Dixie's circular arguments!


Well-known member
"it (Sarin) is classified as a WMD by the UN according to UN Resolution 687"


"UN Resoultions do not determine whether certain chemical weapons are WMD's."
The Golden Rule doesn't appear in the Bible. I think it is from ancient Jewish law,..

"Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them."
Jarod, you and Maine worry too much about Dixie......
I just want to ensure nobody takes his silly rhetoric seriously...
If I worried about him before, I certainly won't now. Life is too short to waste it on idiots.

LMAO... They both have my quotes in their sigs, one of them can't help but post to every thread I make, even though he knows he is being ignored, and the other is obsessed with posting threads about me over and over.

Naw, they aren't concerned with me in the least! LMAOoooo!
Jarod, you and Maine worry too much about Dixie......
I just want to ensure nobody takes his silly rhetoric seriously...
If I worried about him before, I certainly won't now. Life is too short to waste it on idiots.

LMAO... They both have my quotes in their sigs, one of them can't help but post to every thread I make, even though he knows he is being ignored, and the other is obsessed with posting threads about me over and over.

Naw, they aren't concerned with me in the least! LMAOoooo!

This post would be impossible if these people you quote here were being ignored wouldn't it? In fact, this post is proof that they are not being ignored. It's nothing more than Blabba on meth. Still lying, but doing it in vibrant colors.

Way to go Dixie!!!!!!
it is interesting that he knows I have a quote of his in my signature and that he periodically responds to my posts by quoting them if he is, in fact, ignoring me. What is really happening is that he knows that I would wipe his ignorant racist redneck ass if he ever engaged me in debate so, like the yellow blooded chickenhawk that he IS, he hides from me. Why am I not surprised?

He validates and gives credibility to the claims of other slanderous assholes that I am a pedophile who has raped my own son, yet he supposedly ignores me? what a fucking coward.
This post would be impossible if these people you quote here were being ignored wouldn't it?

The wonderful thing about the ignore feature is, you can choose what posts to read and what posts to ignore. I would say I probably ignore 95% of what you, jarhead, and the pervert post. When I respond, it doesn't mean that you are not being ignored, or that I will respond further, as we are not having a dialogue. Now, get back to what you do best, posting DNC talking points and making a jackass out of yourself, and joining your butt buddies in pretending you aren't concerned with me!
This post would be impossible if these people you quote here were being ignored wouldn't it?

The wonderful thing about the ignore feature is, you can choose what posts to read and what posts to ignore. I would say I probably ignore 95% of what you, jarhead, and the pervert post. When I respond, it doesn't mean that you are not being ignored, or that I will respond further, as we are not having a dialogue. Now, get back to what you do best, posting DNC talking points and making a jackass out of yourself, and joining your butt buddies in pretending you aren't concerned with me!

As long as you are still lying your ass off, we are pleased.

Looks like its time for another VICTORY Dance!!! Happy Feet!!!!

actually... when you IGNORE someone on this site, you are unable to read ANY of their posts.... for Dixie to claim he is IGNORING me is only correct in that he refuses to enter into debate with me because he knows he gets his ass embarrasingly whipped each and every time. He choses not to respond.... he sees what I write and reads what I write. He ignores nothing of what I write... he only runs away from what I write after he reads it.

because he is a chicken. a liar. a racist. a slanderous toad.

but those of us who have been around him for a while have known that for some time.
Jarod, you and Maine worry too much about Dixie......
I just want to ensure nobody takes his silly rhetoric seriously...
If I worried about him before, I certainly won't now. Life is too short to waste it on idiots.

LMAO... They both have my quotes in their sigs, one of them can't help but post to every thread I make, even though he knows he is being ignored, and the other is obsessed with posting threads about me over and over.

Naw, they aren't concerned with me in the least! LMAOoooo!

Stop LYING, you are not ignoring me, you engage me in debate when you can come up with a retort... otherwise you pretend to ignore me! WE cal all see you are not ignoring me! IDIOT!
Where would we all be without Dixie....

No more classic threads such as:

'God gives me financial advice in the shower'
'The Bush Homoerotic Poem'
'The Mystery of the Magic 1/3's'
'The Iraqis Had Them WMDs'

Dixie is classic comedy gold....