Dixie spins so fast he cant keep his lies consistant!


Well-known member
Dixie said...

"it (Sarin gas) is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations according to UN Resolution 687"

IN the same thread after I pointed out that the UN resolution did not classify Sarin gas as a WMD!

"UN Resoultions do not determine whether certain chemical weapons are WMD's."


Jarod.... my good friend.... you are wasting too much life energy on getting an idiot to admit that he is an idiot....

I have told you that that particular idiot will NEVER admit he is wrong. You should really let go..... you'll feel so much better when you do.

Dixie is a redneck illiterate racist fool.... he is not worth your time. trust me.
I know he is never going to admit it, Now I am enjoying showing the world what an idiot he is!
I agreed with Dixie once, don't remember about what though.
But that does not mean he is not stupit.