Did somebody Lose something? Win something?


New member
Haven't you HEARD, desh baby? Men like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, and Thomas Paine started this experiment, called D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y. It means EVERY American has the RIGHT to decide for THEMSELVES, WHO WILL LEAD US. And Hillary Clinton is going to make SURE that the people of Florida and Michigan will NOT be DENIED THE RIGHT TO VOTE. She's going to make SURE that the 3.2 Million voters, who voted in the Democrat Primaries, will NOT HAVE THEIR VOTES THROWN IN THE GARBAGE CAN!
The only RIGHT thing, the only FAIR thing, the only AMERICAN thing, is to seat ALL DELEGATES FROM FLORIDA AND MICHIGAN. This will give Hillary either MORE delegates than Obama, or very close. And seeing she ALREADY has MORE INDIVIDUAL DEMOCRAT VOTES FROM CITIZENS, the "Super-Duper Delegates" will have NO CHOICE, but to give the Nomination to Hillary.

And then McCain will thrash her soundly, in the General Election.

:hand: :hand: :hand: :hand:

Thank You, Thank You.
I find calling a woman baby an insult.

It implys that Im not a fully functioning being.

I perfer to be called by people such as your self "The empitomey of womanhood, her supreme intelligence and master of all men who walk the earth oh she who shines with the beauty of both the moon and sun who makes the flowers shy due to her radiance who bestows upon the lowly creatures beneath her the raindrops of her wisdom and the lightening bolts of her rath which they so rightly deserve and crave". Or you can just call me Desh for short.