Discrimination against citizens

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Discrimination Against American Citizens is Legal in America
Because 'Americans are not a Protected Class'

"Corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. " Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

In 2002, an American IT worker filed an EEOC complaint against a private employment agency charging that the agency was not submitting his resume for advertised available positions with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for which the American citizen was fully qualified. The EEOC denied the claim stating that American Citizens can't be discriminated against in the labor market because they are not a 'protected class'.
Thomas Jefferson believed that freedom from corporations is a basic human right.

Even hundreds of years ago, the danger of corporations was known .. yet, today many Americans still have no idea what is destroying the fabric of this country.

Take the red pill.
Thomas Jefferson believed that freedom from corporations is a basic human right.

Even hundreds of years ago, the danger of corporations was known .. yet, today many Americans still have no idea what is destroying the fabric of this country.

Take the red pill.

Britain had huge monopolies that operated in specific portions of the globe, such as the Musgrave Corp. (Russia) and the East India Company. That is where the apprehension came from.

Anyway, Jefferson sucked and was a lousy hippocrite. Adams, Hamilton, and the Federalists were the better founders than the Jeffersonian crowd...
Britain had huge monopolies that operated in specific portions of the globe, such as the Musgrave Corp. (Russia) and the East India Company. That is where the apprehension came from.
and rightfully so. Corporations as a legal entity with rights is a flawed concept.