Dixie ignores people to live in his own pretend reality and not have to hear reality!


Well-known member
Dixie said:

"No, I prefer to ignore him in my User CP and then post a thread telling him and the rest of his pinhead clones, they are being ignored and to not bother posting to me anymore. This way, I can talk about what a fucktard moron he is, and how he has no credibility, or any apparent educational background, and make fun of him without having to even look at what the retard posts in response. Get it?"

See there he basically admits it!
Change your title from Dixie to Jarod and the same would apply. Maybe more so. At least Dixie doesn't make up quotes other people say like you do.
Change your title from Dixie to Jarod and the same would apply. Maybe more so. At least Dixie doesn't make up quotes other people say like you do.

1) I have never put anyone on my ignore list, except Dixie for about 5 min's to see how it worked.

2) I never made up any quotes?