Do French Voters Want the Far Right in Power? Macron Takes a Gamble.

Do French Voters Want the Far Right in Power?
French voters want exactly the same things that Trump supporters want, i.e. control over borders/immigration, sovereignty (vs. being controlled by foreign powers), control over their economy, removal of unelected people running their country, etc ... i.e. they want to make France great again, not watch it go down the EU's leftist toilet.

You might have read Into the Night's explanations of how the US might be headed for civil war, with the stolen election being the irreconcilable match to the powder keg. France is at that point now, having had several matches placed to the powder keg, and the violent protests are only going to get worse if conservatives aren't allowed to fix the current leftist cancer infesting France's government.

Of course, in order to put a negative spin on this, the media is referring to conservatives as "far right" just to generate panic.

I'm guessing that France and the US aren't the only two countries facing this issue and that we're going to be seeing more such discontent as time marches on.

Insane: Macron warns of "civil war" if either Le Pen or the left wins the upcoming elections.The insane part is that he, and he alone, decided on these elections, taking everyone by surprise. If he thought they might cause civil war, why do it? Also it's regardless completely irresponsible for a President to say something like this, as it effectively legitimizes civil war as response to election results and risks a self-fulfilling prophecy.