Did we have a lucky escape by not picking President McCain?


New member
Hello Everyone,

So I found this question on political.com and I thought it was a great question what do you all think?
Personally I believe we did dodge a bullet but Obama has not done that great ether so up to you all the reply and comment.
Hello Everyone,

So I found this question on political.com and I thought it was a great question what do you all think?
Personally I believe we did dodge a bullet but Obama has not done that great ether so up to you all the reply and comment.

LMAO; definately too stupid for prime time. We did dodge a bullet in 2000 when the country nearly elected the dumbest man on he planet; Al Gore. Even Obummer has more brains than hat twit.
It depends on whether you think Obama-Care and a food stamps citizenry is better or worse than wars with Iran, Syria and Russia and which you think will complete the bankruptcy sooner.
Bad premise. You assume Russia would be doing this had mccain been elected... twice. It is BOs weakness that enabled vlad.
Bad premise. You assume Russia would be doing this had mccain been elected... twice. It is BOs weakness that enabled vlad.

McCain vs Putin two authoritarian war hawking nut cases and you believe a war would be impossible, right? Only because of Mutual Assured Destruction i. e. MAD But then again the phony RINO McCain is all hat and no cattle, huh?
Bad premise. You assume Russia would be doing this had mccain been elected... twice. It is BOs weakness that enabled vlad.

Our military would have been further fatigued by almost certain war in Syria, a larger presence in Libya, slower draw down in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's very likely we would be embroiled in WW III with that lunatic as President.
Our military would have been further fatigued by almost certain war in Syria, a larger presence in Libya, slower draw down in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's very likely we would be embroiled in WW III with that lunatic as President.

The ONLY person who threatened Syria with his redlines was Obama you dunces; I don't recall any Republicans clamouring to use force in Syria.

Unfortunately for the US, everyone laughs when Obama makes a threat. You leftist dunces, and some libertarian dunces, are just too stupid to comprehend the disaster that leading from behind entails.
Bad premise. You assume Russia would be doing this had mccain been elected... twice. It is BOs weakness that enabled vlad.

I can easily argue that Putin would be just as bold or even bolder knowing that McCain had over stressed and over committed America's military and national treasury with wars in Syria and Iran and twice as committed militarily in Afghanistan. Hell Putin might be half way back to reestablishing the Soviet Union again with a President McCain in office.
The ONLY person who threatened Syria with his redlines was Obama you dunces; I don't recall any Republicans clamouring to use force in Syria.

Unfortunately for the US, everyone laughs when Obama makes a threat. You leftist dunces, and some libertarian dunces, are just too stupid to comprehend the disaster that leading from behind entails.

As usual you prove yet again that you're a clueless jerkoff. McCain and his little brother Graham have been war-hawking son-of-a-bitches from day one of the Syrian revolution. They've called for American involvement endlessly. They've called for shipping American arms to Syrian rebels without concern that half of the bastards are Islamic radicals even Al-Qaeda. Of course jerkoff nobody would expect you to be that informed or admit it even if you were.
Our military would have been further fatigued by almost certain war in Syria, a larger presence in Libya, slower draw down in Afghanistan and Iraq. It's very likely we would be embroiled in WW III with that lunatic as President.

Nope, nothing lefty here. Move along.
As usual you prove yet again that you're a clueless jerkoff. McCain and his little brother Graham have been war-hawking son-of-a-bitches from day one of the Syrian revolution. They've called for American involvement endlessly. They've called for shipping American arms to Syrian rebels without concern that half of the bastards are Islamic radicals even Al-Qaeda. Of course jerkoff nobody would expect you to be that informed or admit it even if you were.

Dear clueless ignorant and repugnant dunce; please provide anything that links McCain, Graham or any Republicans to calling for use of troops in Syria.

I will wait.

You know you're an idiot when a moron like Rune thanks your posts; but alas, you're just like him; clueless, repugnant, ignorant and uninformed...perhaps just as fat and ugly.