bring the country back to where it should be. Free--and the best country in the world. All could move here when they figure out that their expensive social nanny goverment sucks. We welcome all talent that can still dream.

YOU--socialist in your Beemer--living in your rich white neighborhood--talking to the blacks and Mexicans like you want them to be friends with you. You don't have a clue what is going on around you!!!
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"YOU--socialist in your Beemer--living in your rich white neighborhood--talking to the blacks and Mexicans like you want them to be friends with you. You don't have a clue what is going on around you!!!"


I don't know when I've laughed so hard and so often and so merrily, as I have since Friday. This is some great stuff we are getting from the republicans. I don't know who is funnier, the actual McCain team, or their message board acolytes.