DNC Erects Massive Wall Around Convention and Mandates ID for Entry — Yet Opposes Border Security and Voter ID Laws!

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
More brazen hypocrisy from dems. And as always the corporate media supports them.

aug 18 2024 The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has once again demonstrated its blatant hypocrisy as it prepares for the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) from August 19-22, 2024.

While the party has vehemently opposed the idea of border security and voter ID laws, they are now erecting massive steel fences around the United Center in Chicago, all in an effort to keep protesters at bay and ensure the safety of their attendees. The DNC’s decision to mandate ID for entry into the convention is equally hypocritical. The same party that claims voter ID laws disenfranchise voters is now requiring identification for those wishing to enter their own event. If voter ID is oppressive, why is it acceptable at their convention?
It highlights the conditions in a Democratic shithole. It also tells you they want nothing to do with the citizens of this country.
Biden won the primaries. How did Kommie-la get the nomination? The DNC leaders just GAVE it to her. There should have been new primaries.
And dont forget the 2016 INSTALL HILARY plan.....and the "We are going to run Biden from his basement" operation.....this anti democratic move from the DNC is nothing new.
Just look at what happened to people who went to the so called Peoples House to protest a fraudulent election.
Look at this big beautiful wall

We all know what happened. Pelosi sent in federal agents to turn the protest into a riot and arrest everyone. Even killed a couple of unarmed women.
So called law enforcement shot what were they flash bangs into the peaceful crowd, and held the doors open for the crowds inviting them in...even gave some tours of the capital....

After the agents of the Regime had spent almost 8 weeks ginning up interest on social media.

This was a CIA operation.
More brazen hypocrisy from dems. And as always the corporate media supports them.

So did the GOP in Milwaukee, and no