Dispelling the myth that Obama increased the DOW by massive amounts beyond Trumps

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It is time to dispel the myth that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25.

DOW close the day Obama was inaugurated: 7,949

Previous DOW high under GWB: 14,164.43

DOW close when Obama left office: 19,827.25

The notion that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25 points is obviously a lie.

An analogy would be like saying you buy a house worth $1,000,000 before the plunge. Then after the plunge it was worth $650,000. Then when you sell it at $1,100,000; you would claim you gained $1,100,000 - $650,000 = $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000.

Using this correct analogy; Obama's DOW growth would be 19,827.25 - 14,164.43 = 5,662.82.

Contrast this with Trump, he has been in office only 22 months and the DOW has grown, even after it's recent plunges, 4,832 points.

Obama had eight years; average annual growth of the DOW equals 707.85 points.

Trump, let's call it two years; average annual growth assuming NO change would be 2,416.

Yes, Trump is far outperforming Obama when it comes to the DOW.

The DJIA hit a market low of 6,443.27 on March 6, 2009, having lost over 54% of its value since the October 9, 2007 high.

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) slumped to 7,949.09, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation.

[FONT=q_serif]When Obama left office it was at 19,732. This was a rise of 7,012 points during his term, or +55.1%.[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]When Trump took office the Dow closed at just over 19,827[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]Here is where the Dow ended up with the last five presidents prior to Obama in order from most recent:[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]George W. Bush -24%, down 2,522 points closing at 10,471[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]Bill Clinton, +55.7%, up 3,744 points closing at 10,588[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]George H.W. Bush +45%, up 1,007 points closing at 3,242[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]Ronald Regan +30%, up 281 points closing at 1,227[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]Jimmy Carter -1.3%, down 13 points closing at 946[/FONT]



The DJIA hit a market low of 6,443.27 on March 6, 2009, having lost over 54% of its value since the October 9, 2007 high.

When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) slumped to 7,949.09, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation.

[FONT=q_serif]When Obama left office it was at 19,732. This was a rise of 7,012 points during his term, or +55.1%.[/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]When Trump took office the Dow closed at just over 19,827[/FONT]

:lolup: A dumb fuck; using the analogy that suggests if you buy something for $1,000,000 that drops to $650,000 and then sell it for $1,100,000; the gain is $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000. Fucking MORON. :laugh:
:lolup: A dumb fuck; using the analogy that suggests if you buy something for $1,000,000 that drops to $650,000 and then sell it for $1,100,000; the gain is $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000. Fucking MORON. :laugh:

March 2009 the DOW was @ 6644

January 2017 the DOW was @ 19,800

... this ain't long division Dip Shit
It is time to dispel the myth that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25.

DOW close the day Obama was inaugurated: 7,949

Previous DOW high under GWB: 14,164.43

DOW close when Obama left office: 19,827.25

The notion that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25 points is obviously a lie.

An analogy would be like saying you buy a house worth $1,000,000 before the plunge. Then after the plunge it was worth $650,000. Then when you sell it at $1,100,000; you would claim you gained $1,100,000 - $650,000 = $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000.

Using this correct analogy; Obama's DOW growth would be 19,827.25 - 14,164.43 = 5,662.82.

Contrast this with Trump, he has been in office only 22 months and the DOW has grown, even after it's recent plunges, 4,832 points.

Obama had eight years; average annual growth of the DOW equals 707.85 points.

Trump, let's call it two years; average annual growth assuming NO change would be 2,416.

Yes, Trump is far outperforming Obama when it comes to the DOW.

You are truly as pitiful as Trump.. Still dissing Obama.. LOLOL.. Is Trump still campaigning on the size of his private parts?

March 2009 the DOW was @ 6644

January 2017 the DOW was @ 19,800

... this ain't long division Dip Shit

:lolup: A dumb fuck; using the analogy that suggests if you buy something for $1,000,000 that drops to $650,000 and then sell it for $1,100,000; the gain is $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000. Fucking MORON. :laugh:
:lolup: A dumb fuck; using the analogy that suggests if you buy something for $1,000,000 that drops to $650,000 and then sell it for $1,100,000; the gain is $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000. Fucking MORON. :laugh:

Inane analogy, plus we've seen these "truthie facts" before

But playing the game, Obama didn't buy the house at 14,146 but rather 7,049, and sold it to Trump eight years later for 19,927, which Trump is looking to get 24,388 for it as of yesterday. You can do the math but it sure seems like Obama did a hell'va lot better than Trump has and he didn't have a Recession to deal with along the way

It is time to dispel the myth that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25.

DOW close the day Obama was inaugurated: 7,949

Previous DOW high under GWB: 14,164.43

DOW close when Obama left office: 19,827.25

The notion that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25 points is obviously a lie.

An analogy would be like saying you buy a house worth $1,000,000 before the plunge. Then after the plunge it was worth $650,000. Then when you sell it at $1,100,000; you would claim you gained $1,100,000 - $650,000 = $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000.

Using this correct analogy; Obama's DOW growth would be 19,827.25 - 14,164.43 = 5,662.82.

Contrast this with Trump, he has been in office only 22 months and the DOW has grown, even after it's recent plunges, 4,832 points.

Obama had eight years; average annual growth of the DOW equals 707.85 points.

Trump, let's call it two years; average annual growth assuming NO change would be 2,416.

Yes, Trump is far outperforming Obama when it comes to the DOW.

But Trump is not yet done and things aren't looking that great.
This has to be some of the most ridiculous logic I have ever seen.

You start with the assumption that no one bought or sold stocks during the Obama Presidency or for 2 years prior to that. Do you understand the people buy and sell houses all the time, sometimes losing money if they bought the house for $1M and were only able to sell it for $650K? If a person bought that house for $650K and then sell it for $1.1M their capital gain is not restricted to $100K.

Performance of the DOW over time is based on start day and an end day, not on the previous high before a start day.

The normal way to compare stock growth is by percentage which allows for an easy comparison. If I buy APPL at $10 and it goes to $20 or I buy APPL at $200 and it goes to $210 which is a better profit?

The next issue you run into is you use absolute dollars instead of chained dollars. If I bought IBM in 1970 for $50 and it goes to $60 is that $10 worth more or less than if I bought IBM in 2017 at $50 and it goes to $60? I'll give you a hint, in 1970 I could buy a car on the profit of only 200 shares. In 2017 it would require the profit from 2,000 shares. (Using percentages allows comparisons without having to adjust for inflation.)

I hope you are getting a lot of help in saving for retirement because I don't trust your ability to understand how investment works. But don't worry, Trump has removed the rule that your investment advisor has to look out for your interests. That should make you happy and about 10-30% poorer
Inane analogy, plus we've seen these "truthie facts" before

But playing the game, Obama didn't buy the house at 14,146 but rather 7,049, and sold it to Trump eight years later for 19,927, which Trump is looking to get 24,388 for it as of yesterday. You can do the math but it sure seems like Obama did a hell'va lot better than Trump has and he didn't have a Recession to deal with along the way


Of course you can't follow common sense; you're a brain dead partisan hack on steroids. I expect the OBVIOUS to be confusing to a moron of your caliber.
This has to be some of the most ridiculous logic I have ever seen.

You start with the assumption that no one bought or sold stocks during the Obama Presidency or for 2 years prior to that.

You're a fucking moron on steroids just making this claim. Do you work at being stupid? Or does it come naturally?

Do you understand the people buy and sell houses all the time, sometimes losing money if they bought the house for $1M and were only able to sell it for $650K? If a person bought that house for $650K and then sell it for $1.1M their capital gain is not restricted to $100K.

Apparently the point is beyond your intelligence level. I'll try to dumb it down for you. If you bought a house for $100K. Then the market tanks and it is only worth $50K. Is your house still worth $100K?

Now, if the market comes back and you sell the house for $110K; is your gain $60K? After all, that is what you morons are saying about Obama's Presidency and the stock market.

If you get your head out of your ass, you might be able to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Performance of the DOW over time is based on start day and an end day, not on the previous high before a start day.

The normal way to compare stock growth is by percentage which allows for an easy comparison. If I buy APPL at $10 and it goes to $20 or I buy APPL at $200 and it goes to $210 which is a better profit?

The next issue you run into is you use absolute dollars instead of chained dollars. If I bought IBM in 1970 for $50 and it goes to $60 is that $10 worth more or less than if I bought IBM in 2017 at $50 and it goes to $60? I'll give you a hint, in 1970 I could buy a car on the profit of only 200 shares. In 2017 it would require the profit from 2,000 shares. (Using percentages allows comparisons without having to adjust for inflation.)

Good lord; STFU already. It is obvious you're now just rambling stupidly for the sake of being a moron.

I hope you are getting a lot of help in saving for retirement because I don't trust your ability to understand how investment works. But don't worry, Trump has removed the rule that your investment advisor has to look out for your interests. That should make you happy and about 10-30% poorer

I hope you get some help extracting your empty head from your asshole. :laugh:
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It is time to dispel the myth that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25.

DOW close the day Obama was inaugurated: 7,949

Previous DOW high under GWB: 14,164.43

DOW close when Obama left office: 19,827.25

The notion that Obama grew the DOW by 11,878.25 points is obviously a lie.

An analogy would be like saying you buy a house worth $1,000,000 before the plunge. Then after the plunge it was worth $650,000. Then when you sell it at $1,100,000; you would claim you gained $1,100,000 - $650,000 = $450,000. But the gain wasn't $450,000. Your gain was only $100,000.

Using this correct analogy; Obama's DOW growth would be 19,827.25 - 14,164.43 = 5,662.82.

Contrast this with Trump, he has been in office only 22 months and the DOW has grown, even after it's recent plunges, 4,832 points.

Obama had eight years; average annual growth of the DOW equals 707.85 points.

Trump, let's call it two years; average annual growth assuming NO change would be 2,416.

Yes, Trump is far outperforming Obama when it comes to the DOW.

Who cares? The DOW isn't the economy.
Of course you can't follow common sense; you're a brain dead partisan hack on steroids. I expect the OBVIOUS to be confusing to a moron of your caliber.

Notice "truthie" didn't even attempt to discredit anything I provided showing his post was completely ludicrous

Say good night "truthie"