Did the CIA and Likud Sink Jimmy Carter?

If this is true, does the world owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude?

You responded so quickly that I can only assume that you didn't read the article. If Carter had gained a second term of office, I am convinced he would have taken on the Zionists and stopped the mass resettlement of the West Bank with all the attendant problems we see now.
You responded so quickly that I can only assume that you didn't read the article. If Carter had gained a second term of office, I am convinced he would have taken on the Zionists and stopped the mass resettlement of the West Bank with all the attendant problems we see now.

You are correct.

I rushed in with what I thought was a witty bon mot, without reading the entire piece, I am ashamed to admit.
THere is much evidence to suggest that the CIA and Likud hardliners conspired to remove Jimmy Carter from office.


There is a dark history of the CIA undermining Presidents and even elements of that agency being involved in a coup d'tat in 1963; the murder of President Kennedy.

In 1960, President Eisenhower was on the verge of a huge shift towards Détente with Khrushchev and the Russians. His efforts for peace were undermined and subverted, not by the Russians, but by our own CIA. A U-2 spy plane 'mysteriously' flew into Soviet air space and was shot down on May Day, just before the most important summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers was captured wearing a US Air Force flight suit and carrying his Air Force ID which was a gross violation U-2 program protocol. The CIA and the Department of Defense (DOD) had spent millions of dollars sterilizing aircraft and equipment used in clandestine operations, so that anyone who might uncover an operation would be unable, under reasonable circumstances, to trace it positively to its true origin. This was an obvious plot to have Powers shot down and be positively identified as a US agent.

The incident so enraged and incensed Ike that it prompted him to make his military/industrial complex farewell address, the most provocative speech by an outgoing US President. It was a thinly veiled damning of the CIA and the corporate owned military...in his final farewell address where he warned:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

That same mission for peace with the Soviet Union, an order to withdraw 1,000 military personnel from Vietnam by the end of 1963, plans to end our military involvement in Vietnam after securing a second term and secret talks to normalize relations with Cuba cost Ike's successor, John F. Kennedy his life.
There is a dark history of the CIA undermining Presidents and even elements of that agency being involved in a coup d'tat in 1963; the murder of President Kennedy.

In 1960, President Eisenhower was on the verge of a huge shift towards Détente with Khrushchev and the Russians. His efforts for peace were undermined and subverted, not by the Russians, but by our own CIA. A U-2 spy plane 'mysteriously' flew into Soviet air space and was shot down on May Day, just before the most important summit conference between Eisenhower and Khrushchev. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers was captured wearing a US Air Force flight suit and carrying his Air Force ID which was a gross violation U-2 program protocol. The CIA and the Department of Defense (DOD) had spent millions of dollars sterilizing aircraft and equipment used in clandestine operations, so that anyone who might uncover an operation would be unable, under reasonable circumstances, to trace it positively to its true origin. This was an obvious plot to have Powers shot down and be positively identified as a US agent.

The incident so enraged and incensed Ike that it prompted him to make his military/industrial complex farewell address, the most provocative speech by an outgoing US President. It was a thinly veiled damning of the CIA and the corporate owned military...in his final farewell address where he warned:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

That same mission for peace with the Soviet Union, an order to withdraw 1,000 military personnel from Vietnam by the end of 1963, plans to end our military involvement in Vietnam after securing a second term and secret talks to normalize relations with Cuba cost Ike's successor, John F. Kennedy his life.
President Eisenhower's efforts for peace were undermined and subverted, not by the Russians, but by our own CIA. ...Wow

A U-2 spy plane 'mysteriously' flew into Soviet air space and was shot down on May Day, (Shoot-down orchestrated by the CIA, I suppose)

This U-2 flight was "mysterious" as opposed to the earlier spy-plane flights into Soviet air space...How?...

The pilot, Francis Gary Powers was captured wearing a US Air Force flight suit and carrying his Air Force ID which was a gross violation U-2 program protocol....(The CIA forced Powers to carry his ID? and he wasn't wearing his pajamas as in previous flights?)

And JFK was assassinated to prevent him from 'normalizing' relations with Cuba.....(so the CIA assassinated JFK?)

No shit.....!

I can't wait to hear your account of the Hollywood produced lunar landing.....

And how about that 'controlled demolition' of Building 7 in NYC?
you must have the low down on that....

How about the missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11...we all know it wasn't a plane....

Anything on the US-CIA shoot down of the plane in Pa. on 9/11?

and afterward ... you're gonna try to convince us you're perfectly sane, I suppose...:palm:
President Eisenhower's efforts for peace were undermined and subverted, not by the Russians, but by our own CIA. ...Wow

A U-2 spy plane 'mysteriously' flew into Soviet air space and was shot down on May Day, (Shoot-down orchestrated by the CIA, I suppose)

This U-2 flight was "mysterious" as opposed to the earlier spy-plane flights into Soviet air space...How?...

The pilot, Francis Gary Powers was captured wearing a US Air Force flight suit and carrying his Air Force ID which was a gross violation U-2 program protocol....(The CIA forced Powers to carry his ID? and he wasn't wearing his pajamas as in previous flights?)

And JFK was assassinated to prevent him from 'normalizing' relations with Cuba.....(so the CIA assassinated JFK?)

No shit.....!

I can't wait to hear your account of the Hollywood produced lunar landing.....

And how about that 'controlled demolition' of Building 7 in NYC?
you must have the low down on that....

How about the missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11...we all know it wasn't a plane....

Anything on the US-CIA shoot down of the plane in Pa. on 9/11?

and afterward ... you're gonna try to convince us you're perfectly sane, I suppose...:palm:

The pictures Khrushchev showed to the public and to newsmen gave away the ruse. The industrial installations and the rows of aircraft exhibited were tiny dots on regular film, and even with the best enlargement, they would never have met Dr. Cline's criterion of twelve inches from 30,000 feet.

This is a crucial point. The U-2 incident was a clever and sinister deception. Its perpetrators intended for the Russians to find the U-2 and to think Powers was doing a spy's work. Yet, these perpetrators were far enough up in Government circles to know that it was the technology of the camera which must not be given away.

President Eisenhower looked forward to visiting the Soviet Union during May of 1960, along with increasing the level of dialogue with Premier Krushchev regarding implementation of a genuine halt to the arms race. His Crusade for Peace was intended to reach a new level of understanding ushered in with the planned meeting in Paris on May 16, followed by a tour of Russia many expected to be a resounding success for both sides. Charles Bohlen (Russian ambassador from 4/53 to 12/56) recalls, "I was certainly enthusiastic about Eisenhower's scheduled trip to the Soviet Union. Eisenhower was not only a President, he was also a war hero. The Russians would have loved him." [Witness to History, p.462]

But despite all the effort and planning the President of the United States was pinning his forty-five years of government service on the successful outcome of, he found himself outmatched by a very tight-knit group of people operating within the newly-birthed powers of the National Security State complex. When, in his farewell address, he spoke of "guard[ing] against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex", he was not describing some abstract concept about what might lie ahead -- he was going as far as he dared in speaking publicly about his own painful experiences. When he stated "the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist" he was alluding to his own ordeal of crushed hopes for a better world for all.

The urgency of these words -- to take nothing for granted, to call for an alert and knowledgeable citizenry as the only protection against an unwarranted and unaccountable exercising of power, "to compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals" -- these words were spoken by a man who, although Commander-In-Chief, and "leader of the free world," was not truly the one deciding what agendas the United States would pursue and who would benefit by those agendas.

Regarding the following article's discussion of the U-2 overflight on May 1, 1960 -- in direct contravention to President Eisenhower's express orders banning all such flights before his summit conference with Khrushchev on May 16 -- the following sums up the essence of the the misuse of constitutional powers in the executive branch of our federal government via the rubric of "assumption of authorization":

Here is the most astonishing piece of evidence about the misuse of Presidential authority to come to light, including the Nixon tapes. The powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee was asking the Director of Central Intelligence where he got his authority for this infamous flight, and all Allen Dulles could reply was, "Well, we had a group." Then, when Senator Gore asked if Dulles knew whether the men in that group had the proper authority to issue such orders, all that the Director of the CIA could say was, "I assume that he did." There is the whole crux of the U-2 flight, the breakup of the summit conference, the chance for peace.

Because actual authorization could be bypassed by the assumption of authorization, and this has become standard procedure, illegal acts like the U-2 incident can be committed by those whose motives are to undermine the power and the process of the elected Government. . . .

In this ominous byplay, we see the shadow of hands behind the scenes. If Eisenhower did not order the flight, who did? If Dulles didn't know whether the men whom he said authorized the flight had that authority, who knew? If someone had the inside knowledge to get away with launching an unauthorized flight, who was it? And if those people knew that the cameras must be protected, who were they? By the time you answer those questions, even by the time you ask them, you can draw the strings tightly around that very small group who actually did operate the U-2's in 1960. There were only three or four men able to do those things, and their names are in the Pentagon telephone book of 1960. I will not name names as it is not my intention to jeopardize these men's lives.

"The Sabotaging of the American Presidency" -- the U-2 debacle

by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (USAF)



Assigned to Headquarters, U.S. Air Force and directed to create an Air Force world-wide system for "Military Support of the Clandestine Operations of the CIA", as required by a new National Security Council Directive, 5412 of March, 1954. Wrote this policy in conjunction with Air Force General Counsel and CIA's General Counsel. Set up a TOP SECRET world wide support force and communications system. Was sent around the world by the Director, Central Intelligence, Allen W. Dulles, to meet the CIA Station Chiefs, 1956. Directed Air Force participation in countless CIA operations during this period. As a result of a CIA Commendation for this work, awarded the Legion of Merit by the Air Force, promoted to Colonel and assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense to carry out this same type of work for all military services. Assigned to the Office of Special Operations.

With the creation of the Defense Intelligence Agency by Secretary McNamara and the abolishment of the OSO, was transferred to the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to create a similar, world-wide office and was the Chief of Special Operations, with the Joint Staff all during 1962-1963.
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The Col. sold books....period....
He invented controversy and conspiracy where he wanted....(same a Michael Moore, but better)
no different than those pointing to pictures of Building 7 and saying."Look, look, see how the smoke goes, thats a controlled demolition"....that bullshit sold books too....
"The Secret Team" and "The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination .....???

looks like the Col. had a over active imagination (like you) and a desire to make money...

The Col. sold books....period....
He invented controversy and conspiracy where he wanted....(same a Michael Moore, but better)
no different than those pointing to pictures of Building 7 and saying."Look, look, see how the smoke goes, thats a controlled demolition"....that bullshit sold books too....
"The Secret Team" and "The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination .....???

looks like the Col. had a over active imagination (like you) and a desire to make money...

Did 'The Col' make up Eisenhower's dire warnings in his farewell address?

Did 'The Col' make up the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings?

Did 'The Col' make up the pictures on regular film?

Did 'The Col' make up the fact Powers had identification on him, which was never allowed before?

What's truly ironic is you right wing scum bags spend 24/7 railing against 'government'. but ONLY when that government tries to help people. When it comes to the sinister side of government where human beings are killed, assassinated and our system is undermined and subverted, you cocksuckers defend government to the hilt. WHY is that asshole?
Did 'The Col' make up Eisenhower's dire warnings in his farewell address? Irrelevant

Did 'The Col' make up the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings?
Hearings about the U2 shootdown? Of course he didn't make them up you boob, they actually took place
Did 'The Col' make up the pictures on regular film?
No, he didn't make them up, Khrushchev manufactured them (Copies)
Did 'The Col' make up the fact Powers had identification on him, which was never allowed before?
Probably not...so what....did the CIA force the pilot to take ID, boob? Or did they hid it in a fireproof box so it could found in the event of a missile shootdown?

What's truly ironic is you right wing scum bags spend 24/7 railing against 'government'. but ONLY when that government tries to help people. When it comes to the sinister side of government where human beings are killed, assassinated and our system is undermined and subverted, you cocksuckers defend government to the hilt. WHY is that asshole?

You're such a pinhead....I want to thank you for this thread....you've exposed yourself as a ignorant twat for all to see.....you're no different than the idiot birthers and warmers....:palm::rofl:
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You are correct.

I rushed in with what I thought was a witty bon mot, without reading the entire piece, I am ashamed to admit.

No probs, it is a very good article. Unfortunately those that most need to read it will not, preferring to believe deep seated canards to the truth.
Originally Posted by Bfgrn

Did 'The Col' make up Eisenhower's dire warnings in his farewell address? Irrelevant

Did 'The Col' make up the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings?
Hearings about the U2 shootdown? Of course he didn't make them up you boob, they actually took place

Did 'The Col' make up the pictures on regular film?
No, he didn't make them up, Khrushchev manufactured them (Copies)

Did 'The Col' make up the fact Powers had identification on him, which was never allowed before?
Probably not...so what....did the CIA force the pilot to take ID, boob? Or did they hid it in a fireproof box so it could found in the event of a missile shootdown?

What's truly ironic is you right wing scum bags spend 24/7 railing against 'government'. but ONLY when that government tries to help people. When it comes to the sinister side of government where human beings are killed, assassinated and our system is undermined and subverted, you cocksuckers defend government to the hilt. WHY is that asshole?

Eisenhower's dire warnings in his farewell address is irrelevant? Are you really THAT stupid? Here's a man who served 8 years as president. He had wide support, numerous accomplishments and was loved by Americans. WHY would he use his final address as president to warn the American people about this dire circumstance? Did your little brain ever contemplate that?

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

When the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asked CIA Director Allen Dulles where he got his authority for this infamous flight, all he could reply was, "Well, we had a group."

The reason the photographs were nothing resembling real U-2 photos in resolution is because the plane had been stripped of its “top secret” Lundahl reconnaissance camera.

Power's identification papers and personal effects, forbidden to spy pilots, were found by the Soviets in between his seat and folded parachute after Powers belly landed the plane near Sverdslosk.