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It's clear that ,Ms Kymberley Cheatle, was appointed Director of the Secret Service in accordance with the Lefts DEI policies for recruitment.

As Director of the Secret Service, Cheatle, in turn, imposed DEI recruitment quotas on the organisation for minority groups and women ,etc. Cheatle aims to have women making up 30% of the Secret Service's staff by 2030.

The Secret Service is basically a specialised Government "paramilitary" organisation designed to protect the US President and visiting foreign Heads of State. To be a Secret Service agent, one must be prepared to sacrifice their life without hesitation in defending the President. Equally, a Secret Service officer must be ruthless in acting immediately and without hesitation to eliminate any direct threat to the President's life.

After the assassin's bullet struck former President Trump on the 13th July, the former President dropped to the floor of his stand and Secret Service offices threw themselves on top of him to form a "blanket" - type human shield. When he received news that the shooter was dead ,Trump then instinctively insisted on struggling to his feet to face his supporters and raise his fist in defiance and shouting : "Freedom" !! - "Freedom" !! for the crowd of TRUMPER rally-goers he had been addressing . THAT "TOOK THE CAKE" FOR THE "COOLEST" THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE As he stood, punching is fist up defiantly above his head, Secret Service officers nearby, pressed themselves round him to provide a human shield. They then moved TRUMP off his stage and transported him into a large van.

What stood out in my mind during this dramatic sequence of events was that the Secret Service agent covering the front of Trump's body was a woman who was relatively short. When she was standing with her arms braced around Trump, his head and much of his upper chest were still clearly exposed.

This woman's bravery and dedication were not in question, my point is to do with objective standards. US Secret Service agents should all be relatively tall, because they may well have to act as human shields (as in the case of the recent Trump assassination attempt) for a big man who is well over 6 foot tall. (Trump is 6 foot 4 inches tall and he also has a very robust build/frame) So to qualify as a Secret Service field agent a person must be - let's say - a least 6 foot tall. Also, a Secret Service agent working in the field must be a strong and very fit person; immobilising, restraining and escorting a big man like Donald Trump when his is thrashing about in fury, requires the kind of physical strength that most women do not possess. Similarly a SS agent may have to (physically) fight and overpower a villain and/or even kill him with his own hands in certain situations. The vast majority of woman have nowhere near the strength of an average male. Therefore they should not be working as Secret Service agents in the field. END OF STORY.

A Secret Service agent in the field, must also be prepared to kill at a moment's notice and without the slightest hesitation (like a combat soldier in conventional warfare. If you were an American GI in New Guinea in WW-2 and you spotted a Jap soldier in the Jungle in front of you, even if this Jap was not threatening you in any way, you would immediately line him up in the sights of your rifle, then blow the bastard's brains out). My experience of women is that -generally speaking- they are DEEPLY averse to killing or (physically) harming other living things, in particular, other human beings. Even where a woman is legally/morally justified in killing a person who is, for example, personally assaulting her or threatening her with a deadly weapon or otherwise harming her with lethal intent, she will still find the physical act of killing her assailant abhorrent.In short, women are not biologically suited for roles like combat soldiers or Secret Service field officers. It is taken for granted that a Secret Service agent is an effective and efficient killer who is prepared to eliminate a person who is a direct threat to a President's life whenever/where ever necessary.

Women ,on the other hand, are not biologically "cut out" to be killers - killing things is simply not a part of their NATURE

Some of the most heated criticism of the Trump assassination attempt has been directed at the administrative eschelon of Cheatle's Sercret Service. I am referring to those SS agents responsible for the research, planning, strategic, and tactical, etc, components of the organisation's operations. That is, those individuals who are analogous to Officers in the US Army - like a Colonel - whose role is to provide leadership for the combat troops in his Regiment by planning the strategies and tactics that they will use to defeat the enemy on the battlefield. Those in Cheatle's SS administration had clearly fucked up the planning and general organisation of the SS operation to keep Trump safe and secure at the site of his rally on the 13th.

If Kimberley Cheatle's diversity-hire drive to boost the proportion of the organisation's female employees has included taking on a significant number of women at the administrative - level, that could explain why Donald Trump came within a millimetre of death on the 13th. I say this because we already know that an unbelievable and unacceptable catalogue of errors/oversights of various kinds were made by those Secret Service personal responsible for planning the operation to protect Trump on the 13th First and foremost only SS agents with years of active, successful service ,"in-the-field", should be promoted up into administrative roles. This is pretty much how the Armed Forces work in the US. You don't get to be an Officer unless you have proven yourself to be a good "grunt" first (especially in times of war).

The American left - (who have controlled Biden and the "Deep State" for the past over 3 1/2 years) are totally moonbat - crazy; that's a no-brainer. Right? And DEI is one of their most- cherished moonbat - crazy policies (because it's a form of "high-voltage" Marxism they've actually managed to "plug in" across the US). It would not surprise me at all, if Kymberly Cheatle, was more concerned with meeting her target quota for female SS agents, than doing the job she is supposed to do (which is to prevent the President of the US from having his fucking head blown off). How can we know that Cheatle's Diversity - Hire women all met the high standards that ought have been set for being appointed a role in the field, or in the administration, of the US Secret Service. How can we be sure that DEI will not become D I E

Getting back to Director Cheatle's Secret Service, Cheatle has no doubt been forced by the hard -Left faction of the Democrat Party-(that is currently running the United States !!) - to impose DEI recruitment quotas on the organisation's intake of new recruits - because Cheatle herself was a "Diversity hire." Also, the Secret Service has traditionally been a White, straight, male-only organisation, so the Left simply couldn't wait to increase the number of women in the service by mandating DEI quotas for female in the organisation. I've given you examples of why this is foolishness in the case of recruiting female Secret Service field agents. The Secret Service'e next Diversity - stunt will probably be to start hiring gay "soy-boys" to protect the President or trannies like the strikingly - beautiful, Biden, cabinet appointee: Secretary of Health, Admiral, Dr Rachel Levin.

The same applies to the administrative echelons of the Secret Service, where the design and planning of operations is conducted (1) I see US Secret Service operations which are chiefly about providing security for an American President (or high-profile former US President , like Donald Trump) when he appears in public in different locations to speak at a rally, etc; as resembling miniature theatres of combat. For example, the Secret Service agents on duty must have similar combat instincts and skills of those US troops in Vietnam in the 1960s who were assigned to regions where the communist Viet Cong were an active presence. The members of Viet Cong (VC) used guerrilla warfare tactics. The VC typically hid themselves in underground tunnels, when they emerged to launch attacks, they were not dressed in uniforms, but in the typical clothing of a typical Vietnamese peasant, they would also conceal themselves before making stealthy,"surprise attacks" on US troops. After making a "hit" they would then "run" back into hiding. These are also the tactics that most assassins use when planning ato shoot a US President/ visiting foreign Head of State and other such VIPs: concealment, disguise, stealth, surprise."

It is only through becoming experienced with this kind of "guerrilla environment", that a Secret Service agent could ever become a competent administrator in the organisation. And knowing the hair-brained lunacy of the Left, it would not surprise me at all if Kymberley Cheatle recruited raw, under-experienced (or even inexperienced) women to positions in the Secret Service administration where they were responsible for the: planning, research, logistics, risk evaluation, required manpower, tactical and strategic factors, etc; that would have a direct bearing on a given situation where a US President / former-President would be appearing in public and require the Secret Service to provide security on the ground.

Finally, another reason it is pure stupidity to start allow women to work in what has always been a hyper-masculine, macho, high testosterone domain like the US Secret Service, is also one of the "no - brainer" reasons that women in the past have never been allowed to join Army infantry divisions as combat soldiers. What do you think would have happened if after Pearl Harbour, the US Army had implemented a policy of conscripting young American women to fight alongside male GIs. What do you think would have happened if US infantry Divisions had been 50% male and 50% female. I'll tell you.... there would have been one hell of a lot "Fuckie - Fuckie" and "Suckie - Suckie"going on ,(24/7), and not much interest at all in fighting the NAZIs.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!

* From day one 20th Jan, 2021) Biden was tightly controlled by a radical, extreme-Left faction of the Democrat Party.

* DEI recruitment for federal government agencies was mandated in a number of Biden Executive Orders

* The DEI bureaucracy is a purely Marxist (i.e. neo-Marxist/cultural Marxist) political instrument.

* I am surprised that Kymberley Cheatle was appointed Director of the Secret Service pre-Biden. The way I see it, women should not - as a rule - be employed as Secret Service agent/officers at any level of the organisation's hierarchy of responsibilities, especially the apex (i.e. "Director").

* I believe that Cheatle set a Diversty quota with respect to woman working in the US Secret Service. She has stated that her goal is to have women make up 30% of the Secret Service workforce by 2030. I am pretty sure Cheatle set this (INSANE) Diversity objective during the Biden Presidency.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund - the Loyal TRUMPER Hound